Why do we say "what's up?" to people?

1 Answer

Answer :

Damn that rabbit

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Last Answer : answer:I remember when I was in my mid teens I was with my high school boyfriend andnI don't remember the situation, but I was worried about something to do with a stranger, and my boyfriend ... we are, rather than looking at how dissimilar and caring about all people in that golden rule sense.

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Last Answer : I will agree with you on that, ET. Some Republicans, like myself, are having trouble associating with some of Boehner & Company’s moves, but unfortunately they aren’t listening.

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Last Answer : Worsen, worsened, worsening.

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Last Answer : noed

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Last Answer : Sometimes,just a look says it all ;)

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Last Answer : To remove confusion about people playing fish or vice versa. I dunno. Probably goes a long way back, though.

Description : Botanical Words Alphabetical List - WE

Last Answer : WET SOIL PLANTS:Plants, such as Willow, Cranberry, and Japanese Iris, which can endure a large amount of moisture in the soil. WETTING AGENT: 1. This is material that reduces the amount of water ... also can be a material added to pesticide sprays so that they spread easily over the plant surface.

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Last Answer : Neologism?