The seeds they sell for planting... What do they do to them?

1 Answer

Answer :

Also, I am aware that a lot of the fruit and vegetables they sell in stores are hybrids that are sterile.

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Last Answer : answer:Heirloom seeds, I believe, are ancient' seeds that have been historically planted as opposed to the seeds you buy today. It's one way of creating and preserving genetic diversity. Here's ... you may have seen the colour wheel of carrots. The different colours all come from different seeds,

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Last Answer : answer:While I don't think it's something the caterpillar was excreting helping your plant grow I can offer you another reason. I study plant and insect interactions at university. What I think ... actual organism either due to chemicals the bugs excrete or the sound of their leaves getting eaten.

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Last Answer : Herbs can always add to what you cook. I just bought some chives and rosemary. I will be looking to add basil, oregano and thyme.

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Last Answer : I’ve always liked Boston or Asparagus Ferns. English Ivy is hard to kill it’s so easy to care for. Just cut it back once in a while. I also like Peperomia. It’s not ivy or fern but it’s very easy to grow and looks good with the others. I’ll have to check the spelling on that.

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Last Answer : Roundup.

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Last Answer : Heck I don’t know. I can’t even imagine a one one pumpkin!

Description : What is the name of this plant? (photos inside)

Last Answer : It looks like a type of wild radish and it fits the buggers growing conditions. Have you tried a type of Roundup product on it and it didn't work? That helps me work out what it is as well, ... . When it starts to creep up again catch it early with an application of Banvel or Weedmaster. Good luck.

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Last Answer : Because in their mind, they are in a separate category. The same reason why some people, and I have met some, that try to convince you that trees are not plants.

Description : Do you think something like this would deter the cats from crappin' in the potted plants?

Last Answer : Bird spikes might work. So will cayenne pepper mixed into or shaken onto the plant’s dirt.