What's the best thing a teacher has ever said to you?

1 Answer

Answer :

“Don’t sell yourself short.” “Art is a business.” and “David Stolte, GROW UP!”

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Description : What is the most messed up thing a teacher has ever said to you?

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Last Answer : Korean 5th grader. I was in ESL class. The teacher was super racist. This was like 2001. Said to me "we Americans have white history, black history, indian hiatory, brittish history! What do YOU have? ... back to that moment with what i know now, i will rip her into pieces and leave her speechless.

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Last Answer : Korean 5th grader. I was in ESL class. The teacher was super racist. This was like 2001. Said to me "we Americans have white history, black history, indian hiatory, brittish history! What do YOU have? ... back to that moment with what i know now, i will rip her into pieces and leave her speechless.

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Last Answer : Korean 5th grader. I was in ESL class. The teacher was super racist. This was like 2001. Said to me "we Americans have white history, black history, indian hiatory, brittish history! What do YOU have? ... back to that moment with what i know now, i will rip her into pieces and leave her speechless.

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Last Answer : What could possibly go wrong? Honestly though, it’s one thing to offer to help and it’s another thing to actually do something. Give one of them a call and I bet one of two things will happen. They’ll either try to “get with” you or they’ll blow you off.

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Last Answer : No way. I know someone who does something similar, accepts his student’s friend requests on facebook – and I agree with you. The whole thing strikes me as creepy. Perhaps as adults, after highschool.. I don’t know. Not younger kids. Something about it that I just don’t like.

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Last Answer : answer:No fear! Actually, the same qualities that make a good teacher at the elementary level, are the same qualities that make them a good teacher at the HS level. Ability to genuinely relate to the students, to care about them, to know their stuff, to be fair, but firm.

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Last Answer : Depends on what you wanna tach, but if you wanna be an elementary or high school teacher, it might be a good idea.

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Last Answer : I’m a born teacher. I teach people around me about a variety of subjects: reading, computers, fitness… I’m pretty good at it too. I do it when people ask for it and when they don’t. If teachers were compensated better for their work, it’s what I would do with my life.

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Last Answer : I am sadly one of the few, few, children that has needed Algebra and even some complex things outside of HS. Between Photography, being a nerd, a geek, and a Writer who is obsessive about the details, I need as much knowledge as I can cram into my skull without bumping something else out.

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Last Answer : There was the one with the goiter-like tumor, the one that wore polyester AND socks with sandals, the one who spit when he spoke…. Yep! Come to think of it… Was there one we didn’t make fun of?

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Last Answer : If you don’t think there was any harmful intent and she was embarassed, it was best to let it drop. Any legal action would have ben tremendously embarrassing for you both and would probably only have hurt her career.

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Last Answer : Kill em with kindness. Honestly, just try not to fuck up. Don't give them a reason to dislike you more than [you think] they already do. Do your work, participate in discussions - be average my man ( ... to fuck off if you feel so inclined. but you'd better hope you don't need their help later.

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Last Answer : what teacher?

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Last Answer : my sister is an art teacher in sprinfield. I believe she just took 4 years of college majoring in art education. Then she became a student teacher, after that she was an asistant teacher for a year until she found a job opening as an art teacher. Hope that helps :)

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Last Answer : Uh… how about, no way. It sounds like he should switch professions.

Description : What made/makes your favorite teacher your favorite teacher?

Last Answer : A great intellect combined with a great sense of humor. The fact that he was handsome, and I was an 8th grade girl may have had something to do with it, too!

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Last Answer : answer:First, Philosophy. It was both the teacher and the course that made the whole thing wonderful. It was taught by an ex-Jesuit at a Jesuit University and he made the course come alive. He was ... and to find and map constellations and to see and somewhat understand what the naked eye can't see.

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Last Answer : I would feel ecstatic.

Description : Who said "If you need a tracking device on your children then you haven't done a good job as a parent"?

Last Answer : By “Even just the approximate time and place is enough” I meant I don’t need the name of the person who said that, just the main part so I can track down the story.

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Last Answer : In HS, we had a teacher who stood on her head to demonstrate the concept of reciprocals.

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Last Answer : The Holocaust.