How have TV commercials changed in the past six months?

1 Answer

Answer :

The phrase I’ve noticed a lot of is “now more than ever,” with regard to saving money. Now more than ever we need to save our rollover minutes. Now more than ever you need a better warranty. Now more than ever such and such a bank has customized options for you.

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Last Answer : I remember a lot of commercials when I watched the tube as a kid, but it was slightly tolerable. There does seem to be way more now. Maybe I’m wrong, gave up cable television a long while back.

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Last Answer : answer:Here are two of my favorites.

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Last Answer : Here is a list of The 10 Most Offensive US Advertisements in 2011. It makes you wonder what some of these ad agencies were thinking, as well as the companies that approved them.

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Last Answer : answer:Most of the songs you are listening to are from the good music of the 70s. This just goes to prove my point…..all the good new songwriters either are deaf or have broken fingers. Nothing really good has come down the highway in music, since the latter part of the 80s.

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Last Answer : TO TRY TO GET YOUR ATTENTION!! (Sorry for the high volume.)

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