What's the best excuse you've come up with after missing the bus to school as a child?

1 Answer

Answer :

“I was kidnapped.” Age seven.

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Last Answer : I would begin a search and call the police. Better safe than sorry.

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Last Answer : answer:No, never. I was always eager to get off of the public transportation (whatever city I lived in) that the first priority was exiting, and the lesser priority was homework or book. Maybe ... transport is clean and comfortable, and (with a couple of exceptions) US public transport is not.

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Last Answer : You bequeathed me inferior genes.

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Last Answer : answer:How about mason jar cupcakes Homemade banana bread? Fancy jam? This link has some cute stuff. Anyway… I don’t really do cash/gift card gifts. Homemade is much more special, not to mention cheaper. Do you have the time to make something?

Description : Did(Do) you ride the school bus to school?

Last Answer : I only rode the bus to school in my final year (which is when you're sixteen here in UK), I;d walked all the time up until that point. I was bullied when i walked and bullied on the ... the entire world? I can't think of anything that i could have possibly have gleaned form this banal experience.

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Last Answer : Personally I say lame

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Last Answer : That sounds incredibly difficult. I wouldn't feel like an idiot for not remembering calculus after all those years. What such things usually make me feel are the limitations of the human brain, and I don't fault ... . I don't know how the hell you can do diff eq while rusty on calculus. Good luck.

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Last Answer : My friend couldn't show up for a job interview because she got viciously attacked by a squirrel, yeah.

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Last Answer : well the only prank I’ve seen at my school was at the last assembly in the basketball court and then like all the seniors had rubber balls and threw them on to the front where the speakers were

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Last Answer : answer:Follow them to a T. Anytime your child is sick enough to miss school, they should see a doctor or Nurse Family Practitioner. They should tell you when they can return to school and you should listen. I’m a working parent ;)

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Last Answer : I’ve told a dean… that I was traveling thru time… to get out of budget meetings…I believe it is real and it worked…I got to keep my $100 funding for my club… but I had to meet with him once a week a least to stay out of trouble

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Last Answer : Im never late but the best excuse I used to call in sick was when I called and told them I had hiccups. I had them for about three days and my chest felt like an elephant was standing on it. Every ... he knew about a man who'd had hiccups for over forty years. Hearing that scaredthe crap out of me.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : My daughter keeps missing her curfew. What to do about it?

Last Answer : How about if she misses her curfew during the week she isn't allowed to go out on the weekends. It is pretty obvious that her currency is her time with her friends so this would be a logical ... to mention that if she is still blowing through her curfew it isn't working to curb the bad behavior.

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Last Answer : Patterns of human behavior over the last few millenia. Where we’ve been tells us a lot about how and why we got here and where we’re going. You just have to look beyond the dry dates and numbers and see the people. Welcome to Fluther.

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Last Answer : “Because I wanted to.” is hardly an acceptable answer for a lot of things. If someone asks you a question, they most likely want a more detailed answer. Whether it’s an excuse or not is up to them.

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Last Answer : I need to return some video tapes

Description : What is the best/worst excuse you've ever heard?

Last Answer : I need to return some video tapes

Description : What is the best/worst excuse you've ever heard?

Last Answer : I need to return some video tapes

Description : What is the best/worst excuse you've ever heard?

Last Answer : I need to return some video tapes

Description : What is the best/worst excuse you've ever heard?

Last Answer : I need to return some video tapes

Description : What is the best/worst excuse you've ever heard?

Last Answer : I need to return some video tapes

Description : What is the best/worst excuse you've ever heard?

Last Answer : I need to return some video tapes

Description : Did you come home to a house without an adult in it after school?

Last Answer : My mother was home when I came home from school. I am home when my son comes home from school (or I pick him up). I am home when my step son comes home most of the time, especially now ... issues. Although his mother leaves him at home alone for hours at a time, I am not comfortable doing that.

Description : Parents, would you be mad with your child getting a 'B' in school?

Last Answer : It sounds like your parents need to adjust their expectations of you. Sometimes people do get “Bs.” Can you talk to the English teacher to find out why you got that grade? Other than that, I think you all just have to adjust your expectations to the circumstances in life.

Description : If your child is 10 years old and has been getting bullied in school by another 10 year old what can be done about this?

Last Answer : answer:Go to the teacher and the principal again and immediately after that start approaching the parents of the sick little monsters threatening with legal action against them. If they don't seem to care, ... APPROACH THE SCHOOL IN A FRIENDLY WAY, SHOW THEM YOU MEAN BUSINESS IF THINGS DON'T CHANGE!

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Last Answer : If there was good reason to send my child with a bullet-proof backpack, my child would not be going to school.

Description : Is it typical, when registering a child for school, for the forms to ask for the mother and father's highest level of education?

Last Answer : This is fairly typical – most likely for demographic reports. If your student enrolls in any AP or IB classes, those tests also ask for parents highest level of education.

Description : What age would a child start to go to school?

Last Answer : I put all three of my kids in a two day a week parent participation pre-school at the age of three. I think it really depends on the child and the program you are considering. You might want to check out the NAEYC website for some more information.

Description : Parents: Would you really be proud of your child receiving a B+ in school?

Last Answer : What's going on with you? That interests me more. Parents are proud of their children unconditionally, not dependent on a score on a test. I seldom got less than a A or a high distinction at any time ... They knew that she had to work for it, whereas I never studied - I just had a good memory.

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Last Answer : This will stop after you get out of middle school or high school. Of course it’s not right. It’s immature.

Description : Would you think me odd if I sat at a bus stop and I wasn't waiting for a bus?

Last Answer : I would have no way of knowing. :\

Description : I reinstalled Windows XP and I am missing the driver for "Modem on High Definition Audio Bus". What is that?

Last Answer : You could disable it in device manager. If you uninstall it might pester you again later. Though having a modem can be handy. I am surprised about twice a year when the need arises, either ... driver was not installed from the disk or Windows update, and getting it cured some performance woes.

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Last Answer : Smart people go into the Air Force since they will walk out alive. Students are idiots so the Army and Marines have sweet gullible cannon fodder.

Description : What is the best way to organize yourself, when it come to school.

Last Answer : Try to think ahead…

Description : We have learned that if we provide people with an occasion & an excuse to shop, they will come" are the Golden words of whom

Last Answer : Kishore Bayani (The Chairman of Future Group)

Description : Whats the worst thing you've been in trouble for?

Last Answer : When I was 16 (don't ask what was going through my head) me and my little brother starting argueing about nonsense, he threw a baseball at my head because he thought I was being mean to him. I ... for a month. With very few exceptions. That's the all-time most bone-headed thing I've ever done.


Last Answer : There is no law regarding that (as long as it either has bathroom facilities or makes stops). In some counties some students have multiple hour bus commutes.

Description : What's better, high school orlife after high school, and why?

Last Answer : High school is a part of the real world, isn’t it? I personally loved all my years in school…from K through college graduation. That was 17 years of life, I would say.

Description : Who was the longest friend you've had?

Last Answer : the longest friend I have ever had is 82 inches long

Description : When was the last time you’ve been in "The Zone", not exactly euphoric but beautiful?

Last Answer : The night of and the day following Obama’s election was a time of pure euphoria for me. Prior to that, it is almost always when I’m driving through the mountains. The sun slanting over them, clouds creating shadows on the ground…it always fills me with joy!

Description : The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in a school is 6 : 5. If 20% of boys and 45% of girls come by bus to school, what percentage of students opt transport other than bus to come to school? A) 68 9/11% B) 68 7/11% C) 72 7/11% D) 73% E) 73 5/11%

Last Answer : Answer: B If 20% of boys and 45% of girls come by bus, then 80% of boys and 55% of girls opt transport other than bus. Let total number of students in school = x So boys who opt other transport are (80/100) * 6/(6+5 ... (24x/55) + (x/4) = 151x/220 So required % = [(151x/220)/x] * 100 = 68 7/11 %

Description : What would happen in NYC if a teacher spanked and/or tied up a child to a chair?

Last Answer : Nothing… if he has tenure. He can always be sued.

Description : my girlfriend dumped me using the excuse "just until she gets her grades up" should I believe her and get back with her after?

Last Answer : no way she probably meant she doesn’t want you anymore but didn’t want to be mean

Description : When you think of the wisest person you've ever known/know, what is it that you're missing in terms of reaching that wisdom?

Last Answer : More humility…

Description : Have you ever used a school shower after gym?

Last Answer : In intermediate school (Grades 7 and 8) and high school, there was no avoiding it. Physical Education was a required course, and showering afterward was a required.

Description : Ever been back to your school building as an adult after 20-30 or more years? How did you feel?

Last Answer : No, but I wish I could. I do not know if my emotions would tend to the horrific or sentimental.

Description : Do you think high school curriculum need to focus more on everyday skills that a student might actually USE after they graduate?

Last Answer : answer:I'm in favor of leaving the curriculum generalized through high school. It's hard enough to choose a major in college .if forced to choose a specialization at age 15 I would have ended ... you into college, not about taking classes because god forbid you actually want to learn the material.

Description : Do you really need Algebra 1 and Geometry after High School and College?

Last Answer : I use algebra and geometry in my everyday life when one would least expect it. These formulae were so ingrained by having years of high school and college level math that I don't necessarily realize ... . I am just performing everyday calculations. Edit: I do not work in a math-related field!