While driving down the road, what is something the other drivers do that annoys you?

1 Answer

Answer :

I hate it when the person in front of me is constantly braking for no reason, drives me nuts (no pun intended).

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Last Answer : Yes. I call it Thursday.

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Last Answer : answer:When I was in high school, my stress for choosing a university to attend or adjusting to college life was significantly reduced because of my older brother. He was a senior at our university when I ... go on forever.. if you have any pointed questions, I will do my best to answer them :)

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Last Answer : genes?

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Last Answer : Not if you are over 18.

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Last Answer : I have a question for you… do they need to have a permit first before the license ?

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Last Answer : I haven’t seen this. Is it possible the trucking company simply discontinued the 800 call-in service (which is something they have to pay for)?

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Last Answer : 0.1

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Last Answer : You can hire an attorney to try to help you have your charge exponged, but you should try smaller local companies, such as dump truck services, be honest about the felony, and be persistent

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Last Answer : The written driver's test is the first thing you need to do before getting a driving license. After you pass the written test, you can take the driving test. If you are under 18, you must however do a driving course prior to taking the driving test.

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Last Answer : Driving tuition is the fee attached to your son taking Driver's Education. Every driving school has a fee that you have to pay for your son to professionally learn how to drive. The fee that you pay is the Driving tuition for his course.

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Last Answer : Yes, driving school is not only a requirement but it is also a very good idea. Students who attend driving school tend to benefit from whatever they learn.

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Last Answer : Online defensive driving courses are a great tool for many drivers. Lower insurance rates are one reason that many drivers choose to take these courses although many drivers are under court order to ... the goal is lower insurance rates, a cleaner driving record or to reduce court ordered fines.

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Last Answer : Answer: Option D

Description : Parents Against Drunk Drivers is a group that acts to change attitudes and laws about driving under the influence of alcohol. This group primarily markets A)goods B)ideas C)services D)political messages

Last Answer : B)ideas

Description : “Driving habits are closely associated with drivers safety” justify this statement with illustrations.

Last Answer : Driving habits are closely associated with drivers safety because drivers do not follow the following good driving habits accidents are likely to occur. i) Drivers habit to wear day night goggle will ... vehicle in economy mode not only ensures the fuel economy but also helps to improve safety. 

Description : What does it mean when you dread something, but enjoy doing it?

Last Answer : I think it is called ‘Masochism’

Description : What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

Last Answer : I bought $400 in $0.01 books on Amazon this year.

Description : Have you ever done something, and then immediately wondered how you did it?

Last Answer : Or climbed out of the car and wondered what the hell let me get through that? The seat belts and shoulder harness helped.

Description : Do you ever wish you hadn't told someone something?

Last Answer : Sure.