Did anyone hear about the security breach on internet explorer?

1 Answer

Answer :

Internet Explorer is crap. What do you expect?

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Last Answer : I stopped using IE around 10 years ago.

Description : How to run Internet Explorer on Mac OS X?

Last Answer : get Firefox for the mac and then get the IE TAB extension for firefox

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Last Answer : answer:Of course it’s possible, it just baffles me you’ve been able to get rid of it. I’ve never had success when I was on Windows. You can download Internet Explorer 7 here. I’d strongly suggest Firefox though.

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Last Answer : a) Hacking

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Last Answer : a) Hacking

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Description : Are "incognito" (Chrome) and "In Private" (Internet Explorer) surfing safer?

Last Answer : No. All they do is prevent your browser from saving your history. The websites you visit get all of the same information they would normally. If you want your online activity to be private from ... share your computer, you'll need some kind of anti-tracking extension like Ghostery or uBlock Origin.

Description : Why can I print from my laptop when I am using Internet explorer but not when I am using google chrome?

Last Answer : Any number of reasons: most likely some add-in or spyware hooked onto chrome. If it were my computer, I’d run a spyware tool like spybot and/or ccleaner, reinstall chrome, and then start printing away.

Description : Is it possible to uninstall, then reinstall, IE (Internet Explorer) without losing my favorites and toolbars?

Last Answer : Have a look at this page. it might help solve your problem

Description : A website that I really like isn't able to display on Internet Explorer. What could the reasons be?

Last Answer : What version of internet explorer are using? I have IE 11 and it displays fine.

Description : What is wrong with my Internet Explorer?

Last Answer : I usually just re-install the program. It automatically saves my stuff and works a lot better. I’m using Firefox right now, I was having the same problem about a week ago and now I’m all better! I hope that helps.

Description : Restore an old version of Internet Explorer?

Last Answer : answer:http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/downgrade-firefox-internet-explorer-previous-version/ Should help you on that one.

Description : How do I manipulate the default text size on Internet Explorer 8?

Last Answer : Try Control and +. That should increase the size of the font. :-)

Description : How do you like Internet Explorer 9?

Last Answer : I can’t stand it, but I am a software developer so I have to develop for it because there are confused people out there who refuse to use Chrome or FF. (Windows 7)

Description : Are there any tablets that can run Internet Explorer?

Last Answer : A tablet is a regular computer, its jsut like an average laptop.

Description : How do I check the list of sites I visited in past 24 hours on Internet Explorer?

Last Answer : Ctrl-H will bring up a History window (in every browser that I’ve used so far, including Exploder, FireFox and Chrome).

Description : Why is Google Chrome acting up, but Internet Explorer not?

Last Answer : answer:@dverhey Well if IE sucks how bad is Chrome? Seriously, chrome belongs with AOL its horrible and disgustingly bad. Use IE or Firefox or, one of my favorites, seamonkey

Description : Explorer Toolbar disappeared. Why does the internet say to click on Edit and Tools when they're gone? XP?

Last Answer : answer:Wtf I just answered and now my answer is gone. Here we go again. Why don’t you just right click and use Copy and Paste? Or use CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste selected items? Both methods are system wide and way faster to use than what you do.

Description : What should I do about this internet explorer pop up box?

Last Answer : It's possible that IE forgot how to get on and needs a little guidance to be able to run properly again. I put properly in quotes as IE rarely runs right even in the best of times though. It's ... (before there was Firefox) and Opera. Or it might be as simple as a bad shortcut on the Start menu.

Description : Why did my internet explorer 32 bit stop working?

Last Answer : I googled the issue and found a Internet Explorer restore to run on my computer and it put the default settings on my IE and now both work. But still, why might this have happened?

Description : Why does my Internet Explorer frequently stop working?

Last Answer : IE is the worst possible browser. It's buggy and slow and there's no reason to keep using it. Try Firefox or Chrome or Safari All are better than Explorer, it's a matter of preference. I' ... Security settings and turn off Automatic Updates so you don't have to take the endless IE updates any more.

Description : My internet Explorer can not open on my Compaq Laptop.

Last Answer : Tried using a different browser?

Description : How do I retrieve view, files, edit in internet explorer?

Last Answer : Sounds like you somehow deleted those commands in your toolbar. You can replace them easily. I’ll be happy to walk you through it offline.

Description : Is there a way to get photos out of the internet explorer history feed?

Last Answer : Yeah, wipe your history. Go to Tools and on the top you should have an option to delete your history.

Description : Is AOL Explorer counted as Microsoft Internet Explorer in typical browser usage statistics?

Last Answer : You can assume that AOL Explorer is bunched in with the Internet Explorer group as it is essentially IE Optimized for AOL. You can check here the main difference between AOL and IE browsers

Description : Is internet explorer a bad internet browser?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Why can't I sign into Facebook from Internet Explorer?

Last Answer : Get Firefox

Description : Webpage isn't looking the same in Internet Explorer as it does in Firefox?

Last Answer : pdworkin actually if i remember the statistics correctly i think about 18% of internet users are on IE6, so IE is still around. Even though no one should be using it, people still do. People who matter use FF, Safari or Opera.

Description : How do I fix Internet Explorer on my computer?

Last Answer : Ditch IE! I recently got Firefox & it’s great. I love it. Also, Google Chrome is getting good reports. Anything but IE!

Description : How do I locate my DVD drive on internet explorer to download my audiobook?

Last Answer : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5u1ku_how-to-transfer-audio-book-download

Description : Why is Internet Explorer really slow?

Last Answer : Because it's shitty honestly. Internet Explorer is a baseline amenity with computers. It's like the free anti-virus software you get when you buy a new laptop - it works for about 3 days ... excellence. Internet Explorer is the baseline stuff for everyone-those who choose to not soar higher, lol!

Description : What if Google blocked Youtube from Internet Explorer users and put a direct link to download Chrome?

Last Answer : That would be an epic lawsuit.

Description : If i download Internet Explorer will it hurt my MacBook?

Last Answer : LOL, you know that is a loaded question on a forum like this right? It depends on how you are running it. If it is the old mac version of IE, it probably won't work, if you are talking about running it with ... yet to find for OS X, then it is hard to say. It might, it might not, most likely, not.

Description : How to fix Internet Explorer messing up webpages...

Last Answer : Unfortunately, this is the way Internet Explorer is. Very fickle. You generally have about a years worth of experience with CSS and HTML before you can figure out problems and really fix them with IE. ... or CSS. Its kinda like an unfortunate 6th sense. (my internet-explorer-fail sense is tingling )

Description : How can I make Internet Explorer run in a secure kiosk mode?

Last Answer : Opera's kiosk mode is better than IE's, so if it's possible for you to switch to Opera, that'd help you on your way. See here for details: http://www.opera.com/support/mastering/kiosk/ ... kiosk browser turned up a few fairly affordable programs which just wrap IE's renderer in a better kiosk mode.

Description : Geeky computer question - How do I keep Internet Explorer 6 in Windows installed if I update Windows itself?

Last Answer : If you go to Microsoft update website , you get a “custom installation” option as well as an “express installation”. Doesn’t the “custom” one give you the option not to upgrade IE6?

Description : Where can I download the latest version of Internet Explorer for my Mac?

Last Answer : IE for mac hasn't been updated since June 16, 2003 and should not be used for anything else than experimental testing. it doesn't not do the same as IE for windows, so you can not use it to ... a great browser i'd recommend Safari or Firefox. If you really want it, you can download it from here

Description : Are you having issues with Internet Explorer 8?

Last Answer : Hmmm…no problems here with IE8. But I’d downloaded the new Outlook Express & it wouldn’t let me open picture attachments. So I went back to the older version. But no, IE8 is good for me. Sorry you’re having a bad time with it. You might need to delete it & go back to 7.

Description : Is there a way to delete more than one favorite at a time on Internet Explorer?

Last Answer : Click on Favorites, and then click on Organize Favorites. And then head to firefox.com and download firefox.

Description : Is there a way to have multiple versions of Internet Explorer installed?

Last Answer : Try using Multiple IE. It won't work in Vista unfortunately though.

Description : How to fix PNG alpha transparency in Internet Explorer 6?

Last Answer : Hmm. Not sure how to answer your question without linking to an article.

Description : why does my internet explorer just go away?

Last Answer : Does it happen when you do something specific or just randomly?

Description : Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer?

Last Answer : Firefox/Mozilla. I can’t stand other browsers.

Description : Firefox or Internet Explorer?

Last Answer : Safari, actually.

Description : How do i fix the add- ons on my Internet Explorer?

Last Answer : answer:Um….I am no computer expert. Hopefully someone else will help you….BUT since noone else has suggested anything…. Have you clicked on “tools”....upper rt? Then click on “manage add ons”. Then click on “enable or disable add ons”. Follow instructions. Hope this helps…?