Is Google changing your ability to process information and retain information?

1 Answer

Answer :

No, I feel that google makes things more accessible to me, and I learn more. I rarely need to google things that I would have known anyway. YES, I absolutely feel I know how to get the best searches out of google. I am the queen of that kinda stuff.

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Last Answer : answer:It's nothing like facebook, now that facebook has completely effed everything up with their new timeline layout. Google Plus is just another social networking site. ... just need an email address because that's pretty much the only way I can invite people.

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Last Answer : answer:Kinda surprised no one responded to this one. Not too many SEO's round these parts. Anyway, your headline question doesn't exactly make sense. Keywords don't rank in the Google SERPs, websites do. ... seorush, seoquake, or many of the others you'd find by typing in SEO toolbars into Google

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Last Answer : Home insurance companies will love this :-/ Lol…........

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Last Answer : answer:If facebook keeps doing stupid shit (like this new stalker feed thing) it won’t even need google+ to die off. I personally do not like google+. I will not be using it.

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Last Answer : ?

Description : Google+ question about Circles?

Last Answer : Absolutely—that’s the thing I’m most excited about with G+. And you can create your own labels for your circles, making them as granular as you wish. I’m going to play the game for a while to see if it really does overtake Facebook.

Description : Just signed onto Google+. Any hints for the totally lost on how to master it?

Last Answer : If you use gmail and go to you can see if any of your contacts are in on Google+ and add them to a circle. From there it becomes pretty obvious. And Google+ uses Textile like Fluther does. So if you want bold or italics it is just like here.

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Last Answer : It’s basically Google’s attempt to copy Facebook. They were handing out invites, but only for a couple days before they “reached capacity” (meaning, handed out just enough to make everyone who didn’t have it want it even more… after all, FB became popular by using exclusivity tactics).

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Last Answer : answer:@dverhey Well if IE sucks how bad is Chrome? Seriously, chrome belongs with AOL its horrible and disgustingly bad. Use IE or Firefox or, one of my favorites, seamonkey

Description : New Google icon?

Last Answer : Google change their icons and title fonts often, this is not unusual.

Description : Google chrome question again, cant install?

Last Answer : Sounds to be like one of your anti-virus programs may be reading it as a virus and not letting it install. I’m no computer geek but maybe you could try disabling them, installing it and seeing if it works.

Description : How to get text to jump to Google search bar when I open a new tab?

Last Answer : I’m not sure what to do about that, but my advice would be to switch to Google Chrome. In Chrome anything you type in the address bar that isn’t a web address automatically turns into a Google search. It’s really convenient.

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Last Answer : Bing is a fake. It takes Google search results and spits them back out!

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Last Answer : I read somewhere that it could be that those other pages are actually past, cached pages of the current one you're now looking at. So there aren't actually other links, just previous (no ... has the information, but has changed the wording slightly to exclude that/those particular search term(s).

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Last Answer : I’m going to go ahead and blame the man for this one.

Description : Where can I look at trending interests on Facebook? Any sites like Google insights, except for Facebook?

Last Answer : Twitter keeps track of what is currently trending on their homepage. The scrolling marquee at the top says “Trending Topics” and lists a whole bunch of the current most tweeted topics. I think they also have other, more complete trending pages – you’ll have to explore a bit.