Do you ever wish you were ignorant so you could (possibly) live in bliss?

1 Answer

Answer :

Dorothy Parker’s reflection on this question comes to mind: See the happy moron, He doesn’t give a damn. I wish I were a moron, —My God! Perhaps I am!

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Last Answer : answer:Following my bliss is the only important thing in my life. I am a free spirited type and do not do well being caged in, wings clipped, conforming for the sake of conformity, not ... in confining environments full of boring and repetitious tasks, regimented regimes. Gah..just shoot me! :-P

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Last Answer : There’s a lot of frustration in your question and nothing that’s easy to answer. I feel for you.

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Last Answer : Ignorance is bliss within reason. Sometimes knowing too much can be paralyzing. At the same time knowing too little can mean making an uniformed decision that can get you into trouble. There ... some knowledge about what you are doing and risking to not spin your wheels at something impossible.

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Last Answer : Worldwide suffering and genocides The fact that Donald Trump is so popular.

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Last Answer : Eargasm.

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Last Answer : There are some things we are probably better off not knowing. Like when I was crazy about this guy and found out from someone that he didn’t think I was pretty enough for him. I think I would have preferred not knowing that. It was hurtful.

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Last Answer : answer:Where there is no Truth .all knowledge remain as ignorance .thus false The desire of ignorance is satisfied in the multitude. The desire of Truth can only be satisfied in Singularity . So we see ... . So as long as Truth is satisfied by the crowd, then they all stand in blissful ignorance .

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Last Answer : answer:The fish are not harmed, they’re simply exploited. If you eat meat, you should be OK with this. Vegans & PETA would be offended by this, but I see no problem with it. Sign me up!

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Last Answer : Here is a whole batch of reviews for the phone in question.

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Last Answer : Of course. I wish I had no idea of the great injustices of the world. I’d be a much happier person. Is it beneficial to anyone but yourself, however? No.

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Last Answer : Here ‘tis nice to have bartleby online

Description : Of no use to one Yet absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing. The young man has to lie for it. The old man has to buy it. The baby's right, The lover's privilege, The hypocrite's ... To the young girl, faith; To the married woman, hope; To the old maid, charity. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Kiss.

Description : Of no use to one Yet absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing. The young man has to lie for it. The old man has to buy it. The baby's right, The lover's privilege, The hypocrite's ... To the young girl, faith; To the married woman, hope; To the old maid, charity. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A kiss.

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Last Answer : 4786574388

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Last Answer : I don’t think the definition of “ignorant” is what is being described here.

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Last Answer : I have to honestly say that I think I know one person that doesn’t think it’s due to be legalized. And the people that I know span across plenty of demographics. Heck, even my 86 year old grandmother thought it was silly not to legalize it.

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Last Answer : 1) Future Mrs C 2) Sustainable food source 3) Laptop with wifi acces (ask-public junkie)

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Last Answer : I’ve met a couple of those before and no, I have no patience for willful ignorance.

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Last Answer : Ancient religions Auto Mechanics Construction Woodworking Deep sea fishing Golf Archeology The one I’d be most interested in is ancient religions and worship.

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Last Answer : Yes. It’s called morals. The payoff is making someone’s day by using your expertise, making a profit off of the commission, and getting a good noght’s sleep by doing the right thing.

Description : Is it reasonable to state that people choose to be ignorant?

Last Answer : answer:“Is it reasonable to state that people choose to be ignorant?” Yes.

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Last Answer : Why do Gods look so much like people? And why do they have the same emotion and mindset of normal people?

Description : What's the most ignorant statement you've heard recently that bugged you?

Last Answer : God says, fill in the blank.

Description : Do you think ignorant people tend to be happier (in their simple life, I mean) than those who seek truth?

Last Answer : No, I don’t. Ignorant people seem to be angry about a lot of ridiculous things.

Description : Have you heard any ignorant slams lately?

Last Answer : This is the only oxymoron I know of . . . except maybe this one.

Description : What are the most ignorant jokes you have gotten through out your life?

Last Answer : answer:Oh that’s easy. I get this on all the time form rabid right-wingers offended by my policy ideas. They appear to believe this is a profound rebuttal of a lengthy statement of facts. “Your stupid.” The thing that’s funny about that is they don’t even know what’s funny about it.

Description : Speakers of other languages: do you notice as much incorrect and ignorant use of those languages (please name them) by native speakers as you hear and see among native speakers of English?

Last Answer : answer:I have always said of myself in my feeble attempts at best at being multilingual… “I can screw up grammar, syntax, and punctuation in about 6 languages.” Especially english, which is my native language.

Description : Is it better to know everything or stay ignorant about some things?

Last Answer : answer:You would know what you need to know, when you need to know. Trying to know only the sake of knowing is a vain pursuit anyway. When you are faced with something and you need an answer, it will be right there.

Description : At the risk of sounding totally ignorant.... Latin vs Hispanic? Which do you use?

Last Answer : I only ever use ‘Latin’ when I’m talking about the language. I’ll use the country name if I know it/it is applicable.

Description : Can you help a beef ignorant woman cook herself a steak dinner?

Last Answer : answer:A tender cut such as rib eye, filet mignon or shell steak. Hot cast iron pan, a little butter and garlic, sear on both sides fast…fry some onions, too. Tender beef can be tasteless.

Description : What's the best way to handle opinions that you consider ignorant?

Last Answer : Slam my head agains the wall? that's what I do sometimes - that and discuss all this incredulous ignorance with my husband. I think it's good to debate, not argue, with someone that you consider ... opinions, the answer is a resounding yes, in that it is possible and has happened a lot of times.

Description : What can I do about ignorant neighbors?

Last Answer : I don’t think that ignorance is your problem. Their problem is autocentricity on their part. You might try talking to them, coming to an agreement about times, volumes, etc. You might take it up with the landlord. You might want to conduct your negotiations with the landlord present, too.

Description : Are ignorant people louder?

Last Answer : I know the obvious tactics of ignorance or conceit. Things like talking louder makes it true, repeating the same line over and over is evidence,or if no one challenges his passive-aggressive strikes he claims victory, if only in his mind

Description : Does it bother you when someone tries to malign someone's intelligence by saying something that's just as ignorant?

Last Answer : Actually, I find that someone going off on someone else’s intelligence is a clue to someone not so intelligent.

Description : Are you as ignorant as me?

Last Answer : Perhaps there is a species that is only fruit bearing every X many years? I do not know about holly, but I know my aunt’s trees are only fruit bearing every other year. If that were the case, some could be on the fruit cycle while others are not.