Why do I never go to bed when I intend?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t know, but when you figure it out could you tell me? It’s 2:30AM here, and I’m hours from sleep!

Related questions

Description : What is your "go to bed" routine?

Last Answer : I drink cheap liquor and talk to people on fluther until they tell me I am drunk and should go to bed.

Description : What time do you try to go to bed and what time do you wake up, generally?

Last Answer : answer:My goal time for bed on weekdays is 11:30 and wake up time is 7:00. Usually it ends up being midnight or later and 8, but. . . what can you do? This changes based on what time I have class ... I don't even bother with a limit. I'm never asleep before 2, and I rarely wake up before noon.

Description : When do your kids go to bed?

Last Answer : answer:All kids are in bed either reading (my 8 year old) or being read to (my 5 and 3 year old boys) at the following times: summer: 8:15pm school year: 7:45pm Lights are off by: ... sleep problems - have you identified any patterns? Is s/he getting enough exercise? Does s/he enjoy bedtime reading?

Description : Do you toss and turn or simply get in bed and go to sleep?

Last Answer : I am the worlds biggest tosser and turner. I must be a pain in the ass to sleep with.

Description : What time do you ask-publics go to bed?

Last Answer : What is a bed?

Description : Do you go to sleep at night, or do you literally just fall asleep, not always even making it to bed?

Last Answer : I used to wake up several times at night. Since I started using my cell phone alarm clock, and unplugged the other clock, I've been sleeping better. However, I snore like a man. I can fall asleep any time, ... in a car with someone else driving I can only sleep when I'm driving. I need to see a Dr

Description : What time do you usually go to bed whether on workdays or weekends?

Last Answer : There is no ‘on time’, unless your parents set your bedtime. Of course it depends on when you have to get up. I figured out I need 7 hours, and have to get up at 6, so I got to bed at around 11 o’clock. Clickety for more sleep related questions.

Description : What should I do when I go to bed and I can't sleep?

Last Answer : answer:Do what I do..Ask-public! I keep a pad of paper next to the bed. if thoguths keep running through my head, i jot them down. It seems to help put them to rest. Another thing I do is ... can't help but close them. Soon after, I fall asleep. if all else fails, warm milk really does work.

Description : How many pillows do you have on your bed while you sleep?

Last Answer : 2. I don’t understand the need for more than that, personally. My head only rests on one, but the two differ in firmness and sometimes I want one over the other. I also use the two to sit against when I’m watching TV in bed.

Description : How much extra sleep do you get or staying in bed awake do you do before you feel bad about it?

Last Answer : I’m retired and don’t sleep well. I often wake around 6:30 or 7 but generally stay in bed til around 8 or so. I will sometimes stay in bed until 9ish but if it’s much later than that, I feel like I am being unproductive.

Description : Have you ever woken up to the sensation that someone is sitting on your bed?

Last Answer : I've had other hypnagogic hallucinations, though not that. But my late aunt, who was probably near your age when her father died, afterward used to insist that he came and sat on her bed in the night and ... is a state of very light sleep in which we often think we're awake, but we're really not.

Description : Is this a good bed time device for sleeping comfortably ?

Last Answer : It doesn't look efficient to me!!!As a matter of fact, it looks fairly restrictive as you'll need to be able ti breathe in a certain way which doesn't appear normal by any stretch of the imagination. I'm ... t see you yet you can still breathe fresh air!!! Try it to see IF it might work for you!!!

Description : How many pillows do you have on your bed?

Last Answer : Six. My husband has four & I have two.

Description : How do I fight the urge to stay in bed?

Last Answer : It's not so difficult, but it will take some change in your thinking. It seems right now - based solely on the dearth of information you have provided us (such as how much sleep you're getting, ... get sufficient sleep - however much that is - and then arise to begin a healthy and productive day.

Description : When was your last 'stay in bed a good part of the day' day?

Last Answer : Saturday after Xmas. I was wiped out, I am not a napper but I lounged in bed with my electric blankey and just read, ask-publiced and watched videos almost all day. I am trying to get into bed early these days ... bed it is 11. I like winter where you can get in your comfy PJ's at 6 and linger. haha

Description : This is a question for people who have two-car garages (or a two single garages) and who also sleep with a spouse in a double (or full, or king) bed. If you sleep on the left side of the bed, do you also park in the left spot of the garage?

Last Answer : There are people who put cars in their garages?

Description : Do you ever have trouble going to bed?

Last Answer : answer:Do you mean falling asleep? I prefer not to even try unless I am ready to fall asleep. If I can't fall asleep within ten minutes I often stop trying and either turn the TV on, or get up and go out ... . I'm a night person. I don't like having to admit I'm tired and need to go to bed.

Description : When you sleep, can you sleep if someone is holding onto you or do you need your space in bed?

Last Answer : Mostly, I need my space, mostly.

Description : What's your bed-time?

Last Answer : 12 midnight 36 years old and 10 am to wake up… and 12 afternoon to take medication and 5pm to go back and have a nap 5 – 12 Fluther , Answerbag, and YouTube, and take night time meds.

Description : Why wear pajamas to bed?

Last Answer : I can’t imagine why!

Description : Curious, how many of you read before bed?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t do it in bed, but I read before bed every night. Falling asleep without reading at least a little bit beforehand would be darn near impossible for me. Right now, I’m rereading Under the Dome, but wish I were reading what you’re reading!

Description : When you can't sleep are anxious and cannot wind down before bed?

Last Answer : Order out and drink coke with an A&W Teen burger, while Fluthering, and answering questions.

Description : What is it about rain that makes us want to stay in bed?

Last Answer : It is dark when it rains and there isn’t the stimulation you get with bright sunshine. I like the rain, which is just as well as we get a lot of it over here. I like to hear it beating against my windows.

Description : When was the last time that you were terrorized when you were in bed, defenseless?

Last Answer : During Hurricane Sandy – not knowing what was going to happen that night.

Description : How did you transition from bed to crib with your toddler?

Last Answer : answer:Once my kids could climb, it became dangerous for them to be in a crib. (They can fall climbing over). So it is time now to start putting her to sleep in a bed. Does she have a lovie or ... bed so they could sleep on the floor, but once they are in your bed they will do it every night.

Description : What do you typically wear to bed (to sleep)?

Last Answer : Football jersey type shirt. Current one says “Love Tiger”. I know… corny.

Description : I really hate going to bed at night, any advice?

Last Answer : answer:Get some therapy to discover the underlying anxieties that you seem to be suffering..”..a hollow empty lost feeling inside of me” is a poetic but classic description of depression. Depression overview

Description : How do I keep a bed that is on wheels from rolling away?

Last Answer : What kind of surface is the bed sitting on? Wood, carpet, tile?

Description : Are you ever too lazy to put sheets on your bed?

Last Answer : I did that once, but I did put sheets on the next day.

Description : Do you get in bed for the night like this?

Last Answer : I sleep on one side of my bed, but it has nothing to do with reducing the amount of bed making work (besides which I never make my bed, anyway). For years I had a twin bed, and I have never quite adjusted to having more room in which to sleep…

Description : Why does my bed feel like it's shaking at night.

Last Answer : Sounds like a friendly ghost ;)

Description : Is it better and easier to sleep on the floor or sleep on a bed?

Last Answer : If you are heavy most likely sleeping on the floor is uncomfortable and bad for you spine. It you are thin no problem you can probably sleep anywhere barring any specific injuries you might have.

Description : How can I get my 18-month old to sleep in her own bed?

Last Answer : answer: Following a nightly bedtime ritual. A regular bedtime routine will help your child wind down at the end of the day and get ready for sleep. If he needs to work off some excess energy, ... Perhaps you could put some form of insulation on the ceiling to baffle the noise of your infant crying.

Description : Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

Last Answer : According to your directions I am on the right.

Description : What is it called when you suddenly feel like falling when your in bed?

Last Answer : I do believe it has to do with the sleep cycle where kinetically the brain and body muscles do not fall asleep at the same time. The opposite of this would be when you wake up and feel ... is still in a different level of consciousness or still linked to a particular cycle in your sleep state.

Description : Does your dog sleep in your bed?

Last Answer : If I had a dog, I would likely let the bro snooze on mah bed. I have cats instead and I won’t let them get an inch inside my room.

Description : When you get into bed, do you suddenly recall the dreams you had the previous night?

Last Answer : No, I generally remember dreams when I wake up in the mornings. Great Question ubersiren!!!

Description : How do you transfer a co-sleeping 3-year-old to his own bed?

Last Answer : Put him in the new bed, and sit with him till he falls asleep. This will take a week or two, and will need reinforcement every few weeks. Good luck, this is heartbreaking work.

Description : Does lying very still in bed with my eyes closed have the same effect on my body as when I am sleeping?

Last Answer : GQ! I have the same problem in the mornings, sometimes staying in bed as long as 2–3 hours.

Description : What are some things you do before bed to wind down and get your body ready for sleep mode?

Last Answer : Watch some Tivoed shows (usually Daily Show or How it's Made), have a cigarette, drink a glass of water, take out my contacts, fumble around blindly for my facewash and my glasses, brush my teeth. ... about that?) and he turns on the white noise machine and goes and does whatever he does at night.

Description : I'm curious as to why it is viewed weird to not sleep in the same bed as your spouse.

Last Answer : torture? maybe you should get a larger bed. i hate sleeping alone now, it is great to have someone next to you.

Description : How long should it take a newly married couple to each get a good night's rest in the same bed?

Last Answer : After 36 years of not sleeping well (often), we are reluctantly coming to the conclusion that a kingsized bed is the best answer for us. When we are someplace that there is one, we each tend to sleep ... my husband and like to have the room dark - haven't figured out a solution to that one yet.

Description : Would laying in bed for 8 hours straight but not falling asleep do the same as sleeping 8 hours?

Last Answer : The same? No. But better than being up and about. Your brain won’t cycle through all of its (sleep) phases while you are awake. As I recall, you go through multiple sleep cycles each night….each one lasting about 90 minutes.

Description : I need some help with purchasing a bed and sheets.

Last Answer : The higher the thread count the better.

Description : Is a squishy or stiff bed better for you?

Last Answer : i personally like a firm mattress with a little bit of give

Description : How can I adjust to getting out of bed early?

Last Answer : I have the same problem, I've been working night shifts most of my life, and eventually had to switch over. Which wasn't easy. I'm now pretty used to getting up early, but it took a few ... motivated. The ginseng might help you adjust more easily, except don't take too much! It's addictive stuff!

Description : How can we keep the mattress pad and sheets from coming off the corners of the bed?

Last Answer : answer:There is a nifty little device somewhat like a bungie cord, except flat, that clips to the corners of the sheet/mattress pad and then goes under the mattress and clips to the mattress pad kitty corner to ... I can find a link. Here is link. These aren't exactly what I use, but very similar.

Description : Bed linen: what to choose for a good sleep?

Last Answer : In a dream, a person spends an average of 15 to 30 years of his life (up to 30% of the total time). During these periods, the body's resources are restored. The way a ... composition, manufacturers manage to reduce the cost, but these additives significantly worsen the hygienic quality of products.

Description : Do you ever feel like you will never fit in with society?

Last Answer : I'm not sure if this answers your question, but one thing I've found is that I can't take naps at all. No matter how tired or sleepy I may be, if it's not bed time (whenever that ends ... when it comes to naps, I'll never fit in with those who surround me because everyone I know loves napping lol

Description : What kind of chemical change in the brain would cause a person to never have to sleep?

Last Answer : Melatonin deficiency.