I am about to take a test in psychology and I need some tips on answering essay type questions?

1 Answer

Answer :

Check your spelling carefully.

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Last Answer : They probably might just want to share the song with other people and see if they like it, but it could also be something else.

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Last Answer : answer:What if you take the StrengthFinders assessment? It was the best thing I ever did for myself and helped me find a career based on my strengths and interests rather than my degree. Check out StrengthFinders 2.0

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Last Answer : Make sure that Type I and Type II statistical error can be accounted for. Also, if multiple statistical tests are being done, consider adjusting for multiple comparisons (e.g. Bonferroni adjustment).

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Last Answer : Anything by Steven Pinker, Antonio Damasio, ‘Psychology for Dummies’ by Adam Cash

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Last Answer : I’ve never heard this term. Do you have a quote possibly for context?

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Last Answer : Welcome to Fluther. Of course this is possible. How else would the courses have been developed in the first place, otherwise – Divine Revelation?

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Last Answer : Of course not. Apparently these parents are totally clueless as to why their child is in the psych ward in the first place. Since this is a 14 yr old tells me this has been a slow burn for many ... eventually twist this child's mind into a total mess. IMO the child is in a better and safer place.

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Last Answer : Hobbies? You don't need a degree to pursue a hobby. If you try to make online assessments for fun and unpaid amateur hobby research, you can do that right here on ask-public. If you ... local community night school for possible info on groups of people who get together and talk on the subject.

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Last Answer : Tell the psychologist the truth about what you feel and experience because of those feelings. You can tell him/her many of the things you tell us here on ask-public.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't have direct experience with Walden, but compared to other programs in Psychology, there are a few things to consider. Lack of a campus/central location means there is no structured ... relationship with a professor to provide feedback. At the Doctoral level, that is a critical part.

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Last Answer : I’d say tell him the truest truth you possibly can.

Description : In the psychology world, is "learned behavior" even addressed any more?

Last Answer : answer:Big change is always an inside job and there is no drug that can invoke some sort of awakenings in a person. Drugs just mask the core issues. People change when they are damn good and ready and ... free, but well worth it. Self awareness work is tough but it pays off handsomely in the end.

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Last Answer : My approach would be to initially check myself out of the asylum. You can skip that point. Research what skills on-line. Keep in mind, what sort of background do you have in successfully navagating this type of ... for tax write offs? Just a few ideas. Go for it- you might love it! Good for you!

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Last Answer : It is simply a matter of perspective. The reality is this

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Last Answer : Is it really that the concept of self-esteem is out of fashion or that the concept of being valued solely for your external attributes and accomplishments is out moded? If we substitute the phrase ... mark of what one is attempting to instill nowadays? Like you, I have more questions than answers.

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Last Answer : You need to clarify what you mean. This is too vague.

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Last Answer : answer:The id is the pleasure-seeking portion of our mind. It's I want it and I want it now. The superego is our strict moral/ethical code; our conscience. It's this is wrong and this is right. ... . It balances out the two extremes of the id and the superego. It's let's meet in the middle.

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Last Answer : You’ve just described the super asshole I’ll avoid at parties.

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Last Answer : answer:I never heard of it, but I found the article-which appears to be an introduction to a book, a collection of readings-on Google Books. (Your link goes to a resource that you have to ... subject to have an opinion. However, I'll be interested to see how other more knowledgeable people respond.

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Last Answer : How do people experience their status as individuals belonging to marginalized communities? What is the felt experiences of race? How do high school students perceive gender difference?

Description : How much math (and what courses) are required for an undergraduate psychology major?

Last Answer : answer:Here is some general but detailed information about course requirements for a BA in general psychology. Statistics is always required but the U. Texas may have slightly ... core psychology courses include general psychology, statistics, experimental psychology and personality psychology.

Description : Are social psychology findings transcultural?

Last Answer : No. The individual’s relationship to society is quite culturally specific. A Japanese person has a much more subsidiary role than an American. A person in India, despite attempts to suppress it, has a different status depending on caste. Americans are more individualistic.

Description : Does this psychology experiment have a specific name, or is it something my teacher made up?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t know if it has a name, but I use that technique often to get rid of headaches. For me, it works 9 times out of 10. Edit to add: I learned it back in the early 80s.

Description : What does it imply about personality and psychology when someone routinely refers to themselves in the third person.

Last Answer : I don’t know…but I’m thinking it can mean a variety of things ranging from silliness to disassociation from one self. When The Rock does it, I can’t even listen to it. Same with Cain.

Description : Could you suggest a book about using psychology to trick people.

Last Answer : What sort of tricks? I mean there are a lot and he uses a lot of them.

Description : Psychology question: How is temporal contiguity related to the mistakes we often make?

Last Answer : I have never heard the term but I imagine the mistakes could be made if you felt that one of the stimuli was the cause of the other. Let's say a child reaches out and touches a ... right before a parent was injured would mistakenly believe that their actions caused the injury. Does that make sense?

Description : Are there any works of Sigmund Freud that are not followed/believed today in Psychology?

Last Answer : Freud’s considered dated in every respect, I thought.

Description : Do you feel that there is a psychology to poverty?

Last Answer : Yeah, some people make decisions based on a lot of things, some of them being social and economic status. But one can still make good decisions while poor, for example, getting sick and tired of being poor and trying to further your career, or even get one lol.

Description : Help with course selections in University? (psychology major)

Last Answer : see the counselor at the school, most have school schedules for the next two-four years and they can help you plan so you get all the courses you need when you need them.

Description : Sport psychology: 105 instead of 100 meters sprint?

Last Answer : Imagery is very powerful, but pretending is not necessary. From what I can tell the most successful practitioners would imagine a strong winning scenario. E.g. going from 1-5 to 10-5 to catch ... and ahead - when crossing the 100 meter mark. No need to make some cognitive dissonance with pretending.

Description : Anybody a Psychology major? What are your plans for the future?

Last Answer : I’m a librarian

Description : What's your opinion of evolutionary psychology?

Last Answer : It's extremely interesting to me; I've read some books on it. The thing I don't like is that it relies on logic and there isn't much of a good way to test it empirically. The ... that trait; why natural selection would have favored individuals with that trait and caused it to emerge as prevalent.

Description : Cults: how do their messianic leaders learn the cult psychology rule book?

Last Answer : answer:The first thing that children learn is how to influence other people. It's simply an extension of that taken to an extreme. Through years interacting with people, sociopaths usually ... illicit certain responses with frequent success. And what do you mean by environmental warrior cults ?

Description : Why is psychology so popular?

Last Answer : Legitimacy gained through parallel discoveries in related sciences (neuroscience, cognitive science) as well as a greater experimental focus on the micro level – and it also takes time to gather results from longitudinal studies.

Description : What branch of psychology deals with the study of Deception, Cognitive dissonance, and the like?

Last Answer : I would have to say, elements of both Personality Psy. and Social Psy.

Description : Psychology motivation question: How to define motivation?

Last Answer : answer:I am not privey to every theory, but my own ( from the level of my information ) is that motivation and READINESS to BE motivated are separate, yet necessary componants to actually ... MIGHT motivate them, but without the immeasurable readiness' factor, the rockets not gonna launch. lol

Description : How do you get a degree in Psychology?

Last Answer : I don’t know about which schools to choose but any counselor at any college will discuss it with you. First you take your basic courses then, gradually, you’ll be taking only psych courses. (Psych 101, Abnormal Psych, Developmental Psych, Sociology , I can’t remember what else ).

Description : Who would think that reverse psychology would work on a dog?

Last Answer : It’s positive reinforcement rather than negative.

Description : When using APA 5th for a "non-psychology" paper, should you always use page numbers for in text referencing?

Last Answer : If you’re using word ‘07 you have the option of going to your reference and editing it. Right click on it. It will allow you to add page number and even remove author or date. Ask your instructor exactly what he/she is looking for and ask for a formatted example.

Description : Could you help me understand the psychology of these people?

Last Answer : They belong to the “something-for-nothing” crowd? : D

Description : Do you know anything about this psychology theory/analogy?

Last Answer : answer:Some googling got me this blog entry which you might like to read: http://revolution-you.blogspot.com/2007/01/alignment-of-head-heart-gut.html So perhaps just different types of feelings produce different sensations instead of people being just one type of person.

Description : What are the math requirements for psychology?

Last Answer : Sadistics is about it, thank the Lord.

Description : What is the psychology behind rebellion?

Last Answer : too many restrictions and wanting to break free

Description : Attention seeking behavior in adults (would love to know the psychology behind it); your thoughts?

Last Answer : I don’t think there is a single cause. Sometimes it can be insecurity. Other times, it can be narcissistic behavior. I am sure there are others.

Description : How is behavioral psychology connected to belief?

Last Answer : two incredibly broad topics – need more detail

Description : Does anyone believe in "animal psychology"?

Last Answer : Do I believe that someones cat needs therapy? No. I do, however, think that many households could benefit from learning how their pet’s brain actually works.