Any romantic home-cooked dinner ideas?

1 Answer

Answer :

candles and porterhouse and Beck’s Dark

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Description : Any ideas for a romantic home cooked meal?

Last Answer : Some kind of chicken pasta is easy. They sell frozen chicken pasta stir-frys that you just have defrost and fry in a pan. But they taste close enough to home-made that you could fib about it ... Or do your research and match up the wine with the entrée. Certain wines accommodate certain foods best.

Description : Most romantic home-cooked meal?

Last Answer : answer:How skilled a cook are you? What are his favorite foods? Does he have any dietary restrictions? What kind of ingredients do you have available? It's hard to beat a properly done steak, salad, and ... experience. Not the best meal if you're not sure of yourself - you don't need extra stress.

Description : Whats a good romantic dinner idea?

Last Answer : answer:I have carried on several times on fluther about creating romantic picnics, indoors or out. Lay out an attractive spread or bamboo mats on the floor, serve different varieties of breads, cheeses ... apples, grapes, cheesecake, wine and dark beer. Don;t forget the candles and background music!

Description : Does your dinner taste better when it is cooked by yourself or when it is cooked by someone else?

Last Answer : The only thing that I find this to be true of is a green/tossed salad. It can be the same dressing, lettuce, tomato, green pepper, etc. combination but it tastes better when anyone else makes it. I have no idea why, and I have had others say the same thing when I’ve mentioned it.

Description : Please help me freeze cranberries after I have cooked them for Christmas dinner?

Last Answer : yes, if you use vac pac make small packages enough for 1 meal. Or ziploc bags small or if none of those are available to you heavy duty small freezer bags.......and get the air out.....mark & date & freeze.

Description : Any ideas of what I can make for dinner?

Last Answer : Grill a chicken breast, serve it with a salad.

Description : Can you give me some recipe ideas for dinner today?

Last Answer : Vegetarian or carnivore? Root vegetables are a good way to go right now. Maybe roast a chicken with carrots, parsnips, turnips, and some onions, then make soup with the drippings and vegetables. A ... stuff the cavity with dried rosemary sprigs. It smells amazing and gives the bird a great flavor.

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Last Answer : answer:Ingredients 2 cups freshly squeezed orange juice, about 6 oranges, orange rinds reserved 1 (5-pound) duck, cleaned, with innards, wing tips and excess fat removed 2 oranges, zested ⅔ cup sugar 1 ... 10 minutes. Pour the orange sauce in the pan into a gravy boat and serve with carved duck.

Description : Anniversary dinner ideas?

Last Answer : answer:Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken Breasts Creamed Spinach Meatloaf

Description : I'm looking for ideas for an April Fool's Day dinner?

Last Answer : Serve roadkill. It gets ‘em every time. No, not real roadkill, but that type of critter. I’m bringing curried beaver sausage to an early April potluck at work. It’s delicious stuff, but puts some people off for some reason.

Description : Where do you get your ideas for cooking dinner every night?

Last Answer : answer:It depends what in the mood to cook for. When I get stuck on what to cook, I would think of what my mom cooked growing up. The other night was spaghetti and cheese, because that was my mom ... as she would say. :) and that is quick. You are not alone when get stuck sometimes with ideas.

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Last Answer : You can’t go wrong with ribs, not to time consuming and they are loaded with protein. Who doesn’t like ribs?

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Last Answer : What about a Cheongsam? They are so beautiful and sophisticated and totally Chinese and especially if you can buy one in China. I would be thrilled with such a gift.

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Last Answer : Baseball games! No necktie required.

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Last Answer : could you possibly add more background information, like why you guys broke up? What happened? How long were you together? That’d help, and was what I was expecting when I clicked on the question.

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Last Answer : a) The spread of ideas of romantic nationalism and the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire under whose control they were.

Description : Got any recipe ideas for cooked chicken and green beans?

Last Answer : Slice the chicken into strips Assuming the green beans are fresh, cut them about in half, not length wise, but across the middle to make them shorter. Heat up a little olive oil in the bottom of a ... some teriyaki sauce, stir it in, thicken up and put it in a bowl. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

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Last Answer : My worst memories was of a Beef Wellington that arrived at table at midnight. My French hosts were drunk, I was exhausted, stuffed full of brie and had a bad headache. And there were the beef fondue parties of ... into your guests's eyes. I'm no help. Sorry. I am a veggie and no longer like cooking.

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Last Answer : I may be playing devils advocate here and can only advise you what Not to do. Forget the salad, you will never find quality tomatoes/lettuce/onions in the UK as you can in the Med, It wont be the same. ... my negativity helps. (I tried to make a Greek meal in the UK for my Greek wife salad was fail)

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Last Answer : This is probably way too fancy, and it’s about a half hour away, but Manresa has been very highly recommended to me by all the bay area food dorks I know.

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Last Answer : It can be pretty romantic at the Yaffa Cafe. It’s on 97 St. Marks Pl.

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Last Answer : I am a big fan of the small restaurants like Le Gourmand (in Ballard, expensive, but lovely, charming, and dimly lit) and the Stumbling Goat (Greenwood, not so pricey, but nice atmosphere and slightly bigger and more private). Both of those places have awesome food.

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Last Answer : Every year we cook stuffing both inside the turkey, and in a casserole pan. The pan dressing doesn’t taste as good, and I never saw anyone get sick from the inside of the turkey dressing.

Description : What are some cooked foods that you can eat cold?

Last Answer : Fried chicken Pork chops

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Last Answer : Sandwiches. Anything from PB&J to ham and cheese.

Description : Can you show me a picture of a really good cut of cooked meat?

Last Answer : Sorry, I’ve eaten it.

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Last Answer : If Ratatouille were the chef, I would eat the meal.

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Last Answer : Also YouTube BBQ Pit Boys. Is a large collection of cooked meats and sides.

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Last Answer : My hot dogs don’t need to rest for 5 or 10 minutes.

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Last Answer : Not all pork is pre-cooked. Pork chops, tenderloins, ribs, shoulder pork, all require cooking. Pork Belly is also known as bacon. It needs to be cooked, eveif it is cured.

Description : HELP! I fed my dog cooked chicken bones and I'm worried of his health?

Last Answer : If the dog isn't choking on the bones, don't worry about it. If the dog starts moaning and groaning like it has a tummy ache, take it to the vet. And don't ever do it again!! A neighbor of mine ... never a problem. The bones can get lodged in the throat so if your dog got them down, WHEW! rest easy!

Description : What do I do with this pre-cooked frozen lasagna?

Last Answer : Thaw it in the fridge overnight; then heat it for about 45 minutes or so at something like 325 F. Poke it to see if it is hot all the way through.

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Last Answer : Why is it interesting that humans can start fires, cook food, do maths and use tools? That does not mean that they are intelligent.

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Last Answer : Most people I know like it thick, but not solid. It should be able to glob glob off the spoon when you tip it. Any milk or sugar you add should be after you dip out your serving, not during cooking.

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Last Answer : Star fruit. lychee nuts. Sugar cane.

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Last Answer : Nothing. I would never consider buying one.

Description : What's the most unusual thing you've cooked and eaten?

Last Answer : Rattlesnake

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Last Answer : My (limited) experience with this has always been that grated or very finely diced cheddar melts great and is as creamy as one could want.

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Last Answer : Bacon, dove breasts, stir fried with crushed ramen noodles, served in a burrito shell with feta cheese, wasabe, lettuce, onion, sour cream and extra hot picante sauce.

Description : Which grilled cheese sandwich is better? one made in a cast iron skillet or one cooked in a microwave oven?

Last Answer : answer:I use just a regular frying pan, neither cast iron nor a microwave. I don't even understand how you would do it in a microwave. For ma, a grilled cheese is all about the delicately ... goodness! Without that, wouldn't you just be melting a cheese slice between two pieces of soggy bread?

Description : What was the last thing you cooked/baked?

Last Answer : Rising crust vegetarian pizza cooked in convection oven.

Description : Have you ever cooked Ugly Skiitake mushrooms or Okra?

Last Answer : Fried okra is really good. Here’s a recipe similar to the one I use to fry okra.

Description : How can you quickly defrost frozen, fully cooked chicken sauages?

Last Answer : Microwave; there should be a defrost button. You can do this before you’re about to cook them. Just be sure not to do it for too long or it will start cooking them for you! Check them every couple minutes.

Last Answer : Cooked rice contains 79% starch.

Description : Can you help me come up with some low carb stove top dinner ideas?

Last Answer : Frozen mixed veggies if you have a fridge. Fruits and vegetables are cheap and good for you. Variety of sliced deli meats in a sandwich with tomato’s, lettuce and cheese. Pierogi’s and sour cream. Tomato soup with grilled cheese for dipping.

Description : ‘Tis the season for dinner and party invitations – host/hostess gift ideas?

Last Answer : Kindness

Description : Need non-dairy, non-wheat dinner ideas for recurrent dinner guests?

Last Answer : Ask your friends for some recipe suggestions.

Description : What are some nice first date ideas? (No dinner/movie please)

Last Answer : Museum, bowling….mini golf…dont’ know what all there is to do in Alberta…

Description : I have a boring bit of Hake to eat for dinner any culinary ideas?

Last Answer : season it with a little fresh ground pepper and some lemon juice, toss it in a pan with some rosemary infused olive oil and fry it over high heat till just opaque. plate it with a little pan juice ... until smooth. Now with a little salt and pepper you've got poached hake with a rich saffron sauce.

Description : Dinner Ideas For Family Night?

Last Answer : Planning a meal that will please everyone in the family can be achallenge. Often, busy schedules and conflicting schedules make itdifficult to regularly enjoy dinner together as a family. It is agood idea ... asthe main ingredient. All you have to do is make a list of possibleadditions to the