Do Americans define themselves as world leaders determined to make this a better and peaceful world?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes we are. And by we of course I mean me.

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Last Answer : The country called 'Norway' in Europe.

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Last Answer : I am the sundew flower.

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Last Answer : To you also @ZEPHYRA and to all jellies !

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Last Answer : Peace and good thoughts to both of you.

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Last Answer : If you’re just going off pictures…....There are many pictures out there of soldiers having a good time with the locals of the cities they inhabited while in the Middle East. Conversely, there are also pictures of horrors from both wars.

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Last Answer : Three places.The ocean on the outer banks,N.C.,the path on my daily walks and a park I have gone to :)

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Last Answer : It blatently has to be Heston Blumenthal, one of his crazy feasts like the ones he does on channel 4. Maybe a full sized Hansel and Grettel house or something along those lines. mmmmm

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Last Answer : By not dropping bombs on other countries for material gain. Probably.

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Last Answer : I don't think a first meeting amound a large coroboration of nations would be best An isolated meeting with one of the singular, more powerful nations would be best it seems. if they were to jump ... all at once if you isolate the first experience it reduces the chances of mass panic world wide.

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Last Answer : Are you kidding???!! With OUR family?! Maybe slip some Valium in the diet-coke?

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Last Answer : I wonder sometimes about the self-manifestation of problems…

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Last Answer : Water.

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Last Answer : Pagal ho gya tha

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Last Answer : . Democracies usually develop a procedure to conduct their competition. This reduces the possibility of these tensions becoming explosive or violent. . No society can fully and permanently resolve ... differences, divisions and conflicts is, thus, a definite plus point of democratic regimes.

Description : Democracies lead to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens.' Support the statement with suitable examples. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Democracies lead to peaceful harmonious life among citizens: 1. No society has a permanent solution for the differences that can come up between various groups in it. 2. But democracy ... in the decision making. 5. Democracy reduces the chances of differences or conflicts becoming violent.

Description : Do democracies lead to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Democracies across the globe have been successful to a great extent in accommodating social diversities and therefore it will be a fair expectation that democracy must produce a harmonious social life. ... the term 'majority' as well as the need to accommodate minority groups and their preferences.

Description : How does democracy lead to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens? Explain. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Democracies accommodate various social divisions. For example, Belgium has peacefully solved her ethnic problems and solved the differences. (ii) All democracies usually develop a procedure to conduct ... .All these things ensured by a democratic regime lead to a peaceful and harmonious life.

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Last Answer : The statement is correct that democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life. Arguments for the statement: (i) Democracies accommodate various social divisions. (ii) Democracies usually ... permanently resolve conflicts among different groups. We can certainly learn to respect these differences

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Last Answer : (i) Because she convinced the people by explaining them the advantage of constructing dam and come with a solution of rehabilitation of displaced peoples. So the contribution to the peaceful resolution of ... (c) Low cost of production of electricity gives monetary gain which is a boon to citizens.

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Last Answer : i kno w

Last Answer : Abandoning peaceful trade policy and attacking port - - John Childe of English navy.

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Last Answer : The postal code of Békés is 5630. Békés is located in Békés county. According to a 2012 survey, it has a population of 19,763 and an area of ​​127.2 km². 

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Last Answer : Loyal

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Is it true that The colonists originally wanted a peaceful settlement with the English government.?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Private Peaceful Quotes and Analysis. After Sergeant Hanley and the field punishment, and the way Charlie managed to smile through it all, there isn't a man in the company who doesn't look up to him. Being his real ... feel I live in his shadow, but I never have and I do not now. I live in his glow.

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Last Answer : Private Peaceful study guide contains a biography of Michael Morpurgo, Tommo is the young narrator and central character in the novel.

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Last Answer : The main characters in the story are Charlie and Tommo Peaceful, brothers who decide to fight in the war

Description : Democratic Socialism aims at – (1) bringing about Socialism through peaceful means (2) bringing about Socialism through violent and peaceful means (3) 3) bringing about Socialism through violent means (4) (4) bringing about Socialism through democratic means

Last Answer : (4) bringing about Socialism through democratic means Explanation: Democratic socialism is a political ideology advoeating a democratic political system alongside a socialist economic system. It ... systems and is usually contrasted with non-democratic political movements that advocate socialism.

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Last Answer : (3) India and China Explanation: Panchsheel Agreement was signed between India and China (29 April 1954) on the following principles - I. Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and ... in each other's internal affairs. IV. Equality and mutual benefit and V. Peaceful coexistence.

Description : The Montreal Protocol 1987 refers to – (1) saving the Bio-diversity of our planet (2) signing of an accord on the peaceful uses of atomic energy (3) signing of an accord on keeping the antarctica as a nuclear free zone (4) saving the ozone layer from destruction by reducting the use of CFCs

Last Answer : (4) saving the ozone layer from destruction by reducting the use of CFCs Explanation: The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (a protocol to the Vienna Convention for the ... entered into force on January 1, 1989, followed by a first meeting in Helsinki. May 1989.

Description : The following act, conduct and commissions of a Government servant amount to misconduct:- a) If the act or conduct is prejudicial or likely to be prejudicial to the interests of the master or to the ... of a servant makes it unsafe for the employer to retain him in service d) All the above

Last Answer : d) All the above

Description : According to implied ' warranty as to quiet possession' it is presumed that the buyer shall have the A. Peaceful possession of the goods. B. Right to use the goods as an owner. C. Both D. None of these

Last Answer : C. Both

Description : The Montreal Protocol 1987 refers to (1) saving the Bio-diversity of our planet (2) signing of an accord on the peaceful uses of atmoic energy (3) signing of an accord on keeping the antarctica as a nuclear free zone (4) saving the ozone layer from destruction by reducting the use of CFCs

Last Answer :  saving the ozone layer from destruction by reducting the use of CFCs

Description : Which of the following statements about leadership is false? (a) Leadership does not necessarily take place within a hierarchical structure of an organisation. (b) Not every leader is a manager. (c) ... operate as leaders their role is always clearly established and define(d) (d) All the above.

Last Answer : (c) When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly established and define(d) 

Description : Does anyone lie to themselves to make themselves feel better?

Last Answer : I’m not sure exactly what you are getting at here, maybe list a few personal examples? I sort of lie to myself when I skip working out on certain days, telling myself “I’ll hit it extra hard tomorrow”. More times than not, I don’t work extra hard the next day, if I go at all.