Does it make any sense to keep clothes you can't fit anymore?

1 Answer

Answer :

It is never false hope! I keep my too small clothes in conpicuous view hoping for encouragement from them!

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Last Answer : SInce we returned from living abroad, we don’t sleep with a sheet, but with just a duvet with a cover we wash each week. It’s exceedingly easy to make up the bed now. It’s nice to come home to a made bed at the end of the day for some reason. I’m 40 BTW.

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Last Answer : Anti bacterial Febreze until they are wet with it. Then let them dry completely.

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Last Answer : answer:So burning it is not an option? I vote vats of Febreeze.

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Last Answer : What is the sixth sense? I don't think even the manufacturer knows that and some nonsense comes out of it.

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Last Answer : Why not just try on the clothes or go to a tailor? Really, sometimes the wheel doesn’t need to be overthought.

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Last Answer : Roll them?

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Last Answer : Perhaps this sizing chart will help. Here in the U.S. we have different “departments” such as junior, misses, womens, plus.

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Last Answer : Cry me a river. :) Have you tried stores geared towards juniors, like the BP section of Nordstrom or Forever 21?

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Last Answer : You can donate them to Goodwill, or see if your church or school has any sort of swap program to match up kids with others' unwanted or outgrown clothing.

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Last Answer : Is it enameled cookware? If so how did it get rusty? Baking soda and vinegar neutralize so that really does not work. Vinegar and water 50% for no longer than 15–30 min followed by a scrub and repeat until it’s gone. If you let vinegar sit too long it can actually damage your enamel.

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Last Answer : Is there anything in the lease that covers this? It’s usually stated in the lease what is expected and that supersedes anything the landlord says. If it’s not covered I would not clean the common area if I didn’t use it.

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Last Answer : mazingerz88 I like to clean my glasses with water and use a linen cloth. It doesn’t scratch the lenses. Cleans well.l.

Description : Tell me your favorite natural cleaning products?

Last Answer : It has to be white vinegar. I see new uses for it all the time. Here’s one from today if you can see it.

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Last Answer : Uh, no.