So I have an idea to start a program for students in debt with student loans, how can I start this?

1 Answer

Answer :

first of all, paragraphs are your friend. it sounds like you want to set up a non-profit agency. You need to file with your state to begin. You must have a plan in place before you file. For example, your start-up capitol needs to documented and the tax people will be all over your paperwork. Keep clean, clear and concise records. You will need proof for anyone that receives $$ is actually eligible. The same goes for anyone willing to donate. You will have to provide your tax ID number as a non-profit agency so they can report it as a donation.

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Last Answer : I never knew paying off a student loan lowers your taxes?? I’ll be interested in the answers. You can write off the interest I think, just like a house mortgage. That isn’t a reason to keep the loan though. If you can pay it off pay it.

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Last Answer : That sounds very high for Internet expenses. Ask her to see the bills and payment history. Even if she throws that away, she can look at it on the Internet. If you still owe, then pay her ... the check and keep a notebook of your bills and expenditures. This will teach you to be more responsible.

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Last Answer : A debtor can assign your debt to anyone they want to. It sucks. It is also stupid of them, because they have to give 30-50% to the collection agency now. It's bad business, but it IS legal. You will ... bureaus. Ask them to put it in writing. You may end up with an extra payment or 2 for interest.

Description : How do I live within my means (more details inside...)?

Last Answer : answer:1. Start making your lunch not buying it. 2. Stop buying coffee and pizza. 3. Get yourself to a true non-profit credit counseling service. They will work with your creditors to lower your interest ... anything you can't afford with cash. Then make a list of what you want to save up toward.

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Last Answer : You need to start now to get him out and find another roommate. You can’t force someone to be responsin=ble. The longer you wait the worse it will be.

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Last Answer : Your payments go up according to the current charges. If you paid the card back down to it's original balance that generated the $25 monthly payments, then yes, the balance of payments will be ... this month and only paid $59, the payments will remain elevated until the balance comes down again.

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Last Answer : Spend them like normal. If anyone won’t take them, ask to speak to their manager.

Description : What is going to happen with this bill?

Last Answer : no one is going to bother for $138. As you canceled and they sent it anyway, you are not libel. and since it was 30days free, you owe nothing. I would just ignore them, it they continue report them to the BBB and police for harassment.

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Last Answer : answer:I think this is helpful. It tracks how invoices request payments, and how quickly the payments, on average, actually come in. It seems that you're actually getting an average turnaround on your ... in order for you to even start about thinking of leaving your steady income job, I would say.

Description : Can you help me find some information regarding FPL?

Last Answer : I can’t find what you’re looking for, but if it helps at all there’s a PDF describing the rates they charge here.

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Last Answer : If you have a USBank checking account, Intuit Quicken has a very low rate online credit card processor that works great. I canceled my regular hard terminal and went with the Quicken solution. No monthly fee, no terminal charge, and half the interest from the old guys. I’m happy with it.

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Last Answer : My bank allows me to create a ‘vendor’ for any bill I want to pay, including a family member. I would imagine your bank is similar.

Description : Would this go on the phone bill if I upload a video on Youtube ?

Last Answer : It depends if you have a data package or not.

Description : Any tips on how to cut the cost of your electric bill?

Last Answer : This article has some great ideas

Description : Do you find yourself constantly calculating costs?

Last Answer : Oh gawds, yes. I have our household expenses estimated in my head and constantly adjust for when there might be some extra money or, if we're going to be short. I've got printed out ... $50. left then that gets transferred to savings to await the next unforeseen disaster or forgotten bill. ARGH!

Description : What can I do to make this creditor to stop calling me?

Last Answer : answer:Is there no stalking or protection from harassment legislation you could use to make them stop? Here in the UK, I would first write a polite letter explaining why I thought I wasn't liable. If they persisted ... Act. If they have a case and you do owe them money, it's probably best to pay up.

Description : Who do you contact if someone has been using water illegally in your name and now has a $700 bill?

Last Answer : Call the water department and dispute the charge.

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Last Answer : $600/month

Description : What do you think about the new Dollar designs?

Last Answer : answer:Yuck. I’ll keep the old ones, thank you.

Description : Is it feasable to have 3 seperate bank accounts, and have money automatically transfered from one to another every few weeks?

Last Answer : I’ not sure your bank will automatically transfer money between accounts but you can certainy have as many as you want and make your transfers online.

Description : What do you pay per month for hydro?

Last Answer : What is hydro?