What's the best way to migrate/import my Mac data without using Migrations Assistant?

1 Answer

Answer :

Grab the folders from ur user set up and take them off, where are you putting them?

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Last Answer : Try a program called MediaWidget. It will transfer everything across (music, photos) to itunes.

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Last Answer : VV I see… Comment retracted. FoxyTunes is great, especially if you’re constantly browsing the internet.

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Last Answer : answer:If you're on Windows, you can use a great program called SharePod to transfer your media back onto your computer: http://www.getsharepod.com/ As for your applications, you can right click ... see an example here: http://theappleblog.com/2008/07/22/transfer-applications-from-iphone-to-itunes/

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Last Answer : If you are using a PC, you can rip the music to a folder on your computer. Then in iTunes, File > Add Folder to Library.

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Last Answer : answer:It is quite likely that you cannot, depending on how paranoid Apple is about its DRM. I have no experience with iTunes except as a player, but usually one can find the folders where the music was stored ... Failing all else, run a search for *.mp3 to help you find the folder that you want.

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Last Answer : I’m not sure but I think that you might be able to with Musicmatch. As for iTunes sucking, I couldn’t disagree more. I lurve me my iTunes.

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Last Answer : The two things are separate. Don’t worry about it. It won’t hurt anything.

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Last Answer : answer:If you currently have an iTunes library on your laptop, open iTunes, click file then export library and export to your external HD. Next, close iTunes and hold the alt/option key (on ... paste all files to a folder in your external HD. Do the same thing with the iTunes library selection.

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Last Answer : Have you tried restarting?

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Last Answer : answer:I've always had success with a Sharpie. To burn with iTunes, you have to create a playlist of the tracks you want first. Click the + symbol at the bottom left to create a playlist and then drag ... it's a tray drive (the kind that pops out to hand you the disc), then you should be fine.

Description : Is there a way to put the music on your iPhone on your computer?

Last Answer : Unless you purchased the music on the iTunes store there isn’t any official way to do this, but there are hundreds of free apps that let you do this.

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Last Answer : Removed by myself.

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Last Answer : iTunes plays mp3 files. I don’t see why you would need to convert them. And iTunes doesn’t have a file format.

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Last Answer : Take a screenshot and mail it?

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Last Answer : answer:That's a risk you run if you don't either tell your computer to forget all its passwords or if you don't change your passwords when you give away your computer. Of course, if you allow the new ... , they can make as well. The same goes for any other account you allow them to have access to.

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Last Answer : I’m not sure any of us can answer your question. Why not just call Apple? They provide several methods of contact for problems like yours here.

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Last Answer : iTunes Duplicate Song Manager CopyTrans TuneTastic

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Last Answer : deleted

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Last Answer : answer:The songs may only be 4.55 GB, but what else is being synced? Maybe it’s overhead, more likely other non-song data that it thinks needs syncing. BTW, is it the Windows version of iTunes, or are you on a Mac? The Windows version isn’t exactly reliable, so that might also be it.

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Last Answer : Are you on a Mac? GarageBand has an export to iOS ringtone option.

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Last Answer : No. Ok first off the 5 computers can all hook up to the same server as well as the iPad. You can have one of the computers on at all times and set the other computers up as monitors only where ... still control them. But there are apps that don't work on iPhone and iPad that work only on computers.

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Last Answer : answer:You can buy just about anything on Amazon. Or if you don’t mind downloading it in bits and pieces, you can download just about anything on YouTube.

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Last Answer : answer:If the purchase was for Doctor Who Season 6, Part 1 then it is only episodes 1–7 along with extra features and commentary. According to some reviews you will have to pay again if you want the second part.

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Last Answer : answer:By using a program that isn't iTunes to do what you want. iTunes does not work well with Windows. Use another program whenever you can, use iTunes only to transfer songs to your iPod or other iThing. To ... don't need to be all in the same format, and it can do all of your songs at once.

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Last Answer : answer:I am unfamiliar with Garageband (I run windows and record my podcast with Reaper), but the program I use to generate my RSS feed also automatically pings my feed to the iTunes store. You can find the program here. Let me know if it works for you.

Description : How do I stop itunes from continuing to make duplicates of songs?

Last Answer : Dear mod Nazi. The answer was not unhelpful. It was a genuine soultion to the issue raised. Uninstalling bloatware is always a correct solution.

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Last Answer : Sure you can! Instructions here.

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Last Answer : This usually happens because you either one; do not have your iTunes and music folder flowing together (I do not know proper terms) and they are not connected- you should make it so that you can ... them properly- maybe you didn't save it on your computer properly or you saved the wrong file.

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Last Answer : Go on a quest to your nearest Apple office. They shalt help ye there with your malfunctioning device (if you have warranty, that is).

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Last Answer : answer:I suspect that it’s because how you obtained the music meets the description of pirated music, and iTunes doesn’t recognize pirated music. I had the same problem with a few older mix CDs that I added to my library. Edit: Genius works with music purchased on Amazon.

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Last Answer : What controversy? What song? What are you talking about?

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Last Answer : answer:It sounds like the battery is almost dead. Mine was doing the same thing and I eventually found out that the battery needed to be replaced. If you are handy with a soldering iron you can get a ... doing it yourself. And how old is the iPod? The batteries usually hold up for a few years.

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Last Answer : answer:What is the position of ATT on the subject ? Have you asked an Apple product specialist ? They usually have the most accurate info.

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Last Answer : answer:How podcast savvy are you? Do you know what an RSS feed is? Do you have a website? How computer literate are you? The answers to these questions will help narrow down the kind of help you need.