Has anyone ever actually picked up radio waves in their mouth?

1 Answer

Answer :

It happened on Gilligan’s Island once.

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Last Answer : You can brush 20 times a day. If you do not floss daily, there will be all sorts of bacterial biofilm between your teeth. The germs live, die and go to the bathroom there. No wonder it smells.

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Last Answer : These people can help you.

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Last Answer : Looks like the work performed was something to be desired, since you mentioned that one molar’s filling is already chipped. You may want to get a second opinion from a well recommended dentist.

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Last Answer : Better talk to your dentist. I had a root canal that caused a lot of pain. Turns out it was botched. Luckily it was due to internal irritation and not infection.

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Last Answer : I figure all providers are mystified by third party payers. After all, the last thing a third party payer wants to do is pay. I also figure your dentist only knows about teeth, not the bureaucratic maze of third party payers.

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Last Answer : I would guess you have damage around the base of your crowns. Our gums recede with age, which after ten years would leave some enamel exposed. Around the base of your crown is prime ground for particles ... case, but you should make an appointment right away to find out what does need to be done.

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Last Answer : I’ve had one wisdom tooth pulled because it literally rotted apart and needed only to take a couple 200ml ibuprofen tablets when I got home from the dentist. Apart from mild soreness, it was a comfortable and inflectionless recovery. I was still even able to chew on that side.

Description : Any advice on dental implants from personal experience?

Last Answer : I can only address chewing, and not from an implant status. I had a bad temp crown, there were delays, etched etc etc. anyway, it necessitated me chewing only one the left side for about a month. The ... chewing. ,y mouth was a circus-in-training for a while. Sorry I can't address the other stuff.

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Last Answer : answer:X-Rays don’t lie. In fact you are making things worse using the baby-brush. To make one tooth hurt less you are fucking the integrity of all the others. I could have bought a house in Kansas with all the cash I have spent on dentistry.

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Last Answer : No. I would rather spend the money on audio books.

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Last Answer : answer:You'll have to discuss options with your dentist but I don't think nitrous oxide gas ( sp? )would be strong enough to cut out impacted wisdom teeth. Of course I do not know for sure. When ... about an hour before they let you go home. Obviously you will need someone to drive you home as well.

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Last Answer : Maybe she should return to the dentist. I’ve had teeth pulled and had minor pain for a day or two. I admit I am good at handling pain, but 3 months seems like there may be something else going on.

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Description : Had any dental fillings lately? Not crowns; fillings.

Last Answer : It seems like the fluoride in water is making cavities less common but also you get less as you age, I’ve heard. Many of the problems – crowns, etc. – come from old fillings that have worn out or weakened the tooth.

Description : Second opinion for dental work?

Last Answer : Yes.

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Last Answer : answer:Find a new dentist. It shouldn't have taken a week for you to get into see your dentist, at least that's not how my dentist would have handled it but my dentist is a saint. Maybe I'm just ... managed to get into see him or her makes me think, definitely, a new dentist. One who gives a shit.

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Last Answer : Nothing you did caused it. It is just natural. Nothing you can do will make it go away. You can try to cover it with make-up.

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Last Answer : answer:Shouldn't you be talking to a board certified plastic surgeon rather than a group of nice people who have absolutely no qualifications for discussing major facial surgery with you? We can give you moral ... to do that. Do you have a parent or relative who can help you with this decision?

Description : Bruxism. How do I stop clenching my teeth?

Last Answer : Relaxation techniques before bed can help. But you should really go see a dentist who can outfit you with a retainer that will prevent damage to your teeth and jaw. Just make sure they put the retainer on your lower teeth and not the upper ones as the upper retainers are a pain in the backside.

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Last Answer : It will look fine if you have a good crown. I have a couple and they look normal. I would do it. You may want to consider having your teeth whitened before they make the crown as it will be easier to match the color of whitened teeth.

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Last Answer : I’ve never experienced that…do you mean the sort of bloated feeling your teeth get when you cry, but try not to let any sound come out? I’ve had that happen, but it doesn’t hurt. For me it’s usually my temples that start hurting a bit. More detail?

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Last Answer : answer:Filling cavities is up to a few hundred bucks a piece pending where you go. I have insurance through my employer and I think they paid like almost 200 per cavity the last time I had fillings (plus ... from 2-3 cavities a year to no cavities just by adding mouthwash at least 3 times a week).

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Last Answer : Brush, floss, brush again or mouthwash

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Last Answer : …. why not? It wouldn’t even occur to me to think twice about it. I mean, my husband wears glasses, how is that any different?

Description : Should I be worried that my daughter grinds her teeth when she sleeps?

Last Answer : Not “worried” (we had that discussion earlier), but concerned. Talk to a dentist.

Description : Would you date a girl with dentures?

Last Answer : …. why not? It wouldn’t even occur to me to think twice about it. I mean, my husband wears glasses, how is that any different?

Description : Should I be worried that my daughter grinds her teeth when she sleeps?

Last Answer : Not “worried” (we had that discussion earlier), but concerned. Talk to a dentist.

Description : How long do you have to wear braces?

Last Answer : from 10 to about 28 months, depending on how severe your crowding problem is.

Description : I was just wondering how much would braces be if you have only four gaps total ?

Last Answer : Perhaps, an orthodontist could give you a free consultation? I got one (for free).

Description : Anxious about dentist, allergies to composite fillings?

Last Answer : Tell the dentist about your concerns before he/she starts the work.

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Last Answer : Ugly Betty?

Description : Link between buccal extostoses and Dupuytrens constricture?

Last Answer : Have you thought about asking a real M.D. instead of someone who plays one on the internet? Something that specific probably isn't even common knowledge to the average Doctor and would likely need to be ... but when it comes to health, the internet is a poor substitute for real advice from a doctor.

Description : Do crest whitening strips work?

Last Answer : to certain degree, they will work.

Description : Are there any OTC remedies that can kill a tooth infection?

Last Answer : I had an abcess on my gum once, and used TCP (diluted and used as a mouthwash) and that cleared it in no time. hope you feel better soon, hugs xx

Description : How long after wisdom teeth extraction will I still be in pain?

Last Answer : Use plenty of ice. In my case the pain was almost gone the next day.

Description : What will happen if I stop using toothpaste?

Last Answer : flouride is not intended to be ingested into your body.. just using it on your teeth I’m not sure how this affects your mind and body.. You’re going to want to go with what your dentist recommends and brush your teeth with toothpaste..

Description : Molar removal?

Last Answer : I had four teeth pulled when I was younger. Then I had my wisdom teeth taken out on my 18th birthday. Thanks mom. Both times my mouth hurt, but it didn’t make me talk weird or anything. Your mouth will probably heal just fine and you won’t notice any difference after a while.

Description : Beer and braces: Can I mix?

Last Answer : The only problem is the crazy places you might get your teeth stuck in if you drink to much beer!

Description : What is dental sealant made from?

Last Answer : Here are a bunch of places you could check to find your answer

Description : What level of training is adequate for entry as a dental assistant?

Last Answer : look at your local colleges. I believe there are dedicated programs for dental assistants.

Description : What are the benefits/drawbacks of a dental implant?

Last Answer : Benefits: permanence, more like natural teeth

Description : What is this white spot on my tooth?

Last Answer : I got my braces off about…15 years ago, and I still have little white spots on my 2 front teeth. They’re not so noticeable unless you are really looking for them. So if you figure out how to get rid of them, I’d love to know too!

Description : Why does smoking crack make your teeth fall out so fast?

Last Answer : It’s because of all the chemicals in the meth itself. It just rots your teeth making them fall out. Not that I’m an expert on crack, but it helps to slow the process if you put the pipe behind your teeth as you suck in. Or so I’ve heard.