Are the questions and answers on fluther way too long?

1 Answer

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Related questions

Description : Would there ever be a publication of collected 'best' answers from Fluther?

Last Answer : I think it would only be ethical if permission were sought from each contributor that one wished to include. Although our answers are now in the public domain - so to speak - we might be willing to have them out ... not as part of a book. It's a nice idea in many ways, but that would be my caveat.

Description : Is there any way you could spark a discussion like the one below on Fluther?

Last Answer : You just did.

Description : What would you write for readers of the future that may read your personal message, to give them a glimpse of what life was like now? Well thought out answers please.

Last Answer : answer:I would hope that someone would clue them in to Fluther, where they could read my Greatest Responses, my previous Greatest Responses and my Greatest Responses that predate even those. I try to consider ... so, it's the off-the-top-of-my-head retorts and quips that get the most lurve.

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Last Answer : I would be glad to help in such a capacity for any one who asked.

Description : Is fluther serving as a publisher and archiver of our lives?

Last Answer : I think whoever decides to archive/ write about fluther should look at all The Jelly below me… threadds, I get the feeling they are unknown confessionals!!

Description : Does it count as spam on Fluther if someone answers the questions but keeps putting their business website at the end of their answer?

Last Answer : I guess they’d just view it as advertising…but if they’re consistently doing it, then I’d class it as spam.

Description : When you read questions on Fluther, do you find yourself popping off quick sarcastic answers in your mind before really thinking the question through?

Last Answer : No. I don’t go into questions like that.

Description : Does Fluther support embedding videos in questions or answers?

Last Answer : You can’t embed them, but you can link to them easily.

Description : How much could someone learn about your personal life from your questions and answers on Fluther?

Last Answer : I think that if someone I knew stumbeld across Fluther they would figure me out. Also, if I met someone new and told them I'm on Fluther, they could get nearly my whole life story. I am ... resourceful stalker might be able to dig up more but then again, that's probably true of nearly everyone.

Description : I have read several questions and answers on fluther about not washing one's hair at all (or very rarely). To people who practice this, do you exercise?

Last Answer : Yes, but I have incredibly, incredibly dry hair. I mostly wash to combat any stinky hair thing going on, and when I do, I wash with conditioner.

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Last Answer : I assume your printer can't print two-sided pages by itself? If Pages won't work normally, you might just write a script to print pages 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc., then write a script to print ... less than ideal. I can't replicate this problem without actually printing, so I'm not sure how to fix it.

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Last Answer : answer:Breathing, bleeding, beating and broken, in that order, I think. (It's been a long time since I studied First Aid, but any First Aid manual should give you the order of things to check ... him right now? Can he respond? The operator will request that you stay on the line until help arrives.

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Last Answer : Perhaps you are too invested in your questions. Stop giving birth. Just push them out of the nest.

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Last Answer : Um, yeah.

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Last Answer : Your prolly rite, but I dunno. I can reed and rite OK. No wait. What was that you asked? ~

Description : Do you ever feel that you are too precise?

Last Answer : I admit to being too precise in clitoral matters.

Description : [img] https:///wp-content/uploads/2018/02/szines_orveny.jpg [/ img]

Last Answer : Yes :)

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Last Answer : I ask them here. I just use a different account.

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Last Answer : answer:If I read that correctly, Tom would've broken the law by taking someone's kid and giving it away to another family - unless, somehow, he managed to do it legally. He also broke ... held responsible for Alan's crimes. Alan committed the crimes and is therefore the only one legally responsible.

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Last Answer : answer:Well let's see. When I put the novel I just finished in size 12 Times New Roman, it reaches 95 pages. It's about 60,000 words, which is pretty average. A novel technically only has to be ... increase your number of pages by a lot. I would say my novel has a below-average amount of dialogue.

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Last Answer : answer:If your teacher gave you any guidelines on how many minutes in length your speech should be, go by that. You will have to practice it aloud, time yourself, and adjust accordingly. For me, a ten-minute reading is about 1700 words.

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Last Answer : i started once, lost interest and turned it into a short story. took, id say about a solid week. ( really it took a lil more than 3 weeks workin only 2 or so hours a day) before i was ready to turn it in.

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Last Answer : At some point, you need to look more critically at the common denominator and less at others. If you are still blaming others at your age, Fluther may be uncomfortable for you. Or comfy, considering all of the youth.

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Last Answer : no! we dont suck.

Description : How is fluther different from Blurtit or Yahoo Answers?

Last Answer : We are a community.

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Last Answer : I’m not sure because I haven’t been on the site an extremely long time, but why would you be concerned about it, even if that is the case? As long as people ask questions in a mature manner, what’s the problem?

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Last Answer : I don’t mind if a question or answer is long as long as it’s readable. Breaks and paragraphs are nice and readable. When someone just writes on and on in one big block then I give up.

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Last Answer : (A). Neither (B). A pound of metal is always more than half a pound of the same metal. (C). Six strokes took 30 seconds, therefore 12 strokes will take 60 seconds. But when the clock struck ... , therefore 12 strokes will take 66 seconds. (D). There is always a plane that contains any 3 points

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Last Answer : Sleep In a hot tub.

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Last Answer : I’m referring to the absolute basic sharpener.

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Last Answer : Read some Michael Cunningham. He does good dialogue.

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Last Answer : For a harlequin novel perfect. You have a talent for description. Keep it up.

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Last Answer : answer:Ampersand? Honestly? I’d go with +. Universal + easy.

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Last Answer : Some of my co-workers have popular blogs, and it seems the most important part is marketing yourself and the blog, along with a broad range of appeal to mass of society.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, it's in Amazon's interest to make sure the text of their books is not in text format. So, you can't do it within the app. You should be able to do the following, which I just did ... a specific iPad app to recommend, but it appears that there are some apps in iOS that do this as well.

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Last Answer : Quotations marks around the title followed by by Sean Covey. Next lone you name and the date.

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Last Answer : answer:Paper Port

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Last Answer : I usually just send links to online writing samples. But if that is all you have, you could also send a attachments. The they can choose.

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Last Answer : answer:Diss? Smacktalk Talk smack

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Last Answer : Death by Misadventure.

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Last Answer : I’m 29 and I still write almost entirely in cursive. My youngest sister uses that cursive-print hybrid, though.

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Last Answer : If the application did not specify any particular formatting, then they probably won't be too picky. But if you're still worries about formatting, then I would suggest choosing one of the academic formats (MLA ... sticking with that. I work primarily in MLA, and Owl Labs is a great resource for it.

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Last Answer : I think you’re on to something. I don’t have any data to back you up but I have noticed a similar thing when hearing writers read from their works – even poetry – on the radio.

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Last Answer : The author is particularly effective at presenting the matter in a way that feels relevant and urgent.

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Last Answer : Get a larger and flatter murse?

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Last Answer : Just do it, rebbel!!! I’m surprised some of the wild crap that comes outta of fingers, mouth. somebody has to do it…..either ucme…, zen….Somebody just has to say it.

Description : What's the best way to get a book published?

Last Answer : You need to look into query letters.

Description : Is there a way of speeding up thinking without diminishing the quality of thoughts?

Last Answer : in the short term—coke. In the long term—exercise.

Description : What is a good way to improve my handwriting in terms of speed and neatness?

Last Answer : answer:Start out focusing on neat. Take as long as you need to to write neatly. Practice that over and over again, a lot. Speed will take care of itself. If you find it getting messy again, you have ... to write in cursive as I gave it up in favor of printing because my hand writing was so messy.