What would cause sore breasts?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sometimes, I get that right before my period, then it goes away.

Related questions

Description : How big breasts might I get naturally?

Last Answer : Here is one article on gynecomastia that might shed some light. After reading through it, there doesn’t seem to be a standard size for men on breast size. In fact, it is more likely to fluctuate more than women experience. As for the areola enlargement, it sounds like that is very typical.

Description : Do heterosexual males find larger breasts to be attractive?

Last Answer : answer:This is all a matter of personal preference and cultural conditioning. Boobs are great. You’re doing alright by having them in the first place.

Description : Do guys prefer natural or silicon breasts?

Last Answer : natural

Description : There's a huge difference in my two breasts. What should I do ?

Last Answer : I’ve read in books that is normal.. but im also 14 and my boobs are the same haha. But you might want to ask your mom. But I’m not sure if I would worry about it. I’ve also read that it’s normal for your left to be bigger.. but i’m no doctor

Description : Why do ladies protect their breasts i mean fold their arms/?

Last Answer : Because they don’t want people like you touching them!

Description : Women: question about breasts?

Last Answer : answer:Breast Reduction Surgery is the “big one”. Otherwise, “dressing down” works as well. There are many bras, types of clothing that are used by women every day to divert attention away from the breast area. Dressing in layers is another “easy” fix (a shirt and a light jacket, for instance).

Description : Marinated Chicken Breasts

Last Answer : Marinated Chicken Breasts - serves 8 Preparation - 10 minutes, cooking time - 20 minutes. 1/2 cup broth 2 pounds chicken breasts, boned and skinned (8 halves) 1 tbsp extra-virgin ... is done when the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees using an instant-read thermometer. Discard the marinade.

Description : Chicken Breasts Bonne Femme

Last Answer : Chicken Breasts Bonne Femme - serves 2 Preparation - 35 minutes 2 chickens breasts (6 ounces each), skinned and cut into halves 1 tbsp all-purpose flour 2 tsp olive or vegetable oil 1 cup each sliced ... . Our version of a classic French recipe is as fine as any you will find in a restaurant.

Description : Grilled Chicken Breasts with Wild Mushroom-Bourbon Sauce

Last Answer : Grilled Chicken Breasts with Wild Mushroom-Bourbon Sauce 1/2 cup chopped fresh rosemary 1/2 cup lemon juice 2 tbsp Dijon mustard Salt and pepper to taste 1 1/2 cup olive oil 20 chicken breast ... (about 10 min.). Meanwhlie, reheat sauce. Arrange chicken on a serving platter and top with sauce.

Description : Grilled Chicken Breasts with Tequila and Citrus

Last Answer : Grilled Chicken Breasts with Tequila and Citrus - serves 2 2 chicken breasts 4 cloves garlic, cut in half 3 tbsp peppered tequila 3 tbsp fresh lime juice 3 tbsp fresh orange juice 1 1/2 tsp ... degrees. Remove the chicken and place in a pan. Bake for 20 minutes, basting frequently with marinade.

Description : Chicken Breasts al'a Riviera

Last Answer : Chicken Breasts al'a Riviera - serves 4 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves 2 tbsp butter, melted 1/4 cup flour 1 tbsp honey 1 tsp poultry seasoning 1 tsp spicy brown mustard ... and pour sauce over chicken. Place grapefruit wedges and pineapple slices around chicken. Sprinkle with parsley.

Description : Chicken Breasts with Ginger Butter

Last Answer : Chicken Breasts with Ginger Butter - serves 4 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves 1/2 cup buttermilk 1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce 3 tbsp butter, room temperature 1 tbsp honey 1/2 tsp finely ... golden brown and no longer pink inside. Top each breast half with a small dollop of ginger butter.

Description : Chicken Breasts with Avocado, Grapefruit and Rice

Last Answer : Chicken Breasts with Avocado, Grapefruit and Rice - serves 4 4 boneless, skinless half chicken breasts, about 1 pound Paprika and white pepper, to taste 1 tsp olive oil 1 cup reduced sodium, fat ... and grapefruit; heat briefly. Salt to taste (optional). Serve sauce over chicken and orzo or rice.

Description : Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Last Answer : Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts - serves 4 3/4 cup Cream cheese 1/3 cup Blue cheese 5 tbsp butter Grated nutmeg 3/4 cup Swiss cheese, grated 3 chicken breasts, 3/4 lb each skinned, boned, halved ... . Transfer pan to -preheated 400 F. oven and bake for 7 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.

Description : Caribbean Chicken Breasts

Last Answer : Caribbean Chicken Breasts - serves 4 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves 1/2 tsp ground coriander 1/4 tsp ground ginger 1/2 tsp ground cumin 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tbsp vegetable ... or until mixture begins to thicken; pour over chicken. Garnish with cilantro sprigs and red chili peppers.

Description : Baked Chicken Breasts with Cheese

Last Answer : Baked Chicken Breasts with Cheese - serves 6 4 chicken breasts,split 1/4 lb swiss cheese slices 1 can cream of celery soup 1 cup herb-flavored croutons 3 tbsp butter Arrange chicken in a greased 2 ... . Sprinkle with croutons, dot with butter. Bake in preheated 350'F oven 1 hour, or until tender.

Description : Amaretto Chicken Breasts

Last Answer : Amaretto Chicken Breasts - serves 4 1/4 cup butter 1/3 cup onions chopped 1/3 cup celery chopped 4 cup bread crumbs 1 can water chestnuts 2 tsp poultry seasoning 1 tbsp beau monde ... sugar dissolves. Cool, and either baste chicken breasts during cooking, or serve as topping glaze at table.

Description : Exactly how is / was an "underwire" supposed to hold boobs up?

Last Answer : It isn’t /wasn’t. It was to hold the shape of the cups.

Description : Does anyone else think that Kylo Ren's exposed chest was kind of disgusting?

Last Answer : I was far too busy being disgusted by the sloppy dumbness of most of the rest of the lazy, derivative script. But no, it didn't seem disgusting physically. But I have been put off by the whole Kylo Ren ... of that joke in real-life politics, except we don't get to see who's pulling their strings.)

Description : Is this perimenopause or something else (women only, please)?

Last Answer : it is possible that you have a hormonal imbalance, and you should see a Dr, sooner rather than later.

Description : Nipple changes after breastfeeding?

Last Answer : Breastfeeding changes your breasts. No question.

Description : Why do men like boobs?

Last Answer : I like asses.

Description : What helps you tell the difference between stalagtites and stalagmites?

Last Answer : I always thought it was stalactite with a c and that meant it was from the ceiling. Stalagmite with a g meant it was from the ground. At least that was my way to rember it.

Description : Do most men actually find those obviously fake, over sized boobs attractive?

Last Answer : Not that freakin big,those things could kill ya. Talk about bad back problems.

Description : What is the appropriate response when men blatantly stare at your boobs?

Last Answer : There’s always the old, “Excuse me! My eyes are up here.” Then point at your eyes.

Description : Did cavewomen, and ancient women in general, have larger or smaller boobs than we currently do?

Last Answer : Who knows, what with all the plastic surgery! You’ll see a pencil thin woman with huge Winnebagos.

Description : Ladies, do/would you go out in public without a bra on? Would it make you uncomfortable?

Last Answer : I have a generous portion and tend to wear a bra unless what i am wearing demands otherwise. I’ve no problem walking about without one on, maybe if they weren’t pointing in the right direction i’d make sure they were supported.

Description : Would any Fluther ladies show their boobs for beads?

Last Answer : My boobs are worth more than beads. :)

Description : Have my boobs stopped growing?

Last Answer : Boobs are just fat. I had the same size boobs all through middle school and high school and when I came to college, I gained 20 pounds. It all went into my chest. Now I'm carting around a couple of ... I'd be willing to be that your ladies will get at least a cup size bigger in college. maybe more.

Description : My boobs are itching a lot recently, why?

Last Answer : Dry skin? Have you started using a new soap, new laundry detergent, or recently bought some new bras? If something like that has changed, it could be irritating your skin. Try using a mild, unscented ... to get hives, take some benedryl and use a process of elimination to figure out what caused it.

Description : Why do men like big boobs on women?

Last Answer : BONZO this question and the subsequent one you asked are quite impressive. your understanding and concern for the female form is noted and appreciated.

Description : Who had bigger or better boobs? Charo or Dolly Parton?

Last Answer : Had? Both are still alive. To answer your question I’d have to say Dolly. But to be fair to Charro, Dolly’s are store bought and Charro’s are natural. ¡Cuchi cuchi!

Description : Insecure about breast size?

Last Answer : I'm curious, her child with him is young enough to be breastfed? And you have a child with him also? Are these two children close in age? Maybe she is doing it on purpose, because (and without more ... child, my boobs changed.. my husband may miss my old boobs, but he still loves the ones I have.

Description : Why do guys think that the number part of a bra size has anything to do with boob size?

Last Answer : They are obviously misinformed or uninformed and in error.

Description : Why are my breasts so sore?

Last Answer : Could be mastitis.

Description : Why do womens breasts become sore during/before their period?

Last Answer : Not being a doctor or a woman, I can only guess. And my guess would simply be hormones going apeshit.

Description : I have been having pain under my right breast or inside my chest for 2 days now , from today my left side is also a little bit sore. What is the cause of the gas problem ?

Last Answer : It may be due to gastric, so first try gastric medicine for 2/3 days, but if it does not subside, consult a doctor.

Description : Why eating the flesh from the ripe mango seed cause sore throat?

Last Answer : How many times have you eaten ripe mango and resulted in sore throat every time? Maybe the sugar that's contained in the sweet ripe mango. Sugary food causes phlegm. And sugar causes inflammation in ... mouth with salt whenever you feel the pain of sore throat. Drink Vitamin C, ascorbic acid daily.

Description : Should fake breasts be more common than circumcisions?

Last Answer : Should they be? No. Could they be? Yes. 2 to 1. Circumcisions have some health benefits I’ve heard. Saggy (not just saggy) boobs, not so much.

Description : How do you exam your breasts correctly?

Last Answer : https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Document/UpdateSummaryFinal/breast-cancer-screening

Description : How do you feel when someone hug and nudge you with her breasts?

Last Answer : If you don’t like it, would you prefer I detach them first?

Description : Men, how big are your breasts, and how do you feel about it?

Last Answer : I am flat chested. If I were a woman I would not qualify for an A cup or even a training bra.

Description : Do all cultures have the obsession with breasts like we do?

Last Answer : I remember hearing about a westerner telling a group of women in a tribe that customarily goes topless that breasts are considered sexual objects by western men. The women thought that was hilarious.

Description : Painful spots in breasts? Normal?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, it's normal. No, you should not be worried.Here's some accurate info about normal discomfort in your breasts at your age. http://kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/girls/ ... only wonderful erogenous zones, but also a complicated and miraculous milk production factory-in-the-making.

Description : Embarrassing Question Monday: What can I do to perk up my breasts a little?

Last Answer : Exercise can help make the skin appear smoother and some muscles do offer a little lift in that area if worked on. Probably not as much lift as you are expecting though. Breast tissue once stretched ... . Saggy is not always bad, natural breasts are beautiful and admired even in their saggy' state.

Description : Do you think it would be unhealthy to eat Tyson's Boneless Chicken Breasts twice a week?

Last Answer : answer:I've had a lot of their products. I rather like their General Tso's Chicken. ^_^ The Grilled and Ready stuff is pretty awesome, if you're looking for something to throw on your salads. I'm sure ... 's processed and evil and you'll start glowing in the dark or something, but I'm not dead yet.

Description : Okay, I'm throwing myself to the mercy of the female jellies with this, but do you ladies sometimes flash your breasts to guys just to toy with us?

Last Answer : Yes. And when you make your move in response, we slap you with a sexual harrassment lawsuit to milk you dry.

Description : Are stretch marks on breasts a turn off?

Last Answer : If he loves you, he will love your breasts. They are part of you. Show faith in him. Let him love your breasts.

Description : Do men prefer small or big breasts on a slim girl?

Last Answer : DFC FTW!

Description : What should I do with a surplus of cooked chicken breasts?

Last Answer : re read this and laughed at “I have 6 breasts and they are pretty big”—sounds like a real freak show