What situations tell you the most about someone's character?

1 Answer

Answer :

Bathroom situations.

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Last Answer : imrainmaker If it is something that would upset them I might weigh whether or not they need to know. And hypothetically, I might tell them sooner than later. Good luck.

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Last Answer : For me it was the eyes. Dead. Nothing behind them. I’m big on eye contact, doesn’t matter if you’ve got cataracts or heterochromia or scarring on your eyes, I will make eye contact. But I couldn’t with this person. I felt sick trying.

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Last Answer : For me it was the eyes. Dead. Nothing behind them. I’m big on eye contact, doesn’t matter if you’ve got cataracts or heterochromia or scarring on your eyes, I will make eye contact. But I couldn’t with this person. I felt sick trying.

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Last Answer : For me it was the eyes. Dead. Nothing behind them. I’m big on eye contact, doesn’t matter if you’ve got cataracts or heterochromia or scarring on your eyes, I will make eye contact. But I couldn’t with this person. I felt sick trying.

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Last Answer : For me it was the eyes. Dead. Nothing behind them. I’m big on eye contact, doesn’t matter if you’ve got cataracts or heterochromia or scarring on your eyes, I will make eye contact. But I couldn’t with this person. I felt sick trying.

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Last Answer : I have had similar moments and a sincere heartfelt apology can smooth things over. But you mention this has happened before and probably will happen again. The wheels are already coming off this friendship bus and may be best to end the friendship before more painful things are said.

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Last Answer : answer:For people who have trouble handling change, they might be better off mentally. There’s a great movie featuring the issue, take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodbye_Lenin!#Plot

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Last Answer : answer:My brother. A long time ago. - We were swimming in an ocean, and he was very young, the tide grew stronger and started pulling him in. I wrapped him in my arms so tight he couldn't breathe, the ... way. The same thing happened to me, and it's funny how she was the one who saved me as well.

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Last Answer : Yes my daughter chocked on a roll on Thanksgiving and went limp purple and was not breathing. I stayed calm and worked with her until she was breathing again. Then I went upstairs and basically collapsed ... was allowed to remain here with us. She has given me a wonderful grand child that I adore.

Description : Have you ever saved someone's life?

Last Answer : Yes, a number of times I’ve pulled my daughter and other kids off of the bottom of our pool

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Last Answer : well, it depends on the situation. if its too dangerous then you are more or less on your own, but its your duty to at least try if things are not too dangerous for your self. could not care less what ... gender they are. as for a reward, i would expect you to do me a favor should i ever need one.

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Last Answer : Been told often. It’s why folks become teachers — sure as heck not for the money.

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Last Answer : Good Point, maybe it is simply due to the syndrome You don't know what you've got till it's gone. I had a favorite uncle, and he was always very lively and fun. Before he died he said he ... we knew and loved, then had a HUGE lobster feast. No one wore black. Uncle Joe would have loved it.

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Last Answer : answer:It wasn't started as a way to get autographs, but for someone to put a kind of Get Well Soon or Good Luck! message, where it would NOT be mis-placed, because some folks actually save their casts, ... -89) did, then later gave it away to a loyal fan of hers. August 24, 2008, 1:19 PM EDT

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Last Answer : answer:Generally, someone is given legal standing to take care of these things, like an executor of an estate. Even if they didn't, e-mail and blogs tend to expire if inactive too long and a website ... and domain registration that has to be paid for. I'd assume they'd be terminated for non-payment.

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Last Answer : Well if “National Treasure” has taught us anything…