What do you think dogs think about?

1 Answer

Answer :

my dog plots against me.

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Last Answer : maybe you should…. https://www.orkin.com/flies/what-attracts-flies/

Description : What do you think/know about the raw food diet for dogs?

Last Answer : They evolved before cooking technology came along, but I’m not sure the same pathogens were prevalent back then. I’m not sure I’d be crazy about the idea.

Description : Do you think large dogs tend to be smarter than little dogs?

Last Answer : Smaller dogs tend to have been breed for their looks, not their ability to do a task, like herd or fetch and assist in hunting. Larger dog breeds were bred for these skills. Some smaller dogs, like some ... small dog, my son and I look at eachother and say, Little dog, Little brain.' and laugh.

Description : Do you think that speciation is occuring within domesticated dogs?

Last Answer : Dog breeds all readily reproduce. (Except perhaps bulldogs, who can’t even reproduce within the breed without human intervention.)

Description : What do you think the authorities would do about vicious doy! dogs in this situation?

Last Answer : answer:I would have told you to consider getting a fence to protect both your privacy and your dogs from roaming strays. .

Description : Do you think people who have their dogs riding in the bed of a truck should be arrested?

Last Answer : No – I think some things have to be left up to the judgment of the owners.

Description : Do you think aggresive, vicious dogs are always because their owner?

Last Answer : answer:Pit bulls can be wonderful friendly dogs. I know three and they are all sweethearts. I think they have to be mistreated very young to become stereotypical mean dogs.

Description : Do you think dogs are the potential perfect killing machines ?

Last Answer : I don’t think so, I believe cats are more perfectly designed killing machines. If house cats were as big as dogs they would tear a dog up…oh wait, we do have those…they are called Lions, Tigers, Leopards, and Jaguars.

Description : Why don't dogs have dew claws on their back feet?

Last Answer : Because they don’t. I doubt it was a determining survival trait.

Description : What are your thoughts on cropping dog's ears and docking their tails?

Last Answer : No to both.

Description : Do dogs have to actively sniff to smell?

Last Answer : No more than you do. Their nose being wet has nothing to do with their sense of smell.

Description : If you had / have dogs, and were designing a house, would you design stairways a certain way to accommodate them? And how would you do it?

Last Answer : In my experience, dogs learn to manage stairs even if it takes a little while and they get pretty adept at scrambling where they want to go. I wouldn’t worry about designing stairs particularly for them.

Description : Why does my dog's coat keep changing pattern?

Last Answer : Can you post a picture?

Description : Do drug sniffing dogs get high when they find drugs?

Last Answer : I sure hope so.

Description : What do you do to help your aging dogs?

Last Answer : Check with your vet. You might be able to give your dog a baby aspirin, or larger, depending on how big your dog is. And get a nice fluffy dog bed for the floor. But not too thick! (Might be more padding than comforters.)

Description : Are humans lacking something that dogs have?

Last Answer : If a dog loves you he or she loves you unconditionally, period. If a dog hates you he or she will kill you and eat you. They're pretty simple that way. It would be nice if ... a documentary on the domestication of dogs once. They made an interesting comment that dogs actually domesticated humans.

Description : How can dogs bounce back from fairly major medical events in a way humans can't?

Last Answer : Are you applying the “dog years” multiplier? Dogs are descended from wolves, who evolved to be tough enough to survive as a wolf. And they are small and have fast metabolisms.

Description : Did your dogs always obey you?

Last Answer : When they see me holding the treats they'll always enthusiastically obey me. Without treats they'll look at me for a moment then decide whether or not they would like to comply. If I want them to obey ... then I'll have to raise my voice and sound angry then they'll do it while looking apologetic.

Description : Don't the animal shelters have something in place so they aren't euthanizing the wrong dogs?

Last Answer : It's extremely rare. Veterinary facilities will have different ways of doing things, and it actually varies a lot, from state to state. It's pretty hard to do. The euthanasia drug, is a controlled substance. So. ... say it's their's and try to have it put down Gotta love our fellow human beings ...

Description : Where do your dogs go when they're outside and they want to get out of the weather?

Last Answer : Into the oven. It is really warm there.

Description : Did I help these dogs, or hurt them?

Last Answer : This a huge problem in the warmer places like Florida. People lock their kids and pets in cars parked in lots while they go shopping. 90F outside temps can rise to the 120sF inside a closed car ... to the victims. You saw suffering and you did something about it. Bravo. You comforted the suffering.

Description : Did the ancient Greeks keep dogs as pets?

Last Answer : Well, there are depictions of dogs on their art as shown here so the chances are that they did keep them and train them. Don’t know about shake and roll over but probably hunting and guarding.

Description : In your adult life, where have you gotten your dogs?

Last Answer : I’ve never paid anything except adoption fees.

Description : Is there topical home remedy I can use for my dog's pain from a paw injury?

Last Answer : I would go and see the vet. Not just because of the pain, but to get some antibiotics. My dog has lost two toes to infections because of nail damage. The groomer we were seeing wasn't cutting her nails ... So, I really would get a vet to check it so you can try to avoid any more serious problems.

Description : Why do people treat dogs differently than humans?

Last Answer : When my grandma got Alzheimers she got shipped to a nursing home. All she wanted was to go home. The home wasn’t much more than a kennel for sick dogs. she died alone an in pain from a stomach ulser.

Description : Looking for advice on calming aggression in dogs. Can you help?

Last Answer : The younger dog seems to view the older dog as alpha bitch. Big problem, because she will certainly vie for that position if she perceives aging or weakness. Your daughter must be viewed as alpha bitch, with no ... I would relocate one of the dogs. Or, go the shock collar route.. not a good choice.

Description : [Science and the world of tomorrow] An extract to cure Alzheimer’s is developed but to get an ounce of it require the destruction of 10,000 dogs, would you ever use it?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : What do your dogs sound like when they howl?

Last Answer : Patsy Stone (Black Lab mix) has never howled.

Description : Why do dogs eat poop?

Last Answer : I will ask the Dog. As you can see, she is studying the sidewalk intently. She is watching bugs—and then she will eat them.

Description : Can you help me find words which could describe a dog's personality?

Last Answer : Stubborn, sharp, willing, stoic, cheeky, compassionate.

Description : Will our dogs always bark at imaginary intruders?

Last Answer : Get a collar that punishes them for barking.

Description : Which is your favorite breed of dogs?

Last Answer : German Shepherd.

Description : Do my dogs know something I don't?

Last Answer : answer:This suggests a number of possibilities. Simplest and most reasonable, is that Lucy came into contact with something that had the scent of her heat on it, maybe where she had brushed up against some ... her dogs were on grain free food. There you go, from basic to complex possibilities. :-)

Description : I need answers about seizures dogs have?

Last Answer : Maybe your dog has epilepsy?

Description : How do dogs know that burying their rawhide will make it soft and chewable?

Last Answer : answer:They’re just following centuries of instinct. When they were wolves, they didn’t want another pack member to get their bone so they buried it for safekeeping. I doubt that the right amount of time for seasoning it for proper “chewiness” entered into the picture :D

Description : Why do dogs do this?

Last Answer : It’s called mouthing and dogs do it in exploration but a strange dog shouldn’t be allowed to do it to you by its owner. How are they coming so close to you?

Description : What would be the ideal housing arrangement for dogs?

Last Answer : answer:- A good place to rest and sleep. Every dog needs a space of its own to get away from everyone and have quiet time. I bought Sadie an L.L.Bean dog couch instead of a traditional dog ... come back inside. (This works only for well-behaved dogs that don't bark nonstop at neighbors and traffic.)

Description : Why does it seem like people are going out of their way to buy pit bull dogs in the last several years?

Last Answer : That might seem to also go along with people's resentment of being told what to do. Sure, a pit bull might be dangerous to other's but don't you be telling me what dog I should or shouldn't own. Now I' ... out of you! So there! (I think it is the owners who make dogs mean, no matter what the breed.)

Description : Should I run if I see wild dogs?

Last Answer : It would depend on a number of things. How big are the dogs? How big is the pack? Is there some place nearby to run to? Can you run faster than a pack of wild dogs? Are you armed with any sort of ... , and say sweetly, Here kitty kitty. When they turn to look for the kitty, I would run like crazy.

Description : Dog owners: Did your young dogs go through an intense period of fear?

Last Answer : Your pup has taken on the role of protector and will not ever change. Embrace that your pup has matured into that role and respect it and do not shelve his behavior as fear. It will be the others he ... a LOT of work but worth the effort that will circumvent a lot of barking and biting. Good luck!

Description : Are some dogs simply untrainable?

Last Answer : Some breeds seem pretty immune to training, but I don’t think they’re impossible. I’ve read that Dalmatians can be very difficult to housebreak.

Description : How effective would cutting out a dog's vocal chords be at preventing it from barking?

Last Answer : answer:Dumb question from a smart person! “How effective would a lobotomy be in preventing @ragingloli from thinking right?” ♥♥

Description : Any idea why my dog's dew claws are "peeling"?

Last Answer : It's fairly normal for dewclaw nails to peel. Since they don't touch the ground and get worn down like the rest of the claws, the layers tend to build up more than normal (it's just layers of ... regularly - in severe cases, we've actually seen the nail grow all the way around and into the pad.

Description : What are your thoughts on neutering male dogs?

Last Answer : Both Frodo and Prince had been neutered before I got them. Prince was prior to 10 months and Frodo I don’t know about. Two very different animals, literally!

Description : Can dogs be born vicious?

Last Answer : answer:I think that if you believe dogs can be “born vicious”, then you have to also think that children are capable of being “born vicious” or “born bad”. I don’t. If you don’t believe the latter can be possible, then why should the former be possible? What would make the difference?

Description : How long does it take for those flea ampoules to start being effective on dogs?

Last Answer : answer:Flea bites are extremely itchy so that may be why the dog is still scratching. The flea stuff starts working within minutes. Fleas need to be dealt with immediately and aggressively. If you Google ... 3 years later in the yard and on the deck. Both times I sought the help of professionals.

Description : Do you have any tips to keep a bandage on a dogs paw?

Last Answer : Cone?

Description : Are two dogs who get along easier or harder to own than one?

Last Answer : Two dogs keep each other company (and if they are of a mind to exercise each other). My mother said they were generally healthier than single dogs in the same circumstances.

Description : Those of you who have Golden Retrievers or know people who do, is it true that these dogs are extremely placid in nature?

Last Answer : I don’t own a Golden. I am generally a little afraid of dogs, but I don’t fear Goldens. I have never seen one be aggressive They are always friendly. They tend to be playful, but also docile.

Description : Anyone have any experience with Maltese dogs?

Last Answer : answer:Here’s a good little article for you. www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/reviews/maltese.html