The stray dog i recently took in had previously broken his leg, cost...?

1 Answer

Answer :

Is his foot causing him pain? Is this an old fracture that is healed? Are one of these him?

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Description : A man took a walk in the park. While on his walk, he came across a stray dog who began growling at him and nipped at his heels. The man pulled a crooked stick from his knapsack, told the dog to, 'Fetch ... ----- bit the man on the leg. What was going on here that so infuriated the dog to -Riddles

Last Answer : The man had tormented the dog in the park in the past by telling the dog to fetch the crooked stick (wooden boomerang) he carried with him in his knapsack. The dog could never catch the boomerang, ... who only wanted to play. What goes around comes around, as they say, with boomerangs and in life.

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Last Answer : No, it's unheard of for animal control agencies to charge those who call to pick up a stray animal. No charge. They are paid by tax dollars to protect the public from animals. However you may want to call a rescue group instead of animal control to give the animal a fighting chance to find a home.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, the vet sounds like a quack xrays are ALWAYS 1st in order for any suspected break, be it a kitten or an Elephant. Without a radiograph and appropriate diagnosis of the type of fracture,random ... inspite of her goofy leg. Good luck and kudos to you for helping this poor little waif! :-)

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Last Answer : How bad is the pain?

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Last Answer : A Hoblin Goblin.

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Last Answer : Are the prongs facing outward, or digging into the dog’s neck?

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Last Answer : I’d automatically say yes but I’m not a vet. My dogs have streams. I think we have a vet tech here, hopefully she see’s this soon. :)

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Last Answer : It is better to extend your hand palm down, so the dog is not feeling threateend by your open palm and can snoff the back of your hand. If you offer your palm, the dog does not know if you might slap them.

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Last Answer : Reading that article, Cato is part orangutang. No wonder he was mad when you started playing with that cute dog down teh street. p.s. I thought the Sagittal Crest was a ridgeline in the Sierra Nevada.

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Last Answer : Sounds like anxiety.

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Last Answer : I think it depends on the dog. I used to have a goofy Chesapeake who never really got the hang of leaving skunks alone. I should have bought stock in tomato juice companies. All my other dogs have been pretty canny about skunks. Ugh ugh ugh, sorry you have to deal with this.

Description : Are raised hackles on a dog always a sign of agression?

Last Answer : That’s what I have always heard, hence that old expression “Don’t get your shackles up”. But it’s a new environment and new people for him. Possibly he thought the lady was a threat. Just speculating.

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Last Answer : My dog was a very powerful German Shepherd. If I tried to chain him with a large, heavy duty guard dog choke chain, he would just pull on it until the large rings on the end elongated, ... be more difficult because the dog can get tangled on more stuff. I would suggest the buried concrete block.

Description : Do you like retractable dog leashes?

Last Answer : No I don’t like them. In some jurisdictions there is a maximum length (like 5 feet) that includes retractable leashes with 15 feet cords. No leashes over 5 feet.

Description : What can be done to save this neighbor's dog?

Last Answer : I don’t know, but I sure hope someone can help, at least by suggesting the best search keywords or avenues to local pet rescue agencies. This is a very sad story.

Description : What is your favorite dog breed?

Last Answer : That’s difficult to answer because each breed has their own characteristics that make them special. For me, Jack Russell’s are one of my favorites. Gamey little loves.

Description : Can you help me with this dog training question?

Last Answer : Hire a professional dog trainer.

Description : What is the latest dog breed?

Last Answer : I think that’s a question for Google.

Description : How long does it take for a dog with shoes to walk normally?

Last Answer : I don’t know anyone who persisted in upsetting their dogs by leaving them on, true story. My dogs came off within the first three minutes and we never tried again.

Description : How did your dog learn to enjoy water?

Last Answer : I had a cocker who never liked the water. Maybe instead of trying to get them to like water, you can look at the problem as how to keep them cool. Any air-conditioned dog friendly cafes you can ... I would imagine having lots of drinking water available to them would help but I'm sure you do that.

Description : Do you feed your dog Hill's Pet Nutrition?

Last Answer : My vet recommended Hill’s Science Diet Senior for my dog but I found it too expensive. So I switched to Gains Cycle 4.

Description : What breed of dog am I looking for?

Last Answer : I hope you don’t mean a Pomeranian. see article(dog) They meet the size and furriness requirements. But they yap terribly, and it is high-pitched and obnoxious to listen to.

Description : Do you have an ethical issue with dog breeders?

Last Answer : California forced pet shops to stop selling dogs and cats from breeders. They must sell only rescue animals. Puppy mills are bad, I’ve bought AKC dogs directly from the breeder.

Description : Is there an equivalent to the Westminster Dog show for mutts? Should there be?

Last Answer : Yeah, every time an animal friend goes to a an animal shelter and has a look at all the residents, and chooses one to share their life with.

Description : Can you give me suggestions for the name of my dog?

Last Answer : Rex-male Rose-female