Are you still giving as much to your charitable organization of choice as you can?

1 Answer

Answer :

No. And I should be. Thanks for reminding me that I have a check or two to write. The organizations I support need the money desperately, and they can do more good with it than I can.

Related questions

Description : Do you feel that someone that heads a charitable organization should not make a huge salary?

Last Answer : answer:Well, I think of it like this: $500,000 is enough money to solve every single problem I currently have. All of them. And I'd still have enough money left over to buy a ton of shit I don't ... very simple: if you don't agree with their practices - stop giving them money. Then they'll go away.

Description : Do you notice people including yourself are becoming more or less charitable these days?

Last Answer : I've noticed nothing of the sort! What I have noticed is the increasing urgency as well as frequency of those who either volunteer or feel themselves forced to the begging profession. As ... from experience that those so inclined to charitable endeavors do so a quietly and anonymously as possible.

Description : What charitable causes are close to your heart?

Last Answer : answer:National Center for Science Education James Randi Educational Foundation International Dark Sky Association Contra Costa Food Bank Doctors Without Borders There are others, but those are off the top of my head.

Description : Is it true that if you can't itemize on your taxes you can't write off charitable contributions?

Last Answer : Yes, this is true.

Description : How do I ask a rich colleague for a charitable donation?

Last Answer : Send him an e-mail describing your passion with this group, and that you know you share this passion. Tell him that you would like to talk with him about it in person. People like to be ... , and would like you to consider sponsoring me. Please take a moment to check out the organization at____

Description : Is NASA a non-profit and can you make a charitable donation to them?

Last Answer : I do not believe so. They are a federally funded US Gov. entity. You could find out for sure about donations by going to

Description : Is there such thing as an inappropriate charitable donation?

Last Answer : So… not the donation itself, but how the recipient spends it? Yes, there certainly is inappropriate spending.

Description : Do you believe that giving to a charity is always a good thing?

Last Answer : answer:Do your homework, before you give. When a charity gives out grants, you can do research to see where they give their money. I used to work with a charity (part) time and helped write grants ... moved by their actions. I give because it is something I believe in, or that my family believes in.

Description : Does anyone know a means for Anonymous Gift Giving via email?

Last Answer : Couldn’t you set up an account at a bank thru an attorney… He couldn’t reveal who his client (you) were ..and donations would go directly into the account . The lawyer could then issue the final check whenever YOU wanted ..

Description : If someone agreed to give a million dollars to two charities/organizations of your choice, which two would you choose and why?

Last Answer : Mencap because we all deserve a chance to lead as decent a life as we can Help for Heroes because if anyone deserves a bit of support it is the men and women that have given so much for the rest of us

Description : Would this volunteer organization face any legal trouble?

Last Answer : answer:If this is in the USA, in my opinion it probably would be illegal. In the spirit of any good deed will not go unpunished , if someone doesn't stand to get some sort of income off of it, ... was a group that wanted to write Santa letters to little kids who wrote in, and they shut it down too.

Description : Do you think it's possible the American Cancer Society would turn down a $250,000 donation because it's from a non-theist organization?

Last Answer : No. I think they would take money from the devil himself.

Description : When a religious organization such as Birthright helps a pregnant woman, what good is it if they won't support the baby until it's grown?

Last Answer : answer:I understand what you're saying and agree that it seems like a woman is left to her own devices in raising a child. However, I don't know how much more an organization could do than to help provide ... It's a sad fact, but I don't think they are capable of helping beyond what they already do.

Description : Is ANY organization going to move retired shipping containers to Haiti to become repurposed as new homes? When?

Last Answer : I don't know of any organizations that are actively bringing shipping containers to Haiti, but it is a brilliant idea. A friend of mine and I discussed container housing, before the tragedy in Haiti - it ... follow through with this plan - if I had the money, I would get the ball rolling myself.

Description : Should people who do volunteer work for an organization be thanked by the organization?

Last Answer : Yes and no. Yes, because if the organization really wants volunteer work, a nice incentive can be the appreciate of an effort or job well done. And no, because people should volunteer because they ... thanked however, it isn't a required part of anyone, and volunteers have gone unthanked before!

Description : How could Bill Gates donate $30 billion dollars to charity and still come out richer?

Last Answer : Source?

Description : Do you honor birthdays with charitable giving requests?

Last Answer : Yeah no.

Description : Maximize Charitable Giving?

Last Answer : Giving money to charities and nonprofit organizations is a rewarding way to support causes you believe in. But with so many groups in need of donations the cost of charitable giving can ... supports civic groups and gives you something of tangible value in return. Exercise caution with unfamiliar,

Description : How much do you carry?

Last Answer : $20 max. I am a horrible gambler and I don’t enjoy it.

Description : How much money is too much?

Last Answer : answer:$3K? Three thousand dollars? Wow, maybe my tastes are different from yours. Between my mortgage, living expenses, car payment, and health insurance, I come to almost $3K. All the experts say to have ... in case of injury or layoff. $3K ONLY would be slicing it way too close for my comfort.

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Last Answer : I don’t know the answer, but perhaps one of the items on this search list will help you.

Description : Do you believe the poor are that much better than the rich?

Last Answer : answer:I personally think that the feeling of accomplishment and sense of satisfaction I get from a job well done is an endorphin for me. Those who do not work never get to experience that feeling. ... souls who try are ridiculed and bullied for their efforts, not to mention robbed of their reward.

Description : How much money is given to churches and temples every year in the US?

Last Answer : How about finding a list of the hospitals that were started by religious organizations while you’re at it?

Description : Does the United Way have too much influence?

Last Answer : They are the go-to cover-your-ass charity for big employers, so that no one can find it objectionable when they solicit. Fortunately, you are free to do your own research and find more interesting (if not more deserving) charities.

Description : If you win a prize to donate to charity do you get it as a tax write off?

Last Answer : It would be a tax write-off . . . of itself. So net zero effect on taxes. Though if you ever “itemize” deductions, then it might make a difference in some arcane way.

Description : What altruistic act do you want to do, but don't have the ability to do it now?

Last Answer : If I can ever finally work just one job and have some regular free time, I’d like to volunteer at a children’s hospital.

Description : What is the best way to make use of the money I give to charity?

Last Answer : You might want to check the charity you plan on giving a donation here to make sure that they are legit. This site is linked with the Better Business Bureau to stay on top of legit charities. I ... the holidays. Then once I get to know them better, sometimes Santa makes a visit for the children.

Description : What is your opinion about those who post a fundraiser for their birthday on Facebook?

Last Answer : I understand the altruistic impulse but even though I use FB to connect with people, something about using FaceBook to raise money irks me. I feel this way about GoFundMe posts on FB too. It's not that I ... is in no way a criticism of those who do use these posts; it's just my personal feeling.

Description : If someone sets up a gofundme do they need to report the income?

Last Answer : Lots of details. Start here link Quick Sometimes.

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Last Answer : Wonder Woman. Go back to Amazon Island and hang out with the girls.

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Last Answer : I would have to say something, perhaps anonymously. There are two kinds of people I can’t tolerate: One is a liar, one is a thief.

Description : Do taxes and charity fundamentally come from the same source?

Last Answer : The WPA and the CCC created a lot of meaningful jobs during the Depression. Government funding for infrastructure can create good jobs. Taxes and charity do not come from the same source. Why would you think that?

Description : Are there any mental or physical illnesses that can be caused or made worse with winning big on the lotto?

Last Answer : You can have these without having a lot of money as well so why not have the money instead? Spending too much money on lotto hoping that you’ll win jackpot won’t be a good idea though!!

Description : What are your thoughts and feelings about John Oliver forgiving $15 million dollars of medical debt?

Last Answer : Interesting way to demonstrate the back door intricacies of debt problems in the US. I am curious if his forgiveness of the debts will contribute to s a small restoration of their credit.

Description : Could a belief in God somehow drain some of the good in the world?

Last Answer : Nope, it expands the possibility of kindness. While I don't ascribe gifts from others to God bestowing things upon me directly, I do see it as part of the Divine working through people, and ... limited supply; it is multiplicative, and the more kindness that gets out there, the more it spreads.

Description : How do I reconcile wedding costs with my desire to help the world?

Last Answer : There is not a thing wrong with thinking about yourself occasionally, especially on your wedding day. It sounds like you are already doing what you can to make the world a better place. You will ... of thoughtfulness toward others is far better. Anyway, congratulations ...and have a nice wedding ..

Description : Can you help me come up with a bunch of small, but good deeds?

Last Answer : Hold the door for a stranger. Let the person behind you at the check out with less items go ahead.

Description : Who do I ask that the Red Deer hospital to purchase a gurny for tall people, and have other accommodations for tall people?

Last Answer : You could start with asking your social worker about it.

Description : Is it classless to raise money for a charity that benefits you?

Last Answer : answer:So you're a Crohn's sufferer and you're asking about the ethics of raising money to research Crohn's disease. Totally OK. It's a real disease, with real consequences that affect people. (I ... Is it OK to give money to Planned Parenthood and still be a patient at their clinics? Of course.

Description : How do I donate to PBS Edmonton?

Last Answer : KSPS Click on Support KSPS

Description : What is your favourite charity organisation and why?

Last Answer :

Description : Are there laws governing what percentage of donations must go to the cause?

Last Answer : answer:It's probably something that is in the information from IRS. Another related issue is how much is not OK for the CEO and others to make. I think of the Girl Scouts, who, if ... makes almost half a mil a year.

Description : Do you think we should get a tax break for donating to our friends or family in need?

Last Answer : answer:Interesting question. My first reaction is that if you can't afford to just do it, then don't. Obviously, the people you knew could afford to give that away, of they wouldn't have. What ... It would be incentive to charity with the deduction helping offset the loss you'd take not trading in.

Description : Are you participating in #GivingTuesday, 2015?

Last Answer : My local animal shelter has a fund for feral cat trap/spay/neuter/release. I have been meaning to bring a check to them. I’m not big on putting my financial information on sites as I’m leery of sites getting hacked – I’m more likely to bring or mail a check to a place.

Description : What should not be donated to the food bank?

Last Answer : Different food banks have different rules. Ours does not allow any past their sell-by date or dented cans. I think candy in fresh condition would be ok although I’ve never seen it. You should check with the rules for yours.

Description : Can someone help me find a specific charity website?

Last Answer : answer:Kiva has local options. I add to my account yearly and keep the loaned money maxed out.

Description : Do you give more when you check out or choose a SlimJim instead?

Last Answer : answer:Practically never donate. If anything, I’ll put my change in the ‘need a penny/take a penny’ jar hat a lot of stores have. I’m just dubious that any charity money actually ends up with he charity.

Description : Would you be willing to help a Syrian family re-settle in your locality if your aid was non-financial?

Last Answer : I'd love to help someone in need but I, myself, am in need these last few years after decades of solvency and contentment. Besides, as much as I'd love to be benefactor to a family torn asunder ... are much better places they could find refuge than the land of the greed and the home of the slave.

Description : Why would 'Box Tops for Education' have an expiration date, and how would General Mills cull out the expired coupons?

Last Answer : I have had experience with them. And I too wondered why the expiration dates, as well as why the time allowed is so short. When you consider the time the product is on the store ... manufactured is statistically significant. There will of course be a few dedicated fanatics obsessed with the things.

Description : Is there a place to donate winter coats for children?

Last Answer : The Salvation Army might be a better place than Goodwill. I know here in Chicago Goodwill is more of a place where anyone shops for a deal. The Salvation Army tends to be people who are who more ... call the Salvation Army and explain your situation, they may be able to help in the way you wish.