Is this spam?

1 Answer

Answer :

You’re referring to “sgt baker,” right? It seems like someone just asking a question and saying thanks. I’m not sure why you think it’s spam. Nice looking blog, by the way.

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Last Answer : I also just started.

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Last Answer : You put the plugin in wp-content/plugins on the server. Once you login to your admin page you will see Plugins in the upper right corner. Pic In Cyberduck you just click on the Open Connection icon in the upper left and then you enter the server address and your username and password.

Description : What blogs do you read daily?

Last Answer : I read because the content is varied, and the links are great because social media is where it’s at for marketing

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Last Answer : Building a community is a great way to promote a new blog. Social media is a major part of many blogs today, and you can use it to your advantage. Add buttons for popular social media sites like ... Digg, Twitter, Facebook, and Delicious to allow your readers to spread the word of your blog for you!

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Last Answer : I don’t know about blogs that are hosted by I prefer my own domain. Anyway you could try something like Sitemeter or both are free and just require a small bit of code that can be placed in your sidebar or footer.

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Last Answer : Never mind. After 45 minutes of googling, I found a solution.

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : I think blogging takes up a lot of time…but maybe I write too much?

Description : What's the best way to set up a blog?

Last Answer : Go for Blogger - quick and easy.

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Last Answer : Sure, if you refer to your blog and have your Twitter account followed by people that might be interested in whatever you put on your blog.

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Last Answer : Firedoglake, techdirt, pam’s house blend (LGBT blog but I am straight, reading for perspective), wowinsider, massively, gulag blog, marginal revolution, wired, consumerist

Description : What is a blog roll?

Last Answer : answer: You participate in a blog roll by writing an interesting blog that people find reliably interesting so that they link to it from their blogs. And how to blog? Write stuff. Interesting stuff. Regularly. Post it online. Everything else is commentary.