If your kid’s friend wants to change gender should the school allow it or would you pull your kid out from that school?

1 Answer

Answer :

Teaching children that they should run from unusual situations is not a good way to raise compassionate, understanding children.

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Last Answer : Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

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Last Answer : answer: I was actually shocked because I always brought my three children up to walk away from fights, she said. Oh no she di'int! Yes, she is wrong. If she apologizes first, and so does her ... if she's mad about the video, she should be demanding an apology from the poster, not those involved.

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Last Answer : Can I answer on a theoretical basis? I don’t think I know anyone that’s had the surgery, to my knowledge.

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Last Answer : Yes, you should allow her to use phone at the age of 7 years. A girl of 7 years in this era is intelligent enough to know what is going on in the world. For me, my child can start using smart phone at the age of 7years and above.

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Last Answer : answer:None of the above. Why must every option be some sort of poor behavior? Why not get the student council involved, start a student petition, get parent support, schedule a ... request a meeting with school officials, and create change by showing thoughtful foresight and mature behavior?

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Last Answer : he’s probably jealous of you… even though you guys are in the same circle doesn’t mean that you’re going to be considered a friend. Just stay friendly with him and the rest knowing that you’re not hurting anyone. Don’t take he’s attitude towards you personally or seriously.

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Last Answer : answer:Way tl;dr In your English class, did they have a lesson on paragraphs?

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Last Answer : What is it that you actually like about this girl? She doesn’t sound likable. She sounds like a mean girl.

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Last Answer : answer:I believe when both sets of parents agree there won't be a legal issue. Her parents need to fill out and sign a medical release, and be informed of all arrangements made for their daughter ... Of District waiver before they can enroll her. Call the school district and find out what they need.

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Last Answer : Oh my god. I have to take a breath and calm down before I can even think logically about how to handle this one. Where is this high school, I think I can handle this myself.

Description : Who was the longest friend you've had?

Last Answer : the longest friend I have ever had is 82 inches long