Where can I find ideas for a new hair cut?

1 Answer

Answer :

You will find books and books and books of models in most, if not every, hairdresser’s salon. With so much different haircuts in them that you’ll definitely find one that suits you. And the people working there will be pleased to help you find one too, if the models in the books are not to your liking.

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Last Answer : No. But you can look at magazines.

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Last Answer : answer:Keeping hair straight and smooth without blow drying probably won't happen. You can use deep conditioner paired with shampoo designed to straighten hair. Towel dry it and then brush it out straight. ... haircut, tell the stylist to thin your hair out. That'll make it a bit more manageable.

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Last Answer : answer:lots of little bobbles (elastics- if you are American) making lots of little pobytails all over your hair. Similat to this Scrape back the sides with gel then spike the top punk rocker Mohican ... a few pipe cleaners twisted together try this site Or try a temporary dye or two Good Luck x

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Last Answer : Take a lesson from Cyndi Lauper

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Last Answer : answer:A lot of the time their hair gets thinner, gray, and dryer. The shorter style is easier to comb through when your hair is thin and knotty. It also can help prevent dry split ends. I think ... . My husband already tells me all the time he likes my hair better shorter, because my hair is thin.

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Last Answer : answer:I use an electric clipper. 1 long on the beard, 2 short on the hair. wait, we’re not talking about manscaping are we?

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Last Answer : answer:If you want to get your natural hair color back faster, I suggest you dye it the natural color and then you won't have any line showing the natural color from the old dyed color. Cutting your hair on a ... it grows out. Hair grows an average of ½ inch per month (I think that's about 2 cm?).

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Last Answer : I’ve always seen the dye first/cut last in the beauty shops.

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Last Answer : I have a somewhat related experience. My hair is straight as a board until 5–6”. At that point it begins to curl on the ends. The further from the 6” mark, the heavier the curl. I hate it. It used to stay completely straight. I wish it was one way or the other.

Description : I want to get my hair cut, how short?

Last Answer : 1mm. Long hair is better.

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Last Answer : answer:You know, now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him getting his hair cut. Maybe it’s an additional super power of his to have his hair at whatever length he feels is appropriate. Then again, he might do it Hancock style.

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Last Answer : You have beautiful hair. People pay big money to have your hair color. There is nothing wrong with the style either. Jennifer Aniston among others have the same style. Maybe to change it up some, just curl it.

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Last Answer : I bet those long bangs will be in the model’s face when the hairspray wears off. Be careful.

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Last Answer : harm? I think you mean itchiness….

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Last Answer : take a picture in with you.

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Last Answer : It’s not that they get a lot of wrinkles! It’s just more noticeable without as much hair.

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Last Answer : At the very least it would be battery, maybe assault and battery or if it turns you on, sexual assault

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Last Answer : I suggest “The Frumpy Mechanic.”

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Last Answer : Junior is probably cheaper and also probably just got out of beauty school. Try the mid-level one and see how you like it. How did you pick that salon? I was going to suggest asking your friends or someone you find whose hair you like (since you’re new to the area) where they go.

Description : New year, New Hair. I can't screw this decision up!

Last Answer : Well, I like your hair the way it is. But if you wish to cut it, I recommend just diving through those free hair books. It can be stressing to have your hair cut; just try to not think about it as a ... so it looks light and airy and casual. I don't know your style, so all I can say is good luck!

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure what products her hairstylist uses, but below please find others' tips and tricks to achieve a similar look: http://beyondbeautybasics.com/celebrity-look-how-to-julia- ... www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip1125.htm - This one has instructions for multiple varieties of hair texture.

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Last Answer : Sometimes I just go to photobucket and type “hair style” in the search bar. You get a lot of different interesting things. Some not always good, but I’ve found some cool styles on there. Or maybe more specific, like “short hair” or “wavy hair”, etc.

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Last Answer : answer:Most people dye their hair if they don’t like the color. I have a dozen or so stray gray hairs in my goatee. I try to ignore them but they always get yanked eventually. Something tells me you are talking about head hair though.

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Last Answer : Probably not just a regular hair stylist. Maybe if you went to like a place that also does waxings they might if you asked.

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Last Answer : The coloring style is called balayage. It’s a technique that is extremely difficult to do at home. If you’re considering it, budget for a professional to do it for you.

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Last Answer : B A L D I know !

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Last Answer : Don’t do dough dos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photogrammetry

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Last Answer : Yes

Description : How old were you when your hair started going gray?

Last Answer : late 30s

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Last Answer : Conditioning.

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Last Answer : Hair is just dead cells. There is nothing that will keep what is outside of the follicles healthy . To assist in preserving it, wash it no more than necessary, use a gentle cleanser and conditioner, avoid ... hair, if you aren't happy with it's length/condition now, why not? It will grow back.

Description : Koolaid Hair Dye?

Last Answer : I used it. It worked fine for me the first time. The next time I had lots of breakage, but I'm not sure if it was the dye, or the bleach. I'm a brunette, was hoping for a nice, ... my hair. The second time I got frustrated with the results, and kept adding more. What color are you considering?

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Last Answer : *Porosity

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Last Answer : Whatever monthly rate it grows at now, it will be nine times that much longer.

Description : Growing out hair?

Last Answer : Just let it grow. Buy some barrettes for the inbetween stage. Do a cut in 3 months to trim the back a mini bit to start evening it up. It is NOT true that trimming your hair will make it grow ... what you want without having to blow it out for a long time after every shampoo once it starts to grow.

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Last Answer : Check out Lush’s hair straightening products. Lush uses mostly organic ingredients with names you can pronounce. They’re also really good about keeping the planet healthy. While their products do come with quite a price tag, a little bottle goes a long way.

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Last Answer : Nope. Your beard is what it is. The best way to have it come in thicker is a good close shave every day.

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Last Answer : To the woman who just testified in the Bill Cosby case: Who hacked at your hair and why didn’t you get someone to even it up before you were on TV? Too specific?

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Last Answer : It is punishment for the sins of your great^x grandfather, Adam.

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Last Answer : Sounds like some sort of scalp condition to me. What does Dr. Google say? :-)

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Last Answer : answer:If nothing else, it would make a tasty omelette. I’m not sure that the olive (oil) and the honey will mix particularly well.

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Last Answer : My advice is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you have no experience and you don’t follow the instructions, the results may be something that you are unable to fix.

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Last Answer : I think it’s recessive which would mean the father would also have to be a red-hair-gene carrier. But my understanding of genetics is a gross oversimplification…

Description : Women when and why did you decide to let your hair go gray?

Last Answer : When I was about 31. Okay, but seriously, I am one of the only women I know in my age group with as much grey hair as I have, and I did let it go for about 2 years. I liked it. I have nice-ish ... knew that. I color my hair again now, but I look forward to letting it go grey once it's more than 50%.

Description : Can applying coconut oil before bleaching my hair prevent less damage?

Last Answer : answer:My mother was a hairstylist for several years and her rule of thumb for coloring hair was always that the hair should be as clean as possible before applying chemicals. However, I did some poking around and ... and go to sleep. 3. Bleach hair as usual the next day with oil still in the hair.