In favor of the new health care program? Why or why not?

1 Answer

Answer :

I haven’t looked into it (since I’m not American and could hardly care less) but I can’t imagine anything people come up with to be worse than what you guys currently have. You are referring to the US, right?

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Last Answer : answer:I like biographies. Feats and discoveries would be cool, too. The symbols like the Eagle and Columbia are good. I guess I don’t care, but it should be consistent, and right now we have famous people. The change I would like is some way for blind people to differentiate bills.

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Last Answer : answer:Is this homework? This seems like a math problem that is just asking you to restate a probability from percentage (65%) to odds. Do you know what “odds” means, mathematically?

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Last Answer : I haven’t seen a soaked cake of any flavor, except a Tiramisu, in ages. My grandmother was really into rum-soaked cakes. I was too young to partake until she was in too poor health to bake.

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Last Answer : It's not technically right or wrong; it's simply a style which some people and publications follow and some don't. A publication I once worked for used it for years and then dropped it. Social media ... many old grammatical rules-in my opinion as a writer, some for the better and some for the worse.

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Last Answer : I don’t think there is enough information here to answer the question. Need a link to read or more details.