Was the Kennedy Assasination a Conspiracy?

1 Answer

Answer :

With Canadian-filter on. I have read a lot about the issue. I been to the location of the assassination. There’s a mark on the road where the fateful event occurred. The book depository is a museum now and you can go inside it. My dad has thought it was someone behind the grassy knoll and used the opportunity to see the vantage point from the knoll. I stood in the window where Oswald was at. Based on this interesting day, and my previous research, my opinion was that his assassination was planned in great length by someone other than Oswald, and Oswald was coerced to attempt an assassination to draw attention away and to be an easy official conclusion. The location was strategic for the underpass cover, combined with the lack of security at the area. I also find the data of event recreations to strongly support the conclusion of multiple shooters. Note how Oswald was killed very soon after the event (Oswald’s killer also died within a few years of the event although he did take time to say there was no conspiracy). There are plenty of valid motives as well.

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