How do you perfectly cook a 1" top sirloin on a Gas Grill to medium rare every time?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t know about all the hood up and down and blah blah blah, but here’s how you can tell how done your steak is… First, find the big mushy muscle at the base of your thumb. (The abductor pollicis brevis and flexor pollicis brevis). Touch your thumb to your pinkie and press on that muscle. That’s well done. Ring finger = medium well Middle finger = medium Index finger = medium rare Touching no fingers = rare

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Last Answer : answer:Wrap that sucker in aluminium foil or NOT .... and enjoy!,1-0,grilled_salmon,FF.html http:// ... pre-marinated and in the little aluminium dish it comes in from the grocery store. It cooks just fine.

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Last Answer : You could use the shoots. they would have a milder onion flavor.

Description : Recipe page - The Fluther definitive easy to make/bake cook book?

Last Answer : Family fave: Hot spaghetts. Slice pepperoni and boil in water with a little dried onion. When the water boils throw in one cup elbow macaroni. Or more depending on how many your serving. Chop up some ... mix it with one can condensed tomato soup and bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. Serves 4.

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t need science to chop the apples and sort the blackberries to make my killer apple blackberry pie. I suppose if one wishes to turn sewage into meat like that Japanese scientist..well..I’ll just eat berries and roots, thanks.

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Last Answer : … best question ever… patiently awaits answers…

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Last Answer : answer:It depends on the recipe. If it needs cooked chicken, it usually specifically mentions it. Quick tip. This may be a little advanced, but if you are feeling daring. If the recipe does want ... minutes. You can toss in the mushrooms for about 2 minutes after that. This can enhance the flavor.

Description : Is it normal for my cast iron skillet to give off more smoke when I cook with it?

Last Answer : I cook with mine often, but they are well aged (antique 40–50 yr old ones). Just make sure you follow seasoning tips and ensure you are patient with the heat changes.

Description : Why does my dog get so nervous everytime I cook?

Last Answer : answer:You are a very bad cook and she can sense this? Perhaps it is the noises, pots banging, sizzling, lots of smells (although food smells usually have my dog running FOR the kitchen). Are there any noises in ... for instance? Other than that, I have to go back to .. you are a very scary cook :D

Description : How do you prep and cook the tender young summer asparagus?

Last Answer : My favorite way is with an asparagus steamer so the the ends are in the boiling water and the tops just steam. I do not peel the tender, young asparagus.