Did you have a set bedtime when you were growing up? Do your kids?

1 Answer

Answer :

I did, but I don’t remember what it was. That went away at some point in Jr. High though… not so much because I was responsible enough, but because my dad was a pretty firm believer in suffering the consequences if you weren’t responsible, no matter how many times that had to happen before I decided to do the right thing.

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Last Answer : I read them a story or have them read me a story. Then I act like I'm gonna kiss them on the cheek and pretend to miss and say Oh no, I missed .. then on the third try I kiss em on the ... before bed and they ask for me to do that every night now.. It does not, however, work on my wife.. XD

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Last Answer : answer:I am the baby. I have three older siblings. And, there is an 8 year difference between the third sibling and I. I got away with murder. :) I never fought with them. I didn't compete, either. When ... time that I was in high school, they were all out of the house. Now, we are all very close.

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Last Answer : answer:I am not a mom but I can relate to raising a child. I have helped raise my sister since she was age 10 after I graduated from college. It's really awkward to have to explain ... taboo to talk about. I would appreciate your daughter's maturity and effort to try and communicate with you.

Description : Do you know what year your kids were born?

Last Answer : Note: I am not a parent. But I have noticed that most men I know, including my brothers, do not know when their kids' birth year is. I know when all of their kids were born and I know when ... Pure laziness. They can remember episode 6 of King of the Hill but other things are not important to them.

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Last Answer : I don't think I could actually say, bad seeds , as in natural born sociopaths but I have known several that were completely out of control due to wussy parenting non-skills. There was one ... guess he has kept his gun obsessions and desire to shoot things under the canopy of military service. LOL

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Last Answer : Yes, 18 months. Cultural.

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Last Answer : answer:Is this because of parental warnings not talk to strangers, has technology totally taken over, and/or have kids been like this since they lived in caves? Probably a combination of all three. I say kids have always been assholes.

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Last Answer : Never planned on it. I have 3 and I’m still not ready.

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Last Answer : answer:We have two kids, both grown. After we were married for about 3 years my wife and I decided that we were ready. She stopped birth control pills and in a couple months she was pregnant. ... kids are also great. We decided two were enough after a few sleepless nights with our second newborn.

Description : Do you think we're too quick to diagnose kids as having some sort of emotional issue?

Last Answer : answer:No, although i don't know how it works over there in the US, but even if a child displays significant signs of Autism, the spectrum is so wide that its difficult to put a child of 1 yrs into any category ... when he was 7, 10 and 12 ..... So I agree with you and Judge Judy ...thats crazy.

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Last Answer : OK. I'll start. I don't know if this is creative or just strange! My almost 4 year old Grandson, who is a clone of his dad, almost in looks but especially in personality, has developed an ... around it for an extended hug, then kissed it before he left. Yeah. He acts exactly like his father.

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Last Answer : answer:Not well enough. My kids are college age now and will both be moving out in the next few months. Tidying up has been a source of friction lately.

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Last Answer : answer:Basic rule in @cookieman’s world: If you’re in somebody else’s “house” you follow their rules. Whether it’s school, grandparent’s, aunt’s, friend’s – whatever. Now, if I hear of a “rule” I really don’t agree with, I will speak with whiever’s in charge and decide if she should return there.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, I worked with two guys. One his parents had him when they were in their 40s. He seems to have suffered childhood fine,. He grew up on an island though, kind of cut off, The other, an ... at nursery school, but it did not matter in the greater scheme of things. She did not suffer from it.

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Last Answer : Unless you have walked in her shoes….

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Last Answer : Stop giving them food and privileges.

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Last Answer : answer:Honestly, I would ignore all friend requests from people you don't want seeing your posts, and make sure that all of your posts are family-friendly. Why kids are on Facebook I'll never understand, ... employers on Facebook this week when I said I didn't want to become a fan of my company.

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Last Answer : Sometimes, shit happens. Not because of anyone’s negligence. It is a good thing that a re-call has been done.

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Last Answer : I’m still in high school and I’m outside all of the time playing sports, but I know what you mean. Its gotten to the point that I’m almost “uncool” for being outside and staying fit instead of playing videogames all day with everyone else.

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Last Answer : My grandfather explained it to me after my brother was sick, it went like this, “they’re closer to the ground.”

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Last Answer : “What is your credit card number?”

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Last Answer : Some of those parents need to be investigated.

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Last Answer : I’m not a parent, but my mom would literally take my money away from me if I ever even let her see me think about being selfish, while growing up. In your situation, my mother probably would teach me a lesson about being charitable and make me donate the toys to a local charity.

Description : Parents: Do/did you consciously create quiet spaces for your kids?

Last Answer : Yes. Calm music. Also, does it happen when they’re tired? In which case, plug in some good movie that doesn’t have a lot of action and adventure. How old are they?

Description : What happens to those kids we see trapped in strollers for hours during prolonged bouts of parental wandering in shopping malls?

Last Answer : Some children are just naturally quiet and enjoy sitting there watching the world go by. Unless you have actually followed the parents for hours, you can’t be sure the children aren’t let out occasionally. My grandsons loved their strollers for up to an hour or so, then insisted on getting out.

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Last Answer : I’d have to ask my son in Paris; don’t know.

Description : In your opinion, what are the worst and best kid's books of all time?

Last Answer : I do not know any kids’ books. But “Faust” by Goethe is pretty good.

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Last Answer : always fresh meat in the pantry?

Description : Do you like playing and spending time with kids?

Last Answer : Yes, I love seeing kids smile! I have a nephew who I love to spend time with because he is so fun and adorable. Plus, you can learn a lot from kids :)

Description : Are there ever times your kids behave so obnoxiously and rudely that even you as a parent want to hit them?

Last Answer : What is this “wants to” crap?

Description : Do ALL 20 year old kids know EVERYTHING?

Last Answer : answer:I definitely knew more when I was younger. ~ My late teens and very early 20's I felt like I knew so much and other older adults just didn't or couldn't understand. As I get older I realize ... to me. Now, I would take classes I know nothing about, and be the first to admit I know nothing.

Description : How far do you agree with the article inside? Remember it's not about not loving your kids!

Last Answer : Well, gosh. All I can say is I’m glad I never had those kinds of feelings.

Description : Is it strange that they buy my kids presents?

Last Answer : Maybe your sister in law shows her a lot of pictures and talks a great deal about them. She may be building them up to be the best thing to happen to man kind and she doesn't have any kids to buy ... thank you note. Could also be she's heard great things about you and is hoping to meet you some day.

Description : Do you share embarrassing photos of your kids online?

Last Answer : No. I don't share photographs of my children online, but I definitely wouldn't share embarrassing photographs of them. I wouldn't want embarrassing photographs of me on the Internet so why would one of my ... what we do doesn't mean they don't have any rights in terms of ethical and fair treatment.

Description : Have you had any experience with parents in public doing things with their kids that they think makes them look like good parents, but just the opposite impression is actually given?

Last Answer : I’m pretty sure when I lived in the south and I saw a parent whack their kid on the ass for misbehaving that parent thought people around them would think well of the parent for doing something to discipline their kid.

Description : Do you think the pictures that kids draw of themselves and of family members can be telling?

Last Answer : answer:I have a picture on my fridge that my oldest drew of the family when she was little. Jellyfish. She sees us all as jellyfish. Prophetic, no?

Description : What do you think of the Jimmy Kimmel challenge, where parents tell their kids they ate all of their Halloween candy?

Last Answer : At first I found it funny and posted it on Facebook. But after that I began to think it was mean and not funny. Strange.

Description : Raising our kids. Should government be involved, neighbors, schools?

Last Answer : It’s a case by case call. Everyone is so different, I think a parent has to evaluate their skills and their kids needs and make the call what they need. There is no good one size fits all rule.

Description : What kind of weird non-toy did your kids like to play with?

Last Answer : Aden, who is 8 now, used to constantly need to have something in his hand. His favorite was an old eyelash curler. Not only could he hold it easily, it MOVED!

Description : Do you ever wonder how in the world the people who lived on the cliffs of the Mesa Verde kept their kids alive?

Last Answer : I wondered about that at Gila. Even adults. Perhaps they tethered the small children, or maybe there was some sort of barrier made from vegetation at the time they lived there. I imagine there had to have been some form of reminder that one more step, and you’re a splat.

Description : What types of indoor things do kids do today that don't involve any electronics?

Last Answer : answer:Aged 6 – 10? How about role play? I mean, you act like a certain character with your friends, maybe with the assistance of dolls. Or you play alone and your dolls are the characters.