I need help with boot order on dual OS pc?

1 Answer

Answer :

To make windows the default, you’ll need to edit grub.lst. When you format over Ubuntu, you don’t remove GRUB, which has been copied to the MBR of your boot disk. You’ll need to fix the win7 MBR. You may also need to take the steps outlined here (if they’re significantly different).

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Last Answer : answer:How far does it go in safe mode? I would check that all cables to your hard drive are secure. Remove and re-attach them. This can help as at such low voltage and current a poor connection is ... need and have not backed up, PM me and I will talk you through the next steps. Best of luck!

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Last Answer : answer:Yes you can and you don’t need anything else, just another screen, once it is hooked up, then all you have to do is enable it in setup. Heres a nice link to guide you.

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Last Answer : mandolux.com really talented artist.

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Last Answer : Exactly what it says, and it tells you what you need to do. Can you be more specific about what parts of that message are unclear to you?

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Last Answer : Because your computer is looking for the wrong Startup disk' - it's still looking for Windows. This can be set by booting into your Mac OS X install, going into System preferences, and clicking ... to use when you switch on your computer, and you can confirm this works by restarting your Mac.

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Last Answer : No, unfortunately there are no places that are completely free. Sorry.

Description : Do yoe have any boot camp or military school,my son has a problem his behavioris is bad and I need help his is 9 years old?

Last Answer : Pheonix Military Academy is located in Chicago.

Description : I broke my os on my laptop, now can i dont have any OS?

Last Answer : I suggest you do a Google search for Linux user forums and ask this question there. Good luck.

Description : How can I wipe a hard drive and reinstall a new OS?

Last Answer : What OS are you trying to put on it? Easiest would probably be Linux. Make a bootable Linux installation CD (download disk image, write it to a CD) and then use a CD drive that those computers ... in good/better condition should be swapped in if someone's really going to try to use the old machine.

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Last Answer : If you’re tech savvy then I would recommend Clonezilla http://clonezilla.org/

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Last Answer : When the operating system shuts down, it attempts to close all running programs and applications by itself. Sometimes it fails to do so, and asks you to manually close the respective program yourself. It is completely normal, and you should not worry about it.

Description : Should I update to OS X Mavericks?

Last Answer : I did and it screwed up my bootcamp partition. I don’t think they resolved this yet. I had to go back and make that partition bootable again with an Ubuntu live disc.