If you swallow enough gum to fill your stomach, does that mean you don't have to eat for 7 years?

1 Answer

Answer :

The 7 year thing is a myth (http://www.snopes.com/oldwives/chewgum.asp) but this question kinda made me chuckle. Welcome to Fluther.

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Last Answer : I don’t notice but probably because at work, it doesn’t look professional. It actually looks kind of sleazy.

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Last Answer : answer:Damn it, Mazingerz .. spitted out ? Don't make me come over there. Lol. I also assume those black spots are gum, too. I like chewing gum because I get tense sometimes and I chew the gum to release ... it's not gum, I'm gently chewing on my tongue or clenching my teeth. I don't litter, though.

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Last Answer : It is due to your gastric or indigestion. You should not eat food fried in oil , open food outside. Don't eat gastric food, don't eat flute food. Tab.pantonix 20mg 1 + 0 + 1 আগে ... without informing the doctor. If necessary, the doctor can change the dose. I hope you will be released inshaAllah.

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Last Answer : answer:The best way to store them is to freeze or refrigerate. My preference is to freeze. It’s just like enjoying them after a frost. Ohhhhh…one of my favorites of all time. Please, no pesticides.

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Last Answer : Omega-3 pills. You've seen the size of those things, damn..

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Last Answer : Yes, you might get tinselitis. But I had a dog when I was a kid who would occasionally eat that stuff, and it wound up in the back yard. So whatever happens on the way, it will probably go right through you. Having said that, if it was made in China, who knows what it is made out of.

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Last Answer : Advil, and lots of ginger tea.

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Last Answer : Tan, Tan, Tan, take a deep breath. A tiny little fish bone is not going to be an issue, if it is, it will be like a gazillion to one odds. Just go to bed and forget about it, this too shall pass, literally. Yes, you are being paranoid. Do not add to your paranoia by swallowing an apple seed. haha

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Last Answer : answer:Were they Swifts ? These massacre termites at a very high rate this time of year, because this is the time flying termites start trying to colonize other logs, meaning there are a lot of large ... often only just noticed a termite taking off near me, when it gets eaten by a zooming Swift.

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Last Answer : answer:Wow, your question is all over the place. In fact, I'm not really sure what you're hyped up about. I think your outrage-of-the-day is that girls in bathing suits are featured on web sites ... be outraged by anything you want, @Hypocrisy_Central - it's a free country. I don't share this one.

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Last Answer : answer:Yeah, I mean It's always better to play it safe and see a doctor for potentially serious things. Do you know how large the splinter was? If it was a decent size, there's also a ... before he managed to throw it up. Regardless, it's something that he should definitely see a doctor about.

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Last Answer : I guess it will be all over.

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Last Answer : Perhaps call your doctor that is the best thing to do. It could be anything I think the answers here would be guess work at this point. I hope you get better soon.

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Last Answer : My younger son does: it’s almost impossible to separate the mind/body causation.

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Last Answer : Me, less than when I am awake.

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Last Answer : Jude Thanks for sharing. Are you short on food this week?

Description : Remote health monitoring - Would you be willing to swallow a "chip-in-a-pill" ?

Last Answer : Sure. Better than going through another transplant. Or worse yet, having to get one and it was a long shot I got the first one. So if it could help me keep my new organ, than I don’t see why not.

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Last Answer : Have you SEEN those things? Not me.

Description : Has anyone ever determined whether a swallow could carry a coconut to England from a tropical climate?

Last Answer : What do you mean, an African or European swallow?

Description : How can you teach a dog to chew food rather than just swallow?

Last Answer : I think it’s in dogs’ nature not to chew very much. “Savor” isn’t printed very large in a dog’s dictionary. Your current dog is,I think, much more typical than your growing-up dog.

Description : Why can't we humans swallow hair easely?

Last Answer : It tends to cling to your throat, rather than go down, and engages the choke mechanism.

Description : Is there anything you can do if you swallow a piece of hard candy before it has reached its OCSS (optimal comfort swallowing size)?

Last Answer : drink something hot to help it melt faster

Description : Do your ears ever pop when you swallow?

Last Answer : This happened to me after I got my wisdom teeth out. Have you had any tooth extractions?

Description : What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Last Answer : African or European?

Description : Why are hair straws so repellent to swallow?

Last Answer : Long stringy things can get caught in your throat more easily than things that can be chewed or things that melt in your mouth. Hair will stick to your throat on the way down and it has too little surface area to go down with one swallow.

Description : is pale swallow wort posonous to humans

Last Answer : wear long shirts..........gloves and long pants, heavy shoes and tough toes to fight this one............there is a double strength vinegar at some Walmarts............get a metal container boil 4 ... & effective but labor intensive. I would try round-up........might be easier to spray it......