Nerd question for all you RPGers out there...

1 Answer

Answer :

What? RPG is a sweeping genre. It sounds like you’re talking about a specific game.

Related questions

Description : What do you consider a nerd?

Last Answer : Its like a tart tiny hard fruity candy

Description : When you hear the word nerd, what do you think of?

Last Answer : You nerd

Description : Where is the origin of the insult nerd?

Last Answer : Perhaps from nerd, a creature in the children’s book If I Ran the Zoo (1950) by Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel) First Known Use: 1951

Description : So I did some scraping and nerd stuff and came up with data about if we only have 20 active members. Anyone care to see my results?

Last Answer : answer:Needs moar Astrochuck. in all seriousness, my initial reaction is that there’s no one I find irreparably annoying (which means there aren’t some names here that used to be), so that’s good.

Description : Are you a tech nerd?

Last Answer : answer:I've been one since I was a teenager-inherited it from my dad (who owned one of the first business computers, which cost well over $1,000 to simply add, subtract, divide and multiply, period.) In the ... made. I have to admit, though, I'm finding it harder and harder to keep up with it all.

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Last Answer : I think that we have successfully adopted both terms as compliments. ^_^

Description : Are you a nerd? Do you use your brain to hurt people?

Last Answer : Can us “nerds” get together and write an algorithm that can identify “crazy”? It should be relatively easy to identify that way of talking, including the shitty accent, hand waving, and extreme paranoia. That way, we could write a browser extension to filter this crap from our youtube experience.

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Last Answer : Awesome Bitchin or Boss Cool Dude Effin (“That’s effin good”) F?? gnarly ...

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Last Answer : My clothes My vehicle My choices in a restaurant or fast food takeout My Home Depot habits

Description : NERD ALERT: In Star Wars, how is the concept of wiping away all traces of the dark side, considered "balance"?

Last Answer : Well isn't there an entire planet that is Sith? Sorry I'm trying to answer this from something I read up on almost a decade ago just I remember in the Star Wars fluff that there's a ... asteroid field that is pretty much entirely populated by Sith, which may be enough evil for the entire galaxy.

Description : Who is a nerd that I like and just hit 20K?

Last Answer : Congrats on reaching 20k! :)

Description : Are you a geek, a nerd, or a dork?

Last Answer : Dork for sure. Why? Because I am a clumsy fool who is in love with all things dorky. Curently dating another Dork! :P

Description : What is the difference between a nerd and a geek?

Last Answer : I would think that a nerd is someone into books, book smarts. A geek is into computers, electronics etc…. Thats my take, and/or my version.

Description : What is a nerd?

Last Answer : answer:This handy Venn diagram should answer your question. For the record, I am a geek, but only with regards to the comedy and rock music of the English-speaking nations. And cheeseburgers.

Description : What is the difference between a nerd and a geek?

Last Answer : A “geek” is a circus side show performer while a nerd is someone who is too involved in computers and technology for their own good.

Description : What is the difference between a geek and a nerd?

Last Answer : Nerd is insulting Geek is flattering At least that's how I view it. I've always been quite fond of an old definition that used to be on wikipedia A geek (pronunciation /gi:k/ ) is a person who is ... . A Nerd to me is someone who lets their intelligence get in the way of living life, not drive it.

Description : I am 30 a year old nerd yet I've never seen Star Trek (TV series or the movies). What's the best way to watch it?

Last Answer : Watch the original series and/or the Next Generation. Don't bother with the movies until/unless you become a fan, as they're not relevant to anything in the TV series, but you do need the ... you just HAVE to see everything with the words Star Trek in it. They are otherwise completely skippable.

Description : Good Place to meet nerd girls?

Last Answer : Gaming stores/Computer Stores. We have a game store here where you can actually play the video games on Big Screens for 5$ an hour. It's awesome. I use it when I work with teens. How about the library ... type of books they are checking out and if you see them reading anime then you go for it :)

Description : What's the difference between a nerd, a geek, and a dork?

Last Answer : answer:This pretty much sums up my view on the subject. The money quote: “Geeks and nerds can fix your PC, but nerds don’t realise you don’t care how they did it.”

Description : What exactly is the difference between a geek, nerd, dork, or a spaz?

Last Answer : answer:I tend to see them as the same. Except for the spaz. I see that as someone who freaks out, or spazzes, over anything. I think I’m in them all on that note.

Description : Are you a nerd? Am I? Do you have any nerd tendencies?

Last Answer : sports aren’t helping you cause your nerdness over power your sportiness so all in I’m sorry, your a nerd….

Description : Howard dean... Nerd or psycho?

Last Answer : Neither. Kinds wonky, though. As in “policy wonk”, not the British definition.)

Description : What's something which made you realize you're a nerd?

Last Answer : I never realized, I just always was.

Description : WHY ARE YOU A NERD?

Last Answer : Hmm. A nerd is not classified by yourself, but by other people. Why do other people classify you as a nerd, then? Perhaps it's because you are smart and they are jealous. Perhaps it's because you ... a nerd, You shouldn't change because of other peoples' opinions because, well, what do they know?

Description : Nerd?

Last Answer : a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.

Description : What's the difference between a geek and a nerd?

Last Answer : The current usage of "geek" applies to someone with intellectual pursuits to the exclusion of more popular interests. Whereas a "nerd" is applied to those who are more socially withdrawn within such activities. ... a geek. Example : a geek waits outside a movie theater for 4 hours waiting for the

Description : What's the difference between a geek and a nerd?

Last Answer : The current usage of "geek" applies to someone with intellectual pursuits to the exclusion of more popular interests. Whereas a "nerd" is applied to those who are more socially withdrawn within such activities. ... a geek. Example : a geek waits outside a movie theater for 4 hours waiting for the

Description : Do you have any "does he/she love me question" you would like to ask?

Last Answer : I think my dog loves me, but I can’t be sure. She always greets me with enthusiasm but sometimes I wonder if it’s all an act to get more treats. What do you think?

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Last Answer : What does doggy heaven look like?

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Last Answer : This scene came to mind first, though the room looks way bigger in the movie scene than in your pic so I’m not sure.

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Last Answer : I have to trim my toenails with wire cutters.

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Last Answer : No.

Description : If the answer is "very difficult", then what could be the question?

Last Answer : How hard is it to lick your own balls?

Description : A question for people who live in Orlando Florida?

Last Answer : There is tons of shopping near there. What are you shopping for? Do you want an outlet mall? Higher end mall with Saks and Bloomingdale’s? Will you have a car? Shopping at Disney and the other parks also. Lots and lots of shopping.

Description : Would you play this trivia question and answer game?

Last Answer : The answer to the question, Which of the two leading actors in the movie “TWINS” is a friend of the leading actor in another movie where in the last scene, a yacht travels along a street in New York City? is Danny de Vito and @DrBill GOT IT!

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Last Answer : Are you as think as I drunk I am?

Description : The answer is, "Why not?" What's the question?

Last Answer : Why?

Description : A silly question. Would you count the grains of salt in a salt shaker?

Last Answer : Heck yeah. Do I have to be right to claim my money? Because if there is any chance that I can’t collect at the end of the week, I take back my “heck yeah.”

Description : Favorite question in terms of pure enjoyment? (i.e. not enlightening or intellectually stimulating, but just pure FUN)?

Last Answer : I’ve had great fun with some of the NSFW questions.

Description : Twitter Question: If you "reply" to someone on twitter who is NOT following they even see it?

Last Answer : Only if they look. I believe you can fix it so you see replies to you in your stream, but logically, they would simply click the button that let’s you see whatever has been sent @you most recently.

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Last Answer : I would eat gigantic cheese bread loafs in my fridge.

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Last Answer : Do I look 6 years old to you?

Description : What famous personality are you pretty sure you would love to hang out with?

Last Answer : Meg Ryan. I like her sense of humor, but I think she has a down to earth side which is very interesting. I think we could have a very fun lunch together.

Description : Can you help me figure out the title of this animated series from the 80s?

Last Answer : Are you sure you were not on a mushroom bender and dreamed this up? lol Sorry…no, I do not remember anything like this, I will ask my daughter who is 26. I know… ask @Mimishu1995 ! —Thinking of that other Japanese cartoon with the kid that rode around on that giant white dog. haha

Description : I am sorry, I was thinking out loud. What could you have been saying out loud, accidentally, and to whom?

Last Answer : answer: So what have I got to do now? ... Where did I put that ? Why are you such a fuckwit? (about someone else and meant to be in my head) Why are you such a dickhead!! (to myself and much ... . And would you like me to shove a broom handle up my arse and sweep the floor too? (to my boss).

Description : What is something that sounds more fun when you say it out loud than it is in reality?

Last Answer : When I get involved in a theatrical production. I am usually really excited about it, but by showtime I’m saying “Why did I want to do this Again?”

Description : What new inventions do you think will be out in the year 2050?

Last Answer : answer:A Turing-compatible robot. Flying cars, for old time's sake. Or if you're feeling slightly apocalyptic, a water treatment plant. A Turing-compatible robot that goes around destroying AIDS ... for creating new and interesting movie plots, since people can't seem to manage on their own.

Description : What are good examples of the "fish out of water" metaphor?

Last Answer : Me (or any other person with Autism/Aspergers) in every day life trying to interact with normal people is a good example of a fish out of water, though not one that would make for a good movie.

Description : So who do you think is a real cool dude or dudette out there and why?

Last Answer : You’re definitely not the coiner of the term dudette. It’s been around for at least twenty years.

Description : What was/is your go- to place to check people out?

Last Answer : The beach. For it is the great equalizer ;)