What do you know now that you wish you'd have known when you were younger?

1 Answer

Answer :

That you actually have to eat healthy, exercise, and work hard to be good at sports. My natural abilities only took me so far, then my poor work ethic and poor diet allowed everyone else to pass me up. Granted, I probably wouldn’t be a professional athlete either way, but I’d probably have more stories of my glory years that I’d be able to bore people to death with if I had just worked a little harder.

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Last Answer : Being in the age group you’re referring to, I think it’s great to see people standing up for their rights. Even if some of them are there just to be seen there (aka posers).

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Last Answer : I would, I hope I would. The things that I did as a teen…

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Last Answer : Don’t start smoking… Starting to smoke was perhaps the worst decision I have ever made..

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Last Answer : Yeah I am going to try and gain some tolerance for people in general even though they piss me off most of the time. But I am going to try.

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Last Answer : answer:When I was 24 to 40 you could always find me killing myself, working two jobs (averaging 60 hours/week ; and you’d never rarely catch me relaxing. Just this year, I’m down to one job, barely working 35 hours/week.

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Last Answer : answer:Do you mean computer games? I think Mastermind is an excellent brain game. I know of it only in actual material form, but I suppose it could exist in an electronic version, in which case you wouldn’t need a human opponent to score your moves.

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Last Answer : I’m 47, and my life is nothing like I’d imagined. It’s worse in many ways and better in a few.

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Last Answer : Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory!!! Yummy for my tummy, BuuUURRrrp!!! :¬)

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Last Answer : answer:Hm. I suppose I'd like to meet my dad again, but he doesn't seem interested in being found. Other than him . Nah, not really. I've gone out of my way to find my best friend from 2nd ... never worked out in my favor before. I'm over the past. However, I'd love to connect with new friends!

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Last Answer : Confess? Why does a secret have to involve something less than upright or ideal?

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Last Answer : The last day of my Junior year of college, I wish I had stayed at school just one day longer…

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Last Answer : The perfect show.

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Last Answer : haha I know I meant ‘what’s’ not wharf LOL

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Last Answer : Seeing commercials for insurance on TV.