What's your biggest brag?

1 Answer

Answer :

I constantly brag about the size of my, er, “feet”.

Related questions

Description : Why do I get anxiety when people brag about me?

Last Answer : If your mom posts something where she is proud of you, you won't be considered cocky. Sounds to me like you have anxiety about living up to people's expectations. Perhaps it will help if you realize ... 's expectations are ephemeral. And your ex was an asshole. Be glad you are no longer with him.

Description : Can you give me a list of YouTube videos that brag about modern technology or computers?

Last Answer : Please look at TED Talks . You will find all kinds of things that interest you. From thier description: “TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global set of conferences run by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading”.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think anything will change. The only reason why this got such publicity is because it was a famous and frequently photographed lion. If it hadn't been a famous lion - but instead ... episode will be forgotten - by everyone - within a month. Passing fad. No serious changes will happen.

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Last Answer : noelleptc, did you break the fish into morsels and feed a multitude?

Description : What do you do when people you know brag on themselves/their kids/whatever constantly?

Last Answer : I usually will sing along..or fake a heart attack at intermission and not come back…sometimes a well-placed fart says all you need to say too ;)

Description : Do you want to brag on your children?

Last Answer : My son got straight As for the first marking period! He also told me that he wants to postpone Christmas until his dad gets home from Iraq (I thought that was awesome because he knows it's more ... since my husband left (like helping taking out the trash and putting away his clothes). He's awesome!

Description : Is there something you can boast and brag about?

Last Answer : I was under the impression doing that at all makes you an arrogant D-bag lol. Are we allowed to brag now? Not that I would at all, I take the stance of Socrates: I don’t know anything.

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Last Answer : I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any special forces units within the United States Government.

Description : How can I brag with Google Maps?

Last Answer : You can fix it yourself with photo-editing. Display the map with ZERO pins and subtract that from the two maps with pins. Any black areas are pin-less. You can use this as a mask to create images ... only need to create one pin map and overlay it on the second map w/ pins as generated by google).

Description : How Do You React to People Who Constantly Brag?

Last Answer : “Cool story, bro” “No one cares” “That’s nice”

Description : People that are currently in therapy, what victory have you celebrated recently that you want to share and/or brag about?

Last Answer : Need Answer.

Description : What's your biggest 'what the =U(|< am I doing with my life?' moment.

Last Answer : answer:Wait. There’s a way out?

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Last Answer : answer:Love yourself first. The story behind it? Helping others without helping myself first and getting hosed because of it. Did that twice, will not do it again.

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Last Answer : answer:Answering this question well. I really don’t have a lot going on at the minute. I think I failed :(

Description : What is your biggest worry, stress, for today?

Last Answer : Nothing, I have what some might call a blissful, enchanted existence. I prefer to call it earned leisure.

Description : What is your biggest fear?

Last Answer : It is a tie between the global resurgence of fascism, and bees.

Description : What is your biggest fear currently?

Last Answer : Letting anxiety or depression creep back in, I've made a conscious effort for when the pendulum swings back from happiness, motivation, desire or among other feelings to stay away from what feels like ... influence or change. In some ways for me this goes hand in hand with anxiety and depression.

Description : What is your biggest fear in life?

Last Answer : Spending my final years alone and unloved.

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Last Answer : That it is fair. Life is not fair.

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Last Answer : Sagan, Chomsky, Harris, Dawkins etc.

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Last Answer : Honestly, I don’t think the “save civilization” rationale has been invoked nearly as often as the “God wants us to snuff those bastards” rationale.

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Last Answer : When I was about 11 years old I discovered that my mum was cheating on my dad. Years later a someone discovered a similar thing about me (I was cheating on someone). Bad times.

Description : What are your biggest responsibilities to others? Under what circumstances would you put those responsibilities in a lower priority? (Please read details).

Last Answer : answer:My daughter is raised, I am divorced the last 8 years and my only respnsibilities are to myself and my animals. It’s a good place to be and I am lovin’ it! I paid my dues, and now it’s MY time! ;-)

Description : The biggest decision that you've ever had to make was?

Last Answer : answer:Whether to get my colon removed. It ended up being kind of a no-brainer, though. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to get through college and therefore move forward with my life without getting it done.

Description : I've got some big (life changing) changes to be made..coming up, what was the "biggest step" that you've ever made?

Last Answer : answer:So far, my biggest step was moving away from home at 18 and living on my own. I moved to a city about 6 hours away from my parent's and I didn't know anyone. I only got homesick ... terrified. Never happened again after that though. It was the best decision ever. Btw, good luck to you. :)

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Last Answer : I achieved my dreams and beyond… I expected NOTHING from my family except love and support for what I was doing in and with my life . And a very sincere CONGRATS to Lynnebundle

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Last Answer : That there is nothing more restorative than time spent in nature. This morning I saw a deer with three-week-old twin fawns.

Description : What is the biggest problem or issue in your life right now? have you figured out a plan or a solution to try to fix it?

Last Answer : Jobless. Working on it. Doing contract and freelance work with a well connected agency. Next is my healthcare runs out next month. I will get back to you on that.

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Last Answer : I usually rent a few billboards with my picture that says “Would you lay this man (for free)? Are you female? You would? You are? Then call 555–5555”

Description : What has had the biggest influence on your life?

Last Answer : answer:People come and go in my life. But someone once said to me when I was 10, An oak tree is just a nut that held its ground. I thought about all the crap a nut has to go through - ... it was the coolest saying ever. And so I stick all the bad times out, because this too shall pass .

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Last Answer : Yes, my best friend always slams the doors on my 24 year old car, but I don’t feel like bringing it up because I have a feeling he’ll make it bigger than it is. It’s not worth getting in a fight over.