Do you truly believe that gay people are equal to straight people in terms of their being?

1 Answer

Answer :

does a gay man or woman feel love in any different of a fashion as their straight counterparts? it’s a non issue with me.

Related questions

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Last Answer : Inspired by a youtube video I saw yesterday feel free to post it if you want or must.

Description : What do you think of the term "straight acting" in reference to a gay person?

Last Answer : I think it refers to a discredited stereotype. Not all effeminate men are gay, and certainly not all gay men are effeminate.

Description : Why did Adam Lambert say, " I'm PROUD to be gay ", are you PROUD to be STRAIGHT?

Last Answer : Well, based on the simple fact that many people don’t think gay people should have the same rights as straight people and there are people who harrass and belittle gays for their sexual orientation, then yes. I’d say that many gay people are in a constant fighting mode against society.

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Last Answer : Never. And if I did, I’d try therapy to deal with it.

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Last Answer : answer:They are Oh, yeah, and here, too. Mad props to JC Penney, by the way. Their whole rebrand is really cool, and I like their new price structure.

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Last Answer : After this incident, I was thinking that this would have made a good Seinfeld episode.

Description : What is your reaction when anti-gay activists say that homosexuality will lead to population decline?

Last Answer : Laugh was my first thought too. Seriously, get a real agenda.

Description : Exodus International, the "ex-gay" conversion therapy group, shuts down: thoughts?

Last Answer : Let’s hope that this is a sign that tolerance is growing.

Description : A former gay lover of mine killed himself two weeks ago. Now, do you care?

Last Answer : answer:I wish that people’s sexual behavior didn’t matter, and that we didn’t have to pick one of these labels. We are born into a world where decisions are made for us. But since it does matter, I do care.

Description : How come the word homosexual might (with some squeamishness to be sure) be applied to gay guys, but gay girls are called something else.

Last Answer : I use it for both.

Description : Why is "coming out" such a big thing in 2012? Does saying that you're gay mean anything these days?

Last Answer : answer:Bigotry and discrimination still exist. People still get killed for being gay or acting' like they are, which generally means outside of narrow gender norms. People still demean them and make them the butt ... to people. I think this limits everyone. But it's the world we have to live with.

Description : Gay jellies! Have you ever been out of the closet, and then thrust back in?

Last Answer : I’m not gay, but I think it’s a big mistake to have lied and said you have a GF. I can’t fathom what’s wrong with being gay? As long as you have the job it’s fine and set I believe.

Description : Gay jellies: is it annoying to you that Ricky Martin is getting so much attention for coming out?

Last Answer : I feel nothing about it. I saw some of his ‘special’ and thought he was over-acting. I further don’t think celebs are obligated to come out just because they’re queer celebs.

Description : Do you think gay rights advancement is totally dead in the water after this election?

Last Answer : Gay rights should be advancing on the state level…federal laws regarding gay civil rights (e.g., DOMA) are an anathema to a small-government objective, as well as a federalist perspective. The Fed should stay out of states allowing for certain citizen rights.

Description : Where are all the gay klingons?

Last Answer : answer:That is an interesting question considering how far ahead of his time Gene Roddenberry was. Yet, in the 60s, while race was a talked about issue, homosexuality really wasn't. It would ... Especially because it is accepted in a lot of science fiction and fantasy. Mercedes Lackey, for example.

Description : Would there still be tension sexually if everyone went Gay or bisexual?

Last Answer : . People would branch off and still call themselves something different. I would think. There would be gay and semi gay. Or semi bisexual and bisexual.

Description : is dumbledore gay?

Last Answer : Yes, according to JK Rowling.

Description : Gay is in the DNA? Hmm... What do you think?

Last Answer : answer:There is a definite pattern of differences in the brain structure of gay people, with gay men having brains more like straight women and lesbians like straight men. Whether or not it's actually ... view that hetero is somehow more perfect. Sadly, I think that would make the world boring.

Description : When did you choose to be straight?

Last Answer : First time I saw a boy who turned me on, but I understand what you are asking.

Description : How can I help someone I know and love overcome their denial and come out of the closet?

Last Answer : Maybe he is in a different closet. I am as rampantly hetero as you can get - yet since my teens many people have considered me gay - mostly because I am well spoken and perhaps a little more refined ... - it is how I managed to have so many gay friends. You might be making the same mistake.

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Last Answer : I'm happy anytime people can be their authentic selves and find happiness as well. Pride doesn't really have meaning in my life, although I tried to get a few friends together to go to St Louis, but ... 't even celebrating at all and he's the first elected openly gay man on a committee in our city.

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Last Answer : Because there are people that hate gays?

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Last Answer : This being in General, I best stay on point. Only two words then…manic perceptions

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Last Answer : Why should homosexuality be considered a mental disorder?

Description : When will we stop talking about "the gays"?

Last Answer : Hawaii_Jake I don’t honestly know. It seems that some people will never get it. I get so discouraged some times. What does it mean to mean that someone thinks differently?

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Last Answer : Why do you think they would want to be forced into gender roles, dress-codes included, that are traditionally mandated by the patriarchy, the same institution that condemns their lesbianism?

Description : If you're against homosexuality (some Christians), and feel as though I shouldn't act on my homosexual feelings, does this mean that I'm supposed to be miserable for the rest of my life?

Last Answer : Not necessarily miserable, but yeah. Mostly we’d be content if you’d leave the culture alone. Though it’s not unreasonable for the unsaved to act unsaved, so…

Description : Is Pride still a useful event?

Last Answer : There are many battles to be fought and many ways to get there: legal and illegal, fun and not so fun. This one event, the Pride parade is important, historically, and relevant presently because there are ... on the same page and, to reiterate, there are many ways to be out and queer and political.

Description : What are your thoughts on homosexuality? How have your thoughts changed over the years?

Last Answer : answer:Homosexuality: don’t knock it until you try it. (I guess I may have been “grossed out” by it when I was little, but I can’t clearly remember a time when I thought that it wasn’t legitimate or whatever.)

Description : How long before homophobia will become a thing of the past?

Last Answer : Not even racism is a thing of the past, so I imagine a good while. Maybe another 100 years?

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Last Answer : answer:Using the same “theory”, you might as well argue that society would thrive better if there were only clones, each identical to the other. Makes just as much sense (if not more). By the way, that wasn’t a “documentary” that you were watching. That was proselytizing.

Description : Is there a relationship between homosexuality and defying gender stereotypes as a child?

Last Answer : In both my niece and nephew’s case I would say that is true,but I don’t think it is the same for everybody by any means.

Description : Is Fluther a good place to start the coming out process? Yes, I really am doing this.

Last Answer : answer:It only gets better from here! Once you acknowledge who you really are to yourself and then start to validate that self in your interactions with others, there can be a significant experience of ... up my sources of strength and support before I came out to anyone whose reaction might sting.

Description : Where does the idea that homosexuality or any sexuality for that matter is a lifestyle come from?

Last Answer : answer:I’ve always found it as silly as thinking that hetero-sexuality is a lifestyle. Except in the teen years, for boys, when it’s all they can think about.

Description : Are you ashamed of your demographic?

Last Answer : answer:If someone is not proud of their demographic, they have no reason to be ashamed of it, either. But everything you pointed out is true, and every Demographic has its own unique trash problem. And those that fail to self-criticize their own Group…. are the same that fail humanity overall.

Description : What's the best way to handle opinions that you consider ignorant?

Last Answer : Slam my head agains the wall? that's what I do sometimes - that and discuss all this incredulous ignorance with my husband. I think it's good to debate, not argue, with someone that you consider ... opinions, the answer is a resounding yes, in that it is possible and has happened a lot of times.

Description : How would you feel if your life partner proclaimed that homosexuality was unnatural...

Last Answer : Well, my life partner is gay, so I would be absolutely confused and verklempt

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Last Answer : It’s called intuition with most other things.

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Last Answer : I don’t think it’s true that straight women (all, or even most) prefer bigger penises. As for gay men, I can’t really comment, since I’m not one.

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Last Answer : I am opposed to Prop 8 so I don’t think his views are right…he has the right to his opinion and I have the right to mine…

Description : Have you ever been attracted to someone who resembled you physically?

Last Answer : No, but I have seen this happen once to Jerry Seinfeld.

Description : Have you ever really needed to tell someone something, but you just couldn’t do it?

Last Answer : I really don’t have advice to offer on this subject, but good luck in telling your mother.

Description : My friend's brother is an extreme homosexual, but he refuses to admit it. Should I let him keep his secret or help him share it?

Last Answer : I think you should respect his privacy and let him determine where and how to share that information.

Description : How do Freemasons perceive homosexuality?

Last Answer : I’m a mason, a member of the Beverly Hills lodge and I do not mince words about my sexuality.

Description : How to teach children about homosexuality?

Last Answer : Eh…I don’t like the idea of “teaching” anything to children about such a controversial issue. If you just give them the facts and such they’ll decide for themselves. Unless of course you have an obvious agenda in mind.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think this is an either/or situation. Many frauds convince themselves along with the people they dupe. I think the way our brains work-specifically, how we deal with cognitive dissonance, ... on one level that it's bullshit, but on another level they believe in what they're saying.

Description : If you were attacked on the street, do you truly believe that you could defend yourself?

Last Answer : This is not a fun question. A lot of women on this site have been attacked and raped.

Description : Are facts truly relevant when someone wishes to believe them?

Last Answer : Hypocrisy_Central GQ! I have a lot to say this, but I’m on my phone right now. I’ll be back later this evening or in the morning with a long detailed reply.

Description : Do you believe that the United States is truly free?

Last Answer : answer:Definitions are required especially in politics what does ‘truly’ mean? what does ‘free’ mean? Without agreed-upon measures, how can this be discussed?

Description : What is that technique called where they try to turn gay people straight?

Last Answer : answer:Aversion therapy. Doesn’t work and its not really therapeutic, but a perversion of it.