Why is healthcare insurance so much different from other insurance?

1 Answer

Answer :

Because your life and health is not a commodity like a car, a house or any other possessions, but essential to your very existence.

Related questions

Description : I know many people on fluther are in favor of universal healthcare, but are you also in favor of requiring an employer to provide health insurance?

Last Answer : answer:I am in favor of the State providing universal health care, but the insurance companies successfully bought their way out of the competition. That's why the US will remain way down the list of ... mortality. It's a crime and a shame. but $ millions will buy you a compliant govenrment.

Description : Healthcare Reform Passes, how much difference will it make immediately after being signed into law?

Last Answer : answer: For people under 26 it will make an immediate difference. The bill lets such people maintain coverage under their parents' plan. For people with pre-existing conditions, the bill sets up ... to afford coverage and force insurance companies to not screw them over. More details here (NYT).

Description : I've just come from healthcare.gov and I am confused and extremely suspicious, all at the same time. Can anyone add some insight?

Last Answer : answer:We've about debated Obamacare to death here, but your situation illustrates exactly what I was afraid of, and I never have gotten a straight answer about what happens to the poor soul who ends up having to ... you don't have it to begin with, it puts it in a whole different light, doesn't it?

Description : Would you please help me understand how the new healthcare laws will work?

Last Answer : See if this helps. http://www.healthinsuranceaxis.com/Health_Insurance_FAQ/Obama_Health_Care_Plan_Explained.php

Description : Should the plan for healthcare reform have the public option or not, and why?

Last Answer : TARP reform will solve every problem you just stated. A public plan will just make it worse. You can't get that health insurance because you have a liver disease (hypothetically). It wouldn't be ... . Change that, problem solved. Government needs to back off. It can't solve problems it creates.

Description : How much do you pay for health insurance?

Last Answer : $350 per month for single coverage, with no dental or vision benefits.

Description : Would you be in favor of a state run single payer health care system if it means that your taxes go up by 15% and you lose your current health insurance?

Last Answer : Yes, as long as it is modelled after the single payer healthcare system we had in Sweden. The math has been done and it didn't raise Swedish net taxes by 15%. Not when you enter into the equation all ... the game in good medicine and much less costly -and as a doctor in a big city, you know that.

Description : What is a health insurance deductible?

Last Answer : it means that for example, if a procedure costs 10000, you have to pay 7150 out of pocket, and insurance only pays the remaining 2850. a ludicrous concept to anyone outside of the colonies.

Description : Americans: Would you be in favor of being forced to give up your health care insurance in favor of a national health insurance?

Last Answer : In a second. If everyone is in the same boat people would ideally band together to fix issues instead of got mine, fuck you.

Description : Can you answer a strange health insurance eligibility question?

Last Answer : What country are you in? If the US, what state?

Description : What happens to your medical insurance when you quit your job now in the Obamacare days?

Last Answer : As a student your income might be low enough you wouldn’t be subject to the penalty for not having insurance. Check with your tax guy. You might be able to keep your insurance under the COBRA rules but I’m not sure how quitting affects that.

Description : I don't have health insurance and I don't know what to do. Suggestions?

Last Answer : Can your parents help at all?? Can you see some sort of a guidance counsellor through your school might help? Now isn't it great to be the last industrialized nation on earth not to have universal ... a communist state.( could never figure that one out) Hope you find the answer your looking for.

Description : Does anyone have experience, good or bad with MVP for health insurance and/or an HMO?

Last Answer : I'm on Medicare, and I have an HMO through Aetna in place of just Medicare. I've been really happy with it, except for the fact that I have to pay for my entire dental bill because she isn't in ... dentist list. Other than that I'm satisfied with it, because all of my other doctors are on the plan.

Description : I am confused by health insurance, can someone help me?

Last Answer : Talk to a local insurance agent, interweb answers to insurance questions are random at best. Generally a life change will qualify you for insurance.

Description : If I sign up for an exchange within Obamacare, can I cancel it if I don't wish to continue having insurance mid-way through?

Last Answer : If you don’t pay the premium you will no longer have the coverage. You need to do it by Monday in order to be covered January 1st.

Description : How can you make a high deductible health insurance plan work for you?

Last Answer : answer:Check your policy; our high deductible plan ($2700) includes 100% coverage for maintenance' health care. Our exams, mammograms, and other preventative programs are covered. Also, see what HSA plans ... the beginning of your year to meet the deductible, then the rest of the year is covered.

Description : What would be the best website to check for the new health insurance plans that rolled out today?

Last Answer : answer:http://www.coveroregon.com/ seemed to work. It told me to apply for Medicaid. edit.. :: yikes

Description : Health insurance is delaying my claim. I got a letter requesting a "Claims and Eligibility Review". What should I do?

Last Answer : I would call and speak with someone. Contact info should be on the letter.

Description : What would happen to health insurance companies if government take over the health insurance system?

Last Answer : Obama is not trying to push health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions. That provision of the health care reform bill has been in place for a couple of years now, I ... And those plans are only for individuals seeking health insurance, not for group plans your employer provides.

Description : What do you think about being required to buy insurance?

Last Answer : answer:I think it's fair. It is easy for people with health insurance to criticize. They already have insurance. It is also easy for people without health care to criticize. They know if ... will still be treated. Until hospitals are permitted to turn people away for nonpayment we need insurance.

Description : Anyone know anything about health insurance for a pregnant woman?

Last Answer : My experience, more than 40 years ago but the regulations haven't changed. You have to have an insurance in place BEFORE you get pregnant, I carried a personal health insurance plan when my wife changed ... and I graduated and got a job that had the same insurance company. No problem -- covered!

Description : Should health insurance companies pay for the lastest technology or the most cost affordable treatment?

Last Answer : Obama Care would have shut down any chance for that lady to get those hands, force the other options upon her and prevented a lawsuit from forcing the issue as well. She is one lucky lady.

Description : How can I find out exactly what my insurance policy covers?

Last Answer : answer:Oh…I thought this was about car insurance, but now I don’t have an answer lol. Sorry. I would assume you would have to call around to a bunch of different places, finding out which insurance they take, and then verifying that with your insurance company.

Description : When waiting for your health insurance company to allow your pharmacy to fill a new prescription, is there any way to make the wait shorter?

Last Answer : You can pay for them out of pocket, and try to reimbursed.

Description : I need major health insurance and have a pre-existing condition?

Last Answer : Have you applied for Medicaid?

Description : Are these fair prices for health insurance and what should I do?

Last Answer : answer:It's hard to say which one is the best policy without a lot more information. Do you have someone you trust locally that could look over all of the benefit information with you? You want to ... them. Overall, it's best to get insurance because you never know what could happen down the road.

Description : People who have health insurance, can you recommend one to me please?

Last Answer : HMO limit the drs you can choose. Get RX coverage. Deductible is how much you pay out of pocket before insurance kicks in.

Description : I am looking for getting Group Health Insurance?

Last Answer : I have AFLAC and it is working out pretty good

Description : What would happen if I got cancer and didn't have insurance?

Last Answer : My understanding is that they’ll treat you until you’re stable. When it comes to cancer treatments/longer term stuff? I believe the idiom is “you’re up the creek w/out a paddle.”

Description : Will health reforms create significantly cheaper insurance plans comparable to present insurance plans of the same quality?

Last Answer : answer:I doubt if this reform will create reduced cost plans. While, in theory, when everyone is covered, cost shifting will decrease, and providers will charge less to insured patients, and then insurance ... but I doubt it. Single payer is the only way to make sure that insurance costs decrease.

Description : Any suggestions on getting health insurance in California?

Last Answer : This may be worth looking into Medically Indigent Adult

Description : Is it right that health insurance doesnt cover baldness prevention and treatment?

Last Answer : Hair is not nearly as practical or necessary as an arm. Bald is a very popular style. Armless is not.

Description : Design of a hypothetical health insurance plan?

Last Answer : Give me six years and a staff of 15,000 and I’ll get back to you.

Description : My husbands health insurance stinks , we need to get our own individual insurance..Help in PA?

Last Answer : Tell him to talk to his HR department and see if he can change his plan. That might be less costly than buying your own.

Description : You're young, healthy, uninsured. What major medical insurance plan do you get?

Last Answer : The best (your) money can buy. I think that you might be able to find a company who will give you a lower cost, but not likely.

Description : Medical Insurance not paying for an Emergency Room visit!

Last Answer : First, look at your insurance policy and see what it says specifically about emergency room visits. My experience is that there is always some deductible, but if you are admitted to the hospital ... the claim rather than the insurance company. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Good luck.

Description : Should over-weight people pay higher health insurance premiums?

Last Answer : Well they are more likely to use the service so yes. Boy racers with fast cars and a history of causing accidents pay more for car insurance. You pay more for house insurance if you live in a bad neighborhood. I’d be very surprised if smokers aren’t penalised by health insurance companies.

Description : Does your employer offer orthodontic and/or vision insurance?

Last Answer : answer:No coverage…...however they offer reimbursement w/ pretax dollars of income. So we effectively get the coverage for a discount.

Description : Why are smokers singled out?

Last Answer : Because smoking causes many, many more health issues than any other habit, stressor, or factor you could come up with. There are the obvious diseases of lung cancer, COPD, throat cancer, emphazemia, ... on. All of these diseases and cancers are long term and costs billions of dollars in treatment.

Description : Is there a minimum income necessary to use the ACA?

Last Answer : Nope. These are the only eligibility requirements: https://www.healthcare.gov/quick-guide/eligibility/ The issue may be that you can’t afford a marketplace plan if your income is too low, though low income will allow you to qualify for generous subsidies.

Description : If you were Barack Obama tonight, would you be laughing or crying?

Last Answer : Probably laughing.

Description : Would this approach to universal health care be feasible?

Last Answer : answer:I believe the concern would be that your listed items that are covered would be 90+ percent of the total costs of healthcare. The only things I see that would be a major category and not ... 100% at that point. not knocking your ideas, just giving an idea of what the knocks would be

Description : Are there people who still don't understand what "Obamacare" is?

Last Answer : I have health insurance, it is not obamacare.

Description : If you have private health care coverage, what sort of out-of-pocket costs would you normally have to pay within your system?

Last Answer : I have had 4 surgeries in 3 months, and the bill was over a half million dollars. My portion was $1,500, which is the annual out of pocket cap for me.

Description : Trying to get Medicaid/ FAMIS?

Last Answer : answer:Hilarious - the OP's question is still unreadable, and my edited version of it is deemed unhelpful . That is awesome. Dear @JAS08on: the collective will likely need to know a few things ... she needs? Has your niece tried calling Tricare and asking to be removed from her mother's plan?

Description : Do you support keeping people on existing health plans that were to be canceled; didn't meet min standards, i.e. refusal for pre-existing conditions?

Last Answer : answer:I find it ironic that the complainers are demanding to keep inferior policies ie. cheap up front, next to worthless when needed. Non-compliant policies should be canceled as planned. I'm one ... of the ACA will soon begin to snowball as more and more people become familiar with it.

Description : I need advice on what to do next with bills after having received approval of Medi Cal?

Last Answer : Contact the numbers on each bill separately and give them your insurance information over the phone. They will process it and inform you rather you are approved or not.

Description : Do you want Obama care?

Last Answer : I think when he said ‘people’, he meant ‘people with an income over $100K per annum’.

Description : How will they implement new cost for obese people?

Last Answer : GQ. Many just ask height and weight, while most are requiring medical examination. Although the actual guidelines vary from insurance company to insurance company, most use a patient’s BMI to determine whether or not they are to be considered obese.

Description : What's your take on this?

Last Answer : Stupid, knee-jerk, pandering, and pretty much useless. When you pass the bailout legislation, you just include a line to repeal that section of law, it’s not like it’s in the constitution. Congress has every right to change its own laws at will.