#1 lane on California freeways: passing only or driving?

1 Answer

Answer :

I checked out the Driver’s handbook on the California DMV website and I found this: “If you can choose among three lanes, pick the middle lane for the smoothest driving. To drive faster, pass, or turn left, use the left lane. When you choose to drive slowly or enter or turn off the road, use the right lane.” Do I get some of that $1,000?

Related questions

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Last Answer : I’m not sure about California, but in Texas a Class C license is a commercial license. It’s the license you need to drive large trucks, limousines, etc. Class A licenses are for regular private vehicles like cars.

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Last Answer : I think it’s just the same. Like you said, most people tend to veer to the right in the U.S., I would imagine most people in England veer to the left when walking…but it’s also only most of the time (as you pointed out). I wouldn’t say this is concrete, though.

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Last Answer : answer:Call the clerk at the DMV office and ask her this question. Driving school staff have the answers; if you paid for the course, call them also and be firm. It is a very straightforward question. ... . MY local (county) DMV website has a clear link that reads How to schedule a road test.

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Last Answer : answer:Female, and I’m more like 9 and 2. One of my hands is always higher than the other, pretty much. Edit: After thinking some more, I realize that sometimes I’m 9 and 5:30 ish.

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Last Answer : answer:I drive safely no matter what.. mostly because I’m not in a hurry.. I always chuckle (and then worry about) those who speed by me as if they are on their way to the hospital and are bleeding out. I tend to wonder if I’ll see a picture of their vehicle on the news.

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Last Answer : Prepaid gas cards are always great. If she balks tell her to keep in in case of emergency.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, I'm not a lawyer or a cop, but I learned that you are responsible for everything in front of you. Thus, I would think that the person who hits the person in front of him his responsible ... what the law says about this. I'm guessing the lawyers are gonna have lots of fun over this :-p

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Last Answer : She stops too suddenly. She drives too slow, then when a red light comes up, she speeds up and then stops too suddenly. Drives me nuts. I have to stop letting her drive me to work.

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Last Answer : answer:What happened last time? Did you panic, have trouble with parallel parking, or make some other correctable mistake. Practice some more in an empty parking lot until you feel more comfortable with ... have or cause an accident while driving. The instructors always err on the side of caution.

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Last Answer : answer:It's not that it would be inappropriate , it just wouldn't (and shouldn't) matter. Driving examiners are used to first-time drivers being nervous about passing. That's part of what they deal ... is a very patient and good driver - and have that person play the part of the examiner with you.

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Last Answer : Do you have any rockin music you like? That won’t distract you too much.

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Last Answer : I would say just take it a little at a time. And don't worry about impressing your driving teacher. Even if you're not so good now and nervous I am sure he or she has seen plenty ... comfortable doing until you feel comfortable doing it. Being an anxious driver doesn't make you a better driver.

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Last Answer : Normally, I would add a link to the story, but I am still recovering from a computer crash. Hopefully, someone will do that.

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Last Answer : I got a hybrid so I won’t feel it as badly because I never plan to stop driving. I enjoy driving places and doing things with my kids.

Description : Northern automobile driving jellies, what precautions are you taking with west bound traffic and are you cutting them some slack due to the glare in the afternoon?

Last Answer : I try to be hyper aware, and I always assume they can’t see me. Like you, I stay waaaaay to the right, and sometimes I find alternate routes when I know (from experience) that visibility is zero on some roads.

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Last Answer : Not if you are over 18.

Description : Do you like driving & are you a good passenger when the need arises?

Last Answer : I love driving and I get jittery when I’m not the driver.

Description : Any tips for making a 15 hr. drive with 3 kids and just me driving?

Last Answer : I’m confused. Your question said it was 15 hours. Not sure where the 18 hours came in….. I add up 26 hours from the numbers you gave up there, and you suggest that the first day will be the longest, longer than even 9 hours…..