Ok fashion police. what do you still see people wearing today that is definitely not in style?

1 Answer

Answer :

ok, the horny question above is a great thread. do “members only” jackets maketh thou hornieth?

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Last Answer : answer:I would shudder if my husband put this combination on. Two different neutral colors—ack. The shirt and the pants are both fine. But they are not meant for each other.

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Last Answer : I believe it was Eve, who looked at the fig leaves that Adam brought home and said, “Oh hell no!”

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Last Answer : The old rule of thumb of seasonal white used to be the norm, but I think that's realxed quite a bit in recent years. To me, it's not what the calendar says, but more of what the weather is. ... 'd wear the sun dresses only if it was hot enough. Maybe a short jacket over them would be an option.

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Last Answer : Kratos in God of War. I mean the torn tunic topless look may go down well with some but not with this fashionista.Although the Blade of Artemis was cool as fuck.

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Last Answer : answer:Regardless of the weather when I was a child people had certain criterion that after certain months of the year you started to wear or not wear certain clothes even if the temperature swung up or ... never did figure out that Labor Day thingy either. So wear white whenever it suits you. :-}

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Last Answer : Yes, plenty of items. Some of the oldest are coats. two are pushing 30

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Last Answer : Buy yourself a “hat size adjuster” or headband to wear at work.

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Last Answer : is your junk bouncing around? can you see outlines? if so, then it’s not comfortable to see and maybe you should wear underwear. My husband is obscene looking without underwear under sweats or even jeans, I wouldn’t let him out of the house like that!

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Last Answer : answer:I push this video all the time but it is SOOO important! watch thestoryofstuff.com. Fashons are designed to change, in order to help inflate a false economy. Personally, I welcomed the resurgance of ... a high butt crack and could never find anything that didn't make me lool like a plumber.

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Last Answer : There is another possibility. They can be individuals who follow like sheep. Possessing money does not necessarily mean possessing brains.

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Last Answer : They should make clothes for lazy people who sleep in their clothes and wear them for days at a time. Deodorant clothes.

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Last Answer : I am a slave of size and comfort.

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Last Answer : The fashionable but severely beaten-to-death expression “Move forward”....

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Last Answer : Buy, try and return?

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Last Answer : I'm not sure what you mean. The current fashion includes every culture you can imagine. The traditional Native American fashion of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma reflects the influence of the European ... with the fashion of the day since ready made clothing became available in the early 1900's.

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Last Answer : I saw a guy with a headband or sweatband on with a baseball cap turned to the side. Not a good look.

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Last Answer : Yes. And, they allow for you to actually swim w/out the top falling off or scooping down ;)

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Last Answer : answer:Marisa Tomei by a mile. That dress was beautiful. Honorable mention to Scarlett Johansen. Loved the lace work on her dress. It’s tough with the men. A tux is a tux. But Hugh Jackman wears it well. Of course, this is of what I saw. I was asleep by 10PM.

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Last Answer : Not caring about fashion at all.

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Last Answer : Some mean really don't have a clue. Take building workers as an example. Have you ever seen them bend down while working? What do you see most of their belly hanging out, hairs everywhere, and from the ... straight out of a shop window. Too immacuate for me. A happy medium I say - smart & neat.

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Last Answer : I don't think women would do such a thing. After all this time trying to look smaller and show off their curves, wearing baggy jeans won't just suddenly turn the tide. Also .fashion trends aren't ... populace follows. it could be popular in one small city and no one else would have heard of it.

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Last Answer : “Is it all just a big show to give the media something to talk about?” Yes PR PR

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Last Answer : No one would even be able to see me in the one I have even if they did come back into style.

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Last Answer : So you want a site that gives advice on male fashion (particularly the casual look)?

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Last Answer : I don't care much for fashion. I wear what I like. Usually what's most comfortable. Most of my clothes come from bad places (k-mart, meijers, ect) and some is from mall stores (old ... my choices are limited of where I buy anything and price is probably the biggest factor in my purchasing decisions.

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Last Answer : Where is the hole?

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Last Answer : Spandex – 1983 that was all me.

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Last Answer : clean cut

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Last Answer : Not too many years ago, like in 1914, laundry cleaning and bathing (once a week) was a bit of a luxury and women/girls wore an additional piece of cloth around their necks and over their shoulders to keep ... food off. And don't be wearing the dress when they put on make-up and/or spray their hair.

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Last Answer : You would enter my eyes for 5 seconds then you would be completely erased from my memory afterward.

Description : At what age do I need to start wearing the jumpsuit and loafers with white socks? (MBDT)

Last Answer : Twenty minutes past never. Eyuch. although my answer may be different if you live in Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Miami Beach, Phoenix, or Rancho Mirage, California

Description : Hi I just want to know if you can tell what I'm wearing underneath?

Last Answer : No. But you might get all hot and sweaty.

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Last Answer : I take a shower every other day and change clothes then.

Description : For anyone currently wearing something pink, well don't you look cute?

Last Answer : What? Having cocktails early? lol I am wearing a blue lace skirt with a charcoal colored sweater. No pink on me today.

Description : What are you wearing?

Last Answer : Traditional rags known to please authority at the moment…

Description : What sort of pants (or covering) is John Mellencamp wearing in his "Hurts So Good" music video?

Last Answer : Those are called chaps. They were all the rage with 80’s pop stars. David Lee Roth (of Van Halen fame) was fond of wearing them without pants.

Description : When wearing white, you should not_____?

Last Answer : Shite

Description : When women wear leggings as pants, which of these are the better way of wearing them?

Last Answer : answer:I wear leggings as pants with a long tunic top or short dress, usually with flat heeled, black, leather boots. Always black, not shimmery, no prints. Matthew 5:28

Description : Guys, have you ever or would you consider ever wearing a sarong?

Last Answer : answer:Sure. Why not? ‘Cuz sometimes, a sarong can be so right.

Description : What are the rules when it comes to wearing button up shirts with shorts and flip flops?

Last Answer : Khaki, white, and grey all work very well as colors for shorts in such a combination, but jean shorts are too casual and black shorts are a bit harsh. As far as shirt colors, you can choose ... pair of brown leather flip flops. This type of look also works well with polo shirts and boat shoes.

Description : What are the best shirt colors for wearing with light gray khaki shorts?

Last Answer : Blackberry you could do with working out whether this is a warm' or cool' grey. If it has a look of brownish/yellowish or pinkish tones in the grey, then they are warm; conversely, bluish or ... have to be taken into account Hawaiian multi-coloureds go with pretty much anything, by the way :)

Description : Have you ever left the premises wearing nothing but (a) a bedsheet, (b) a blanket, or (c) a towel?

Last Answer : A towel in front of my house in broad daylight. I took pictures of the man who entered my house and walked in on me while I was taking a shower.

Description : Can you get away by wearing black socks with sandals?

Last Answer : Still sounds pretty bad, sorry.

Description : Have you ever seen anyone wearing the same outfit as you when you're out in public?

Last Answer : answer:Number of years ago, I went to work with a new short sleeve sport shirt and pair of pants I just bought. Got to work and went to a meeting, the guy two seats down from me was wearing ... . We both had a laugh. Because it was one of the ladies at the meeting that noticed the similarities.

Description : Men wearing flip flops or sandals with jeans: yes or no?

Last Answer : As long as you keep your feet neat and sans ash, you’ll be fine =)

Description : Is there anything you restrict your spouse, mate, lover, etc. from wearing when you are not with them?

Last Answer : Nope

Description : What color shirts match with brown shoes when wearing jeans? Black shoes?

Last Answer : probably any colour really . if your jeans are blue you could wear any colour but i think blue or white will go best with your brown shoes (: hope that helps you out !

Description : Does wearing black make you feel thinner?

Last Answer : answer:One reason people recommend wearing black to look thinner is because people are less likely to notice shadows in the fabric, which will give you the illusion of having a crisper silhouette. However, ... and others make me feel quite svelte :) Same with all the clothes in my closet, really.

Description : Men wearing skirts: Does it bother you? Why or why not?

Last Answer : Personally, I don't care. I think people should wear they are comfortable with and if that means someone who identifies with the masculine gender wants to wear a skirt, well, that's his prerogative. ... uncomfortable but that's just because I'm knock-kneed and my thighs chafe when I wear a skirt.

Description : Do sandals look bad if someone is wearing socks?

Last Answer : No, it looks AWESOME.