Leftover turkey carcass - soup or stock?

1 Answer

Answer :

I find that a stock is much more satisfying when done in the manner you mention second (throw the carcass in with the vegetables). Letting it cook down gives a fantastic taste to the soup as a whole and really brings the flavours together. But then again, it’s up to your tastes :-)

Related questions

Description : Can I cook turkey carcass and soup all at once?

Last Answer : Well you need to cut the viable meat off the carcass or you will have no turkey in your soup other than the broth and little shreds and bits. Trim the carcass and then, the best thing to do is ... soup stock first, then add the other ingredients. You also do not want to bite down on small bones.

Description : Did you fix or eat a turkey for Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : Fix a turkey? Get a cook book and follow the directions. Eat a turkey? Sandwiches. I cook my turkey tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 27, 2021. Because I had to work on Thursday.

Description : Regarding turkeys at Trader Joe's. What is the difference between their "regular" pre brined turkyey, and the "Kosher" pre brined turkey.

Last Answer : 1) Kosher killed, meaning instantaneous for the bird. 2) examined by the mashgiach (Kosher inspector) to make sure no bad or blemished areas, or diseased areas on the bird, So probably a slightly better quality of turkey meat. What’s the difference in price?

Description : Do you stuff your turkey?

Last Answer : Sorry, @Dutchess_III , but I’ve got to share this Animated GIF Of Miley Cyrus I just ran across.

Description : American jellies, five days after Thanksgiving, how much turkey do you still have left?

Last Answer : We ate at Black Angus that day, so nada.

Description : Where do you stand on the issue of cooking stuffing in the turkey?

Last Answer : I think it tastes better that way, but if the stuffing isn’t cooked completely through to 165F, it can cause food poisoning. (It can as opposed to it will.) I miss my mom’s stuffing. She always cooked some in the bird and some out. But that was because we loved stuffing and ate the extra.

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Last Answer : I’m feeding Katawagrey and a few friends. It’s laid back, fun and funny, and a perfect start to the season. Any Jellies that want to stop by are welcome, we always have enough fun, food and frivolity for everyone!

Description : Happy Turkey Day (weekend) to the my fellow Canadians. What do you have planned?

Last Answer : answer:Happy Thanks Giving to you too! We are doing nothing ..lol. Too much going on with people and some of my family members are sick as of late. So ..my partner and I will most likely sit, ... do wish we had the whole turkey thing happening ..I miss my family. Have a good holiday everyone :)

Description : Does turkey really make people sleepy?

Last Answer : It is true that turkey has a chemical that makes you tired, but the chemical needs an empty stomach to work, and since you ate the turkey, you don’t have an empty stomach.

Description : Who's brining their Thanksgiving Turkey?

Last Answer : I’m not. I can’t remember my parents ever bringing the turkey. It’s always been either my grandparents or my uncle. This year we’re bringing the mashed potatoes, which will be made of potatoes that I grew. I’ll probably make a pumpkin pie or a pumpkin bread as well.

Description : How can I use leftover turkey to make something similar to chicken noodle soup?

Last Answer : Yes. My mom made it with home made noodles and it was DELISH!

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Last Answer : Enjoy the day all!

Description : What are you going to do on Thanksgiving day 2021?

Last Answer : I'll be going to my dad's place. Not sure who will be there, but it's usually just him, his roommate, and my brother. Sometimes one or two other people stop by, but it's a very tiny space, ... have been pretty good, so I'll be bringing those and possibly some kind of turmeric oat nog. How about you?

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Description : Today is Thanksgiving in Canada. Do you have anything to be thankful for ?

Last Answer : Thanks @Inspired_2write little stories like that show there is some good in humanity ,this pandemic has brought stupid people into the light. Glad to see some still care about others ,and not all about profit and greed.

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Last Answer : I mean, I don’t know or celebrate the custom & far be it for me to render any meaningful advice. That being said though, screw convention & go your own way, drink & eat whenever the fuck you want to, enjoy & be merry.

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Last Answer : They aren’t turkeys, they’re hams. Did you see how they were posing for the cameras?

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Last Answer : Rust, Red, Amber, Orange, Yellow/Green “Like this”:http://www.istockphoto.com/photo/collection-of-isolated-autumn-leaves-gm589087380–101161179?esource=SEO_GIS_CDN_Redirect

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Last Answer : answer:Deviled Eggs. They are just an appetizer, but they set the program.

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Last Answer : what day was it on?

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Last Answer : answer:Same pledge every year: Next year I’m not going to eat so much. Growing up, my family was the one that traveled to visit all the other relatives. Since I began a family of my own, I refuse to leave the house on holidays.

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Last Answer : Hmm, five hour time difference, probably still in bed sleeping it off…bless.

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Last Answer : We didn’t go visit them but hubby calls his mother and reverts to baby talk. So do his brothers. Drives the wives crazy. And our kids laugh at us.

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Last Answer : answer:It’s the food service industry. It sucks that they have to work on holidays, but it comes with the territory. Not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving – those people might want a pizza. Why shouldn’t they be able to get one? Should the guy have gotten fired for it? I don’t know.

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Last Answer : The four F’s. Family, friends, food—and Fluther. :P

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Last Answer : The first Thanksgiving was a celebration of a massacre carried out by the Pilgrims and their Allied indian tribes over a rival tribe.

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Last Answer : Everyone thinks it’s strange that we always have potato salad at thanksgiving. I always thought it was a holiday dish until I married my first husband and I brought out traditional potato salad and everyone made fun of me.

Description : Stores opening up early on Thanksgiving Day/night. Is this an alternative?

Last Answer : I think so many consumers are so foolish they will patronize these stores and they will make enough profit to justify opening up on Thanksgiving evenings for years to come. There is no bargain out there ... weekend. My SIL works retail and has yet to be home on a Thanksgiving weekend in years.

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Last Answer : Thank god I’m an atheist.

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Last Answer : Yes, my baby sister and her husband.

Description : What are you thankful for?

Last Answer : Obama got a second term. Seriously… I was worried for a bit. It has been a few weeks and I am still rereading message boards of when he won and dancing while listening to Bruce Springsteen.

Description : Fluther Thanksgiving: You are thankful for...?

Last Answer : Thumbs up for a GQ! Thankful I have the resources to start a new life, thankful I am loved by an amazing person. Who loves me unconditionally. Thankful that I have food in the cupboard, a bed to sleep in. ... . I wish every one a happy TG, even though we do not celebrate it here. Which is a shame.

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Last Answer : answer:The origins of Thanksgiving may be cloudy, but the current meaning and traditions are well worth what they are. Thanksgiving is essentially a reflection of gratitude and joining together in ... the Saturday Evening Post. Anyway, nothing wrong with giving thanks and gathering family together.

Description : Do American Indians celebrate Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : There aren’t much of them around to celebrate it even if they did.

Description : Do you call it "The Macy's Day Parade"?

Last Answer : answer:For me it’s just The Parade. It’s the parade by which all other parades are defined. And I love it.

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Last Answer : I don’t think it’s guilt. I think we tend to take a lot for granted. We tend to be busy people. The holidays just remind us that we ought to let people know how thankful we are.

Description : Surprised by Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : answer:It was horrible, but if it weren't for the shutting down of the Amsterdam airport during a snowstorm last December, I wouldn't have spent over 24 hours in line bonding with some truly wonderful ... doubt that I'd be able to relate as well to those that are going through the same emotions.

Description : Americans, care to comment on November 24th this year?

Last Answer : I will be saying thanks for my dad surviving his brush with prostate cancer, I will be saying thanks for all the help we received in getting my son from the depths of his depression, I have so much to be thankful for….it will be a long prayer at the table.

Description : How do you celebrate and appreciate November? Can we get the month back without looking like The Grinch?

Last Answer : I have all my November decorations out, so I’m doing my part.

Description : What is the best way to show appreciation to a stranger anonymously?

Last Answer : How about doing something anonymously that the person will like or appreciate? A donation in their honor to a group they support, or if you want to be more personal, something like a gift basket ... and an anonymous note saying you appreciate that they do X, Y and Z for the neighborhood/community?

Description : When is it appropriate to be "thankful"?

Last Answer : I think it stops with the realization that at any moment, the fragile life we lead can come to an end. ;)

Description : Can I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving (even those of you who aren't celebrating it this year)?

Last Answer : And a happy Thanksgiving to you!

Description : What would you do if your power was out all day today and tomorrow?

Last Answer : I’d fire up the grill, start a fire in the outdoor fire pit, and break out some cards and board games.

Description : Can I skip Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : Yes, you can.