Can you play Wii Sports online?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’ve never heard of that. I know that some games (like Mario Kart, SSBb) can play online, but the wii sports were never written (as far as I know) to be played online.

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Last Answer : will actually depend on your health. If you play sports for 1 hour every day, there is no problem, but do not do anything that hurts your stomach. Do not eat solid food at night. It will be better and after 2/1 months live your normal life. As well as follow the doctor's advice.

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Last Answer : No! Only if, for example, you keep going home from work. But you have to prove it!

Description : I want to get in shape. Is this a good way? Do you have to pay attention to your meals? I don't really have a chance at it unfortunately!

Last Answer : If you haven't played sports or done anything so far, yes, it will have a positive effect. After a level, however, you also have to pay attention to eating because of progress.

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Last Answer : There's nothing I do on a regular basis, I just run sometimes.

Description : Do you play sports regularly?

Last Answer : I ride my bike regularly I used to run.   

Description : I haven't found it yet and it would be fine if it were.:/ Bp and its surroundings!

Last Answer : I think the HABZSI Volleyball and Leisure Sports Association can be good. Here is their page:    

Description : I have a sedentary job and I want to play sports. How many days to spend in a week of sports?

Last Answer : Ideally, at least an hour every day.