Why do I feel uncomfortable in P.E.?

1 Answer

Answer :

maybe you have good technique… or your coach is a sexual predator…I would just hope for the good technique.

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Last Answer : answer:I would hope not. I can change a tire, my struts, fix my brakes, fix my lawnmower, lift heavy objects and kiss your ass.

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Last Answer : answer:For a single movie I'm not sure why it would affect them at all. For a TV series or series of movies I guess it would depend on if they wanted to be killed off so they could move on to ... a movie then they probably shouldn't take the role if it's going to affect them on an emotional level.

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Last Answer : Yes. An uncle. I refuse to acknowledge that I am related to him.

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Last Answer : I’m very uncomfortable in the city of Buffalo. It’s scary. And ghetto. You can’t walk down the street alone without feeling like there’s a possibilty of getting mugged or shot.

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Last Answer : Maybe something like “survivor’s guilt,” only in regards to prosperity? They have so much, he has so little, and they could help but choose not to. Or do, but can never do enough. Either that, or a kind of classism. “OMG, we’re so much better than him! How dare he sit where we sit!”

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Last Answer : Within a few minutes I felt it travel down my left arm to my hand and then a couple minutes later it was on my left side then up the left side of my neck and across my mouth, tasted ... know of three other people with the same reaction. The second shot I had similar but less pronounced. Moderna.

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Last Answer : I think when the conversation is one sided and nothing but questions it sounds intrusive, aggressive and nosy. I would probably answer with something pleasant that sends the message that you're busy, without ... question. Something like I'm very busy now getting ready for work. Have a great day.

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Last Answer : High heel shoes, and thong underwear come to mind right out of the gate. I knw they have thongs for guys to, but wouldn’t wear them on a bet.

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Last Answer : Ran over my garbage cans with her Mom's 4Runner.

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Last Answer : RedDeerGuy1 – think about it for moment. What’s the danger?

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Last Answer : I’ve not been in the shit like you have by any means and I don’t pretend to understand what you went through. I can say, though that I’m good for about 48 hours backpacking before I change and wash the other pair in the stream.

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Last Answer : Privacy is a possession, just like cash, or diamonds. Invaded is stolen.

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Last Answer : I would go for the implants. Another jelly asked about implants two days ago and I spoke extensively about them then.

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Last Answer : answer:I think that's an interesting question. It probably depends on the level of the job. If you were an employer hiring for shift-work (let's say it's production-line for $14/hr), how would ... who needs me. Waste resources training somebody to get the confidence to leave? I don't think so.

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Last Answer : I have lived rural for decades now and while I enjoy traveling I do not like the noise, traffic, congestion and general chaos of big cities. Once you are used to peace and quiet city noise and energy is taxing. Foreign cities are more fun than american cities though.

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Last Answer : Being blocked from a from a family members Facebook account

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Last Answer : “I don’t feel comfortable talking about B.”

Description : Blisters from uncomfortable shoes?

Last Answer : answer:Nothing will totally get rid of them. That comes with time. You can soak the feet and put some antibiotic ointment (neosporin, polysporin, etc.) on the blisters, which will soothe them and ... even more irritated by rubbing or chafing. The best thing you can do is get more comfortable shoes.

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Last Answer : Maybe I'm to senile (or its just to late) for me to understand the question. I'll try though. I think that older people MAY have a different work ethic because we entered ... because that pension never materialized and they were having to choose between eating and their blood pressure medication.

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Last Answer : I get the opposite, they want to learn more! I show others How to do things quicker, although I do not have some of the above skills that you say. One could have had an opportunity to TEACH and get paid for upgrading the coworkers? That company lost a valuable employee who could have taught them.

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Last Answer : answer:Is that a smartphone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? I wouldn’t carry it in a back pocket. Smart phones don’t flex when you sit down.

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Last Answer : Is she from the States or not? Cause the only thing I can think in your description is you made yourself look cooler than her because you are more traveled.

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Last Answer : answer:Just experience it. Think about giving sympathy, what you mean by it when you give it, what you would like back from someone else.

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Last Answer : Stay as quiet as possible and think invisible thoughts.

Description : Is there anyone out there who hates his/her town/city so much that he feels uncomfortable walking round?

Last Answer : Yes. I feel that way about the town I grew up in from ages 9-17. It's a little backwards ass town that although is in Southern/Central California, feels more like a depressed Midwest town that time ... the city limits it's a very odd feeling. Leaving town feels like I've cleansed myself. No kidding.

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Last Answer : answer:One must go with the gut feel on this one. The TV has its ratings scheme but most parents by default know their kids best. Err on the safe side I guess. If a parent is uncertain about ... follow I guess. Just the ability to adapt to present situations in your kid's life and growth process.

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Last Answer : answer:Call me an evil asshole, or unwilling to take the moral high-road, or whatever, but celebrating his death just doesn’t really make me bat an eyelash. *shrugs Lord, I’m probably going to get flamed all to hell for this, but whatever.

Description : Would you be uncomfortable sharing a bedroom with a gay roommate?

Last Answer : I would be more uncomfortable rooming with a homophobe.

Description : Ladies, do/would you go out in public without a bra on? Would it make you uncomfortable?

Last Answer : I have a generous portion and tend to wear a bra unless what i am wearing demands otherwise. I’ve no problem walking about without one on, maybe if they weren’t pointing in the right direction i’d make sure they were supported.

Description : What could cause someone uncomfortable gas if it's not food or drink?

Last Answer : Listen to your doc first and foremost. Your flora and fauna in your intestines could be out of whack and there are any number of reasons for that. If it helps any my oldest son had a bout of what you describe and probiotics got him back on track. Good luck!

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Last Answer : restless leg syndrome?

Description : How uncomfortable do the words "menstrual cycle" make you?

Last Answer : You're right in that some people are uncomfortable with such mysterious things as a female reproductive system and its wondrous workings - but that's their problem. You are the presenter and you ... precedent. Therefore, because there is nothing wrong with saying menstrual cycle' then just say it.

Description : Are you good at sullen, uncomfortable silences?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Less than 36 hours left and I'm still uncomfortable calling them the "ohs", "aughts" or "noughties" (the years from 2000 AD to 2009 AD). How about you?

Last Answer : Seems that the “description” has become part of the question.