What does the saying, "Fact from fiction, truth from diction" mean?

1 Answer

Answer :

Good question. I’ve been wondering myself.

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Last Answer : answer:That sounds ridiculous, you already used the word apocryphal' lol . On December 12, 1799, Washington spent several hours inspecting his farms on horseback, in snow and later hail and freezing ... of shock from the loss of five pints of blood, as well as asphyxia and dehydration .

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Last Answer : I'm a little confused. Are we talking about a place that is not English speaking? I think you take some risk writing about a place you have never been, but I do think you can probably get quite ... editor can help you once you have the work done. Maybe I don't fully understand the question though.

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Last Answer : I love how you work in women’s clothing into your question. So classic.

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Last Answer : answer:Long, LONG overdue! LEGAL immigration is fine, but to begin your life in a new country by breaking the law does not sound like a good thing to me. The inaction on the part of the federal ... to become an American citizen, let them begin by obeying America's laws. The rest of us have to.

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Last Answer : I prefer fact from fiction, truth from diction – in books and films. ;)

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Last Answer : That's pretty cool. Like you, I'm sure something along those lines was tried during the cold war. You'll probably find there are a few lunatic cadavers in cold storage somewhere in ... to Zombies are those Haitian, chemically lobotomised victims of Voodoo or Santeria that you sometimes hear about.

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Last Answer : You might see if there is any information here. Although Stone worked from Michelangelo’s letters, I would suspect that any conversations would have to be fictional.

Description : fact or fiction the herd of moose danced in a circle in the middle of the stream?

Last Answer : ok if you think it is the first on say ab but if you think it is the second one say abc or you can just say fact or if you think that its fiction just say it

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Last Answer : You denounce it as “fake news”.