What can I do to improve my blog in general?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t know much about brogs but that one looks cool. Design wise I’d say its sleek and I have no idea what it’s about or who is composing all of that and I still like it, so to improve I would just say go with your gut.

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Last Answer : Some of my co-workers have popular blogs, and it seems the most important part is marketing yourself and the blog, along with a broad range of appeal to mass of society.

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Last Answer : answer:Wordpress, blogspot and tumblr are the three I know about. Of those, I'd say wordpress and blogspot are aimed at more verbal people, while tumblr is aimed at more visual people. I think that all are ... it easiest for me. So that's what I'd recommend if you want to deal with words, mostly.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't really read blogs (save one). The one I read makes me feel like a part of her life. I imagine if you include a lot of imagery and convey the atmosphere of the event well ... going on to explain the actual event. Perhaps you could read other musical blogs to help gain some ideas?

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Last Answer : I don’t know of any, but I should. So I’m going to follow this.

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Last Answer : I don’t. But you’ve just reminded me that I had a dream about starting a blog last night… and that was extremely random. :)

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Last Answer : tumblr.com

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Last Answer : What kind of content are you planning to publish? (i.e. Photos, videos, text, etc) How much control do you want over how your blog looks and runs?

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Last Answer : blogging about New York is a great idea! Just blog about the people you see, fights, crimes, and other very interesting things. Maybe say things on your blog that people outside of the state aren’t familiar with. I find the lingo and accent very interesting. You could also use pictures!

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Last Answer : Cakewrecks I think my brother sent me a link to one of the cakes, and I’ve been addicted since then. They are really funny.

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Last Answer : Album/movie/food/concert reviews

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Last Answer :  B.Blog

Description : The best way to improve search engine ranking is with A. Video B. A blog C. Having at least 500 words of text per page D. Using a lot of graphics per page Ans: B

Last Answer : B. A blog

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Last Answer : B.A blog

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