Has there been any research about how babies percieve the world?

1 Answer

Answer :

“Can I put that in my mouth?...nope…Can I put this in my mouth?...yes….” etc.

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Last Answer : I think most babies are hideous.

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Last Answer : Because dogs are precious beings that are too innocent for this earth. We as humans did nothing to deserve them. Dogs are amazing.

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Last Answer : Those are physics experiments.

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Last Answer : Cats.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, it is wrong. Generally, cannibalism of any sort is frowned upon, no matter how the entree died. And, a good reason for that is that it devalues human life. As creatures who can ... Natural causes means lots of things; babies who die from natural causes probably aren't very tasty anyway.

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Last Answer : answer:Nope. I had 2 toddlers in the airport many years ago. I put both of them on leashes because if I hadn't, we would never had made our plane. Regardless, I got a few round ... (especially extremely active ones) makes many activities impossible, and actually puts the safety of the child at risk.

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Last Answer : answer:Better than without diapers? it had to be said You’ve swam in worse… and no, they don’t drain it.

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Last Answer : answer:Their bottoms are already wet, and uncovering them (and then wiping their bottoms with the cloth) makes them wet again, and cooler. Any bit of moving air (wind, fan, etc.) chills them as the air evaporates. Wipe the bottom with a warm cloth. See the difference,

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Last Answer : I’ve gotten “foot in mouth” disease several times but not foot and mouth disease.

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Last Answer : Little babies sleep a lot, so he could be tired even though he slept all night. It could also be other things, gas, colic, dirty diaper (even though he was recently changed), still hungry… and more.

Description : Are babies free at MLB stadiums?

Last Answer : answer:Found it for you. Child Admission PETCO Park offers complimentary admission to children under 36 in height, provided they are accompanied by an adult with a valid ticket. These children must ... adult and not occupy an additional seat. http://sandiego.padres.mlb.com/sd/ticketing/policies.jsp

Description : White noise for babies, do or don't?

Last Answer : You have probably heard that those “Baby Einstein” (and Mozart, or white noise) things don’t work. This article might be helpful.

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Last Answer : UH. time worn age old argument. can’t wait to leave this country ROEvWADE is published, perhaps post that.

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Last Answer : answer:My oldest son was a very fussy baby. I may have said this in another thread and I am sorry if I did, but the boy would not let me put him down for pretty much the first year of his life. He ... his age. I am not sure if I would describe him as a go-getter, but he is a pretty neat person.

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Last Answer : Their time spent in the safety of the womb, with all the ambient noises they heard from within, soothing, peaceful times.

Description : Believers, will babies be/think like babies in heaven/after life?

Last Answer : If there is an afterlife, I doubt we will be in any sort of physical existence that is recognizable to us now. Meaning gender and age will be meaningless as we think of them. We won’t even be able to think the same way because we won’t have human brains.

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Last Answer : Could you give more information about what is required of you in the Senior project? What exactly are you supposed to be making?

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Last Answer : Most of the safety devices in use for adults would be pointless anyway if the plane were to crash. People gotta travel with their kids.

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Last Answer : How early did they go to bed? That might have something to do with it. :)

Description : How do you view babies?

Last Answer : While I don’t want to take them home with me, I usually view them in a positive light. I certainly don’t see them as a time stamp. I am looking forward to my children eventually having their own children.

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Last Answer : God wants them to have strong leg muscles so they can walk?

Description : Why don't other countries adopt American babies?

Last Answer : I guess it’s a matter of choice, nothing more. I mean, who knows, maybe alot of people we don’t know about adopt American babies.

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Last Answer : Wikipedia to the rescue! I think it’s more of an American practice.

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Last Answer : I have a better idea. How about we choose two celebrities to not make babies? I vote Charlie Sheen and Paris Hilton.

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Last Answer : Not only were some babies allowed to be born, but a few of them even survived. When Kaufering I was liberated, there were seven surviving infants. The women worked together to keep these infants alive. When the mothers had to work, other women would care for their babies. source

Description : Is it a myth that all newborn babies have blue eyes?

Last Answer : It is no myth. The color is a darker blue than the normal blue eye. Over a period of several months the permanent color develops.

Description : Will these babies look the same?

Last Answer : In a word, no. Genetics does not work that way because there are too many variables involved.

Description : Do you think parent(s) of "unfavourable" looking babies know it?

Last Answer : I have friends with unfavorable looking children and they don't seem to know it- but even if they did, it would be a shame for them to actually voice that to anyone at all. I have never ... admit while looking back years later that their children weren't as adorable as they'd thought at the time.

Description : Why do babies throw up so much?

Last Answer : answer:Typically babies spit up for one of 3 reasons: * An under-developed esophageal valve that doesn't function as it should when pressure is placed on the tummy or the baby is in a ... to something in the diet * Foremilk/hindmilk imbalance if the mother is breastfeeding (easily remedied) (link)

Description : Did your babies/toddlers use pacifiers?

Last Answer : They both did, only for 3 months or so though.Incidentally,they’re called dummies in Britain,crazy but true.

Description : What is the most common time to have a babies portrait taken?

Last Answer : Why not? I took my own of my son and took them ALL the time. Yes, that’s him in the avatar.

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Last Answer : Babies have very blurred vision when born then gradually start to see things how we see them .

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Last Answer : All you need is a cake, camera and family. Let the little one have at it with the cake and take many pictures!

Description : Why do babies like to bounce?

Last Answer : little babies like anything womblike. they like to be bounced gently because its how they moved thru the world in utero. they like shushing sounds and hearbeat sounds because that's what the world sounded like in ... baby on the block,' and it all did wonders for my nephew when he was an infant.

Description : Is it true that when a woman spends time around babies, it increases her fertility?

Last Answer : Most clinics have this information or you can go on line in AOL'S research and Learn to find out more. It does happen, not always, but it does happen. I always wondered what made a woman fertale. Emma ... talk to or info on this. And for some reason it is something to do with a womans hormons!!!

Description : What are some resources to help stay at home moms teach their babies?

Last Answer : answer:I love this site. Both my kids had 40+ signs by the time they were 12 months old. Neither use them much now because it is easier to talk. But we are convinced this set them ... made them happier babies because they could communicate with us. http://commtechlab.msu.edu/Sites/aslweb/browser.htm

Description : How do babies know when not to produce faecal matter?

Last Answer : answer:it is called the Umbilical cord EVERYTHING goes in and out of your body through that until your born. Did you think the fecal matter was just stored up until you were born and then you dropped a gigantic bowel movement? (it’s called your belly button in layman’s terms.)

Description : What percentage of babies are born on their due date and how accurate is the due date anyway?

Last Answer : I was informed by my wife’s ob/gyn that only 5% of women give birth on their projected due date. Our baby girl is due July 5th, but we’re shootin’ for the fourth.

Description : Do you think people should be permitted to have "designer babies"?

Last Answer : As soon as we have designer babies, we’ll have knockoff designer babies that won’t be worth as much.

Description : What are some websites that let you have and take care of a virtual babies?

Last Answer : Google search

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Last Answer : Guy here, but just be careful with any cramps or other symptoms. The Mirena has been subject to a lot of lawsuits. I have no idea how justified, but the lawyers are having a field day with it. I don’t mean to scare you, so hopefully a bunch of jellies will tell me I’m wrong.

Description : Do you think world has become too much competitive?

Last Answer : answer:What do you mean? Competition naturally exist because resources are limited. We have been competing with other species and among our own species for as we existed as a species. ... long as people derive satisfaction in their participation, and most importantly, it serves financial purpose.

Description : Does separating people into generations (Gen X, Baby Boomers) tell us anything about the country/world?

Last Answer : No, it is only another way to record the passage of time. Each generation has its heroes and its goats.

Description : Why are child genuis only revealed to the world once they are older? Why are their earlier extraodinary developments never really recorded eg child started talking age 4months etc?

Last Answer : I wouldnt say a child COULDN'T talk at 6 months old, but it's unlikely (in my opinion) that any 6 month old would be able to tell the doc they had an inner infection. Would the even know ... maybe there are kids out there who have the intelligence and woids to do just about anything. I hope so. BB

Description : What happens when a newborn infant's parents can't agree on a name?

Last Answer : When the nurse comes in, if the father isn’t there, the Mom makes the call. My daughter had to deal with this issue. She just waited till the time was right.

Description : Do you think US Government Cabinet Members should be able to take long maternity or paternity leave?

Last Answer : I have now idea what Pete Buttigieg is doing or not - it's none of my damned business. Although being an intelligent and conscientous guy, my guess is that he is probably on email and phone calls each ... the right and option to take this sort of time. Do you think, @JLeslie that they are slaves?

Description : Would you drink alcohol when caring for an infant?

Last Answer : No, I definitely would want to be as clear headed as I could be. I imagine it takes much energy, and experience, to take care of them. Washing, poo, pee, feeding, etc. And I’ve seen on YouTube recently how they can harm you, sometimes unintentionally. One hit with their trunk and you’re dead meat.

Description : How do you help your baby and school aged children to sleep better/longer?

Last Answer : Ambien? Note: I don’t have children. I didn’t realize you have kids @flo.

Description : Is Q dead?

Last Answer : He is a dybbuk inhabiting the body of Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Description : If the Grim Reaper existed, would there not have to be millions of them?

Last Answer : Like pretty much all religious references to gods and other figures representing concepts and archetypes, the grim reaper is not a literal figure, except in overly-literal representations in art and parody, ... the state after a body dies, and yes certainly those occur in proportion to the dying.