Embarrassing: I have a foot fungus, need help (not athlete's foot)

1 Answer

Answer :

Chemist or a Doctor is what you need , not Fluther.com .

Related questions

Description : Do the OTC treatments for athletes foot and toenail fungus work?

Last Answer : answer:Athletes foot YES they do, but you have to give them time. Weeks. Athletes foot is such hell! The toenail fungus stuff that they sell is not good for you, I know that….I don’t know what to reccommend instead though.

Description : Athletes foot fungus and using spilanthes?

Last Answer : According to this site, dab the tincture onto the affected area. http://www.herbsgardenshealth.com/Bioforce_Files/Spilanthes.htm Let us know how it goes, OK?

Description : Do you know any home remedies to curing athletes foot?

Last Answer : answer:I had athletes foot as a teen. What worked for me was keeping my feet clean and dry, using wool or cotton socks (no nylon or polyester), changing my socks at least once during the ... important I went barefoot as much as possible, including outside. I made my feet inhospitable to the fungus.

Description : Are these symptoms of athletes foot?

Last Answer : No, athletes foot doesn’t make you its, but it sounds like some kind of fungus

Description : Is there a home remedy for athlete's foot?

Last Answer : My brother had such before and he couldn't staybin peace because he was always on his toes trying to find that itchy spot and scratch it. He used to apply some flour between the toes and at ... . Whenever you are indoors, make sure you're wearing some open shoes to allow aeration of air.

Description : Is an athletes foot biotic or abiotic?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Athlete's foot?

Last Answer : DefinitionAthlete's foot is an infection of the feet caused by fungus. The medical term is tinea pedis. Athlete's foot may last for a short or long time and may come back after treatment.Alternative ... known as tinea infections, Athlete's foot is the most common. It may occur at the same ti

Description : What fabric content should I look for in athletic tube socks to prevent athlete's foot?

Last Answer : Cotton because it breathes better.

Description : What are cures for athletes foot?

Last Answer : Athletes foot can usually be treated by over the counter antifungals, available at any drug store. More persistant cases can be treated with prescription medicine from your doctor. http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/tc/athletes-foot-treatment-overview

Description : Tinea ________ means ring worm, athlete's foot. A. purpura B. impetigo C. corporis

Last Answer : Ans: C

Description : Define Ring Worm and Athlete’s Foot diseases? 

Last Answer : Ring Worm: - i) This disease is spread by the spores of fungus. ii) Spores are passed from one organism to other by personal contact. iii) Hyphae of fungus penetrate into outer layers of skin ... of the foot. iii) Fungus attack on soft skin between toes and spread badly on foot. 

Description : Tinea infections include all but which one of the following? a. Athlete's foot b. Ringworm c. Thrush d. Jock itch

Last Answer : c. Thrush

Description : Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly matched? a. Penicillium-blue cheese b. Sporotrichosis-rose thorns c. Chytrids-mushrooms d. Trichophyton-athlete's foot

Last Answer : c. Chytrids-mushrooms

Description : How to Treat Athlete’s Foot

Last Answer : How to Treat Athlete's Foot Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that occurs because of damp conditions. It leads to irritation and peeling of the skin, as well as cracking and bleeding. Many ignore ... avoid the problem. If you've already got the ailment, then just follow these tips and methods.

Description : How to Prevent Athlete’s Foot

Last Answer : How to Prevent Athlete's Foot Athlete's foot is an inconvenient and annoying condition that will come back again and again if you don't treat and prevent it from happening. Here's how you can prevent ... too will prevent moisture in your shoes. Want to learn more? Read How to Treat Athlete's Foot.

Description : Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious disease among cattle, it is caused by_______? a. Fungus b. Protozoa c. Bacteria d. Virus

Last Answer : d. Virus

Description : Do athletes feel no shame when promoting unhealthy products?

Last Answer : If they don’t do it, someone else will.

Description : Have you been treated for toenail fungus?

Last Answer : I used an over the counter remedy. It worked nicely but any treatment of nail infections is slow as baciaclly what you’re doing is stopping the infection spread to the newly grown nail while waiting for the diseased bit to grow out.

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Last Answer : Tell your mother-in-law to LEAVE!!!

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Last Answer : Sounds like plantar fasciitis. Everyone I know who has it had to run less. Some people eventually got over it, but many people I know had to permanently modify how much they run. If it were me ... you some exercises also, or send you to a physical therapist for a few visits to learn some techniques.

Description : Can you help me get over this mortifyingly embarrassing situation?

Last Answer : answer:Email her and tell her what you've just told us above. If she's confident it was a weird accident and not deliberate sexual harassment, I would expect she'll find it a bit humorous and give ... 30 years, but back when I was working for others, I never did anything even remotely like that.

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Last Answer : Puncture with a sterilized needle, then cover with a bandage.

Description : What do you know about "drop foot"?

Last Answer : I’m sorry I don’t but can I give you a big hug? Keep us updated and take care.

Description : So, let's say that I'm about 95% sure that I have a stress fracture on the top of my foot. What should I do about it?

Last Answer : Tape it and use crutches to take most of the weight off it. When I was just a couple of years older than you, I used crutches for my last two months of college, including finishing a thesis and taking oral exams and commuting from an apartment to the campus in a VW Beetle that my friend drove.

Description : Can I still exercise with a blood blister on my foot?

Last Answer : I’m sure you can do more exercises that don’t involve impact… swimming, cycling, nautical machines, lifting weights, etc.

Description : I have a little blood blister (about the size of a dime) on the bottom of my left foot. It hurts, but not in a crippling way. I was wondering if I could continue walking on the treadmill?

Last Answer : Let it heel heal. You can walk on the treadmill though. Maybe try it w/o shoes though if it is an at home personal mill?

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Last Answer : answer:Any surgeon has the obligation to explain the surgery to his patient. Are you sure he never told you? That seems against medical ethics. If you are unclear, call the nurse and tell ... done all the exercises that your physical therapist recommended? Isn't he or she supervising your recovery?

Description : Weird tingling when top of foot is exfoliated (i.e. during a pedicure)?

Last Answer : Sounds like cross-wiring to me.

Description : When will my foot stop hurting?

Last Answer : I have screws in my left foot. It bothered me for about a year and the scar area is numbish and tingly now, 5 years later.

Description : I was bit by something the other night (whilst sleeping, I think), my right foot is swollen and it hasn't gone down. What to do?

Last Answer : Asprin and a benydrl should help. The Asprin for the pain and the benedryl for the allergic reaction. If this doesn't help in an hours time than go see a doctor. For all you know you got bit by a ... or a recluse spider. Although a horse fly can do the same damage. But best to be safe than sorry.

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Last Answer : Are you sleeping in some god awful pretzel-like position that would cut off the flow of blood to your foot? If not I don’t know what to say, except this question and the description made me “lol”.

Description : Whats wrong with my foot?

Last Answer : Is it painful? Did you have a wound in that area recently? I found some information online about arch pain that may help you decide if you need to see a doctor or not.

Description : How bad does a foot tattoo hurt?

Last Answer : It wasn’t that bad. Mine’s small though. It vibrated my foot a lot, which is a weird feeling..but normal for tattoos.

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Last Answer : No, they don’t. It’s a 100% scam.

Description : When we "break in" shoes, do you think we're breaking in the shoe more or our foot to the shoe?

Last Answer : The shoe. I have to break in new ones all the time due to my job (postman). After they are broken in I'll switch back and forth between them and they are still comfortable, so my foot hasn't ... at the base of the refridgerater we keep in the garage to dry quicker) and they should be broken in.

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Last Answer : Compared to just strolling to a game it is not enough. Think about when you are stricken with extreme fear or are confronted by an attacker, you aren’t going to be able to be as responsive and strong if you are just like “Oh well, just getting attacked, I guess I’ll defend myself, ho-huuummmmmm!”.

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Last Answer : tripping in front of half my school during cross country, the reason why i tripped is cringe that i don't even wanna say

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Last Answer : Do something more embarrassing.

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Last Answer : I was about 7 or 8 at the time, and my neighborhood girl friend and myself (female) would prank call phone numbers without blocking it through a landline phone. We would ask the people in a ... be your friend? You would just forget you're working It always makes me smile reminiscing about it.

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Last Answer : Oy vey!

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Last Answer : When i was in grade 5 my Dad came in the class room to give me a lunch. It was a packet of sardines. It was so embarrassing .

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Last Answer : That was an assault. It was time to get the police involved. I was bullied all through school but not like that.

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Last Answer : Once on a visit to charleston we were visiting the slave market building and my parents told me that I asked if we could “buy a slave”, they explained to me why that was wrong. I was four or five.

Description : What would be the most embarrassing ringtone ever?

Last Answer : answer:Sound of a fart was the first thing to come to mind. Either that or the Sammy Davis Jr version of “Candy Man”.

Description : Will Mike Pence bail out and resign his candidacy as VP as a result of the embarrassing disaster that the Republican Convention is becoming?

Last Answer : answer:No. Why would he? The Trump voters don’t care. They are impervious to embarrassment and shame. As Donald said in January, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters”.

Description : How have you avoided a potentially embarrassing moment?

Last Answer : ibstubro that sounds like a great attempt at a dodge. I love it. I don’t think I could come close with any story I might recall.

Description : Do you share embarrassing photos of your kids online?

Last Answer : No. I don't share photographs of my children online, but I definitely wouldn't share embarrassing photographs of them. I wouldn't want embarrassing photographs of me on the Internet so why would one of my ... what we do doesn't mean they don't have any rights in terms of ethical and fair treatment.

Description : Will you tell us something embarrassing happening to you today?

Last Answer : Nothing eventful, just another day.