What is the strong, fruitlike flavor in Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat ****?

1 Answer

Answer :

Cherry if I’m not mistaken

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Last Answer : Boy, do I have a head cold! It took me a while to figure out what kind of caper you were on! I had one recipe for a cold roast beef that had a caper mustard sauce; I thought the capers added some color and flavor. Still probably have some in a jar from 20 years ago.

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Last Answer : answer:Disclaimer: I have never made this recipe, nor have I cooked with beer. Based on my experience with making dough, if you need it to be cold, it's so that the dough stays firm, and usually ... , I think it doesn't matter whether the beer is cold or at room temperature, or somewhere in between.

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Last Answer : Here is a recipe for BBQ chicken made with beer in the pressure cooker. Sounds delicious!

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Last Answer : Isn’t there already yeast in the beer? I thought that was the point.

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Last Answer : Worcestershire sauce and some spicy mustard.

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Last Answer : In my experience there hasn’t been much difference other than it just tastes… wheatier. I’ve made pasta, pizza dough, and pancakes with it. I’m not sure what kind I used.

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Last Answer : Good question. I don’t use either one in my bread recipes. I think it has a lot to do with feeding the yeast for a better rise in the bread since WW tends to not rise the same as white.

Description : How many times have you gazed at a sunset so far?

Last Answer : Hundreds probably.

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Last Answer : Refraction from thunderstorm clouds. The best sunsets are before and after thunderstorms, probably due to moisture in the air, which also makes rainbows. Smoke colors them too. Angle of the light accounts for ... . 1 2 3. They have almost every color imaginable. Haven't you ever seen a sunset?

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Last Answer : Both are,but I like sunsets better.:)

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Last Answer : answer:Sunrise. because, i know at the age of 66, i have survived another day to live. Sunsets are beautiful, but to me, do not have the same meaning.

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Last Answer : It depends on your altitude above sea level and the latitude of your location. At the equator and at sea level, you would have to be traveling slightly over 1000 miles per hour or about Mach 1.4. This is obviously beyond the capability of helicopters.

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Last Answer : Good question! I think that the only way you could tell my photos are all of a sunset is simply because I wouldn't be UP at sunrise taking pictures! I'm thinking that to suggest a sunrise, maybe ... than if you wanted to suggest a sunset ..so, same colors, only slightly darker tones for a sunset ?

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Last Answer : Jeez, I don't have a clue, I was only ever in Houston one time and it was so humid, I didn't breathe through my nose the entire time. Not that it has anything to do with sunsets. But I ... answered anyhow. Now I wonder if my answer will get modded, it's not funny really, it is just considerate!

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Last Answer : I don’t know that it’s been much more than a year since they started using moderators. I only think a couple of people that were modding stopped due to having too many other demands on their time.

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Last Answer : Not sure about the 9th and Irving area (there are many bars there, but I can’t recall one with outdoor seating), but Finnegan’s Wake in Cole Valley (not that much farther) has outdoor seating and is a “divey” place (by Cole Valley standards).

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Last Answer : I heard an interview a few days ago on Fresh Air with Nate Corddry, who plays Tom Jeter on Studio 60. He said that basically the only way the show is coming back from hiatus is if the ... whether the show gets cancelled. Its a sad situation for a pretty good, if sometimes unevenly written show.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : (a) The compass direction of Sunset point from the settlement of Anadra is South-East. (b) The drainage pattern in grid square 2315 is Radial. (c) There is a dry Nadi' flowing ... area is covered with forests, steep slopes attract people for mountaineering, sunset point and cave dwelling etc.

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Last Answer : Yes, you can make a sunset in a cup of milk. The same orange and red pattern of colors that you see when the sun goes down can be created in your cup of milk if you set up the situation ... of watery milk. No dyes have been added to this cup. Public Domain Image, source: Christopher S. Baird.

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Last Answer : Sunrise and sunset can be seen from Kuakata beach

Description : Why does the sky look red at sunrise and sunset ?

Last Answer : The sky looks red at sunrise and sunset because the wavelength of red light is longer.

Description : So in the photo. Imagine a summer, beautiful landscape with a hill and there are also dormitories. I can see half the sun over that hill. How do I know if it's coming out or getting fit?

Last Answer : if we omit the visual experience, sunset / sunrise is a story (specifically movement). therefore, it is not possible to determine in one direction in which direction the sun is moving on the horizon, ... the direction of movement (we can also find out, for example, speed or trajectory). (tuxedo)

Description : When it is written that the sun will set at 9/2 pm does it mean that it will start setting or that it will be dark?

Last Answer : Sunset is the moment when the sun's disk falls below the horizon of the observation point, the sun's disk cannot be observed. Civil twilight is a time interval that lasts from sunset to the position of ... twilight does not reach the end point, as it begins to dawn rather than full night. (tuxedo)

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Last Answer : Quite a difficult question! In some psycho-analysis during our college days we were asked if we liked sunset or a sunrise more. While the sunrise used to reflect optimism and positivity, the ... , my dear, and continue with your beautiful, poetic thoughts and their wonderful articulation.

Description : Is it safe to look at the sun at sunset?

Last Answer : It is, if you don't stare at it for too long, no longer than a few minutes. The risk of damaging your eyes increases if you use magnifying devices such as binoculars or even mobile phone camera. Of course ... and your eyes will be fine, but I'd recommend not doing it just to be on the safe side.

Description : How would you know if a photograph is of a sunset or a sunrise?

Last Answer : Well this is a hard one. I am a photographer and when I photograph sunrises and sunsets I usually try to have something in the image for the viewer to know if possible. Generally the main thing ... have sent out throughout that day, which honestly is bad but it makes for the most beautiful sunsets.

Description : What direction does the sunset during the spring equinox?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Why is it important to johnny that dally sees a sunset?

Last Answer : So that the sun may be able to cool Dally down a bit and he maybe able to get over Jhonny's death

Description : Who are the characters of the story in SUNSET BY PAZ LATORENA?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How does latitude affect sunrise and sunset time?

Last Answer : latitude affects sunrise and sunset times because the Moon pushes it towards the sun causing more rays to direct at the Earth. thats how they say the world were in ... were only A COUPLE THOUSAND METERS from the sun eventually it will cook us like cooking steak in an oven

Description : Why doesn't the summer solstice have the earliest sunrise or latest sunset of the year?

Last Answer : It's supposed to be the longest day of the year, right? What gives?

Description : August 12 is the beginning of a new year according to the Mayan calendar. Which Teotihuacán pyramid faces the sunset on August 12?

Last Answer : It is the pyramid of the sun!

Description : Blue colour of the sky and red colour of sunset is due to

Last Answer : Ans. Dispersion

Description : The sun appears red at sunrise and sunset while it appears white at noon because of _____ A. Refraction B. It is cooler at sunrise and at sunset C. Diffraction leading to red end of the spectrum reaching the earth D. Scattering of light due to dust particles and air molecules

Last Answer : ANSWER: D

Description : The reddish hue of the Sun at sunset is due to the fact that (a) Sunlight is polarized horizontally when scattered by molecules of the atmosphere (b) Light of short wavelength is ... than light of long wavelength (d) Sunlight is polarized vertically when scattered by molecules of the atmosphere

Last Answer : Ans:(b)

Description : Transpiration is mainly effective during ______. (1) Day (2) Early evening (3) Just after sunset (4) Night

Last Answer : (4) Night Explanation: While the effect of root pressure in transport of water is more important at night, Transpiration is important during the day when the stomata are open. Thus, transpiration pull becomes the major driving force in the movement of water in the xylem during daytime.

Description : Even after sunset, the air near the Earth's surface continue to receive heat due to – (1) Insolation (2) Terrestrial Radiation (3) Conduction (4) Convection

Last Answer : (2) Terrestrial Radiation Explanation: Even after the sunset when the sun goes down, the incoming radiation from the sun stops, but there is still a lot of radiation that has been absorbed ... i.e. terrestrial radiation heats up the atmosphere more than the incoming solar radiation i.e. insolation

Description : Sun appears red in colour at sun-rise and sunset due to – (1) the fact that sun emits only red colour at that time (2) red light having longer wave length scatters away (3) that sun Comes out of the mountains (4) that all other colours scatter away except red

Last Answer : (4) that all other colours scatter away except red Explanation: According to Rayleigh's law, the intensity of scattered light varies inversely as the fourth power of its wavelength. Sunlight consists of ... have to travel a larger part of the atmosphere because they are very close to the horizon.

Description : Which of the following is not caused by atmospheric refraction of light? (1) Sun appearing red at sunset (2) Twinkling of stars at night (3) Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is (4) Sun becoming visible two or three minutes before actual sunrise

Last Answer : (3) Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is Explanation: The twinkling of stars and variation in size of the Sun are due to atmospheric refraction of light. Besides, refraction is also ... higher or lower in the sky due to the changing position of the Earth relative to the Sun.

Description : The redness in atmosphere at Sunrise and Sunset is due to – (1) Refraction of light (2) Reflection of light (3) Dispersion of light (4) Scattering of light

Last Answer : (4) Scattering of light Explanation: The red colour in the sky at sunset (and sunrise) is due to an effect called Rayleigh scattering. At sunrise or sunset, since the Sun is low on the horizon, ... through more of the atmosphere - and therefore bounce off more molecules -than at other times of day.

Description : Early sunrise and late sunset is due to?

Last Answer : Refraction of light

Description : The Sun appears red at sunset and sunrise. Why?

Last Answer : Ans: The sun appears red at the time of sunset and sunrise due to the scattering of light by small particles of dust or smoke near the surface of the earth. The light travels relatively without hindrance that is why the sun appears red at the time of sunset and sunrise.

Description : Why does the Sun appears orange-red at the time of Sunrise and Sunset.

Last Answer : The earth's dust, gas and air particles scatter the sun's light in different directions. Violet light has a peculiar property due to which it gets scattered the most. Red light gets scattered the least. At ... earth. Since red is scattered the least, it is this colour that we see as it reaches us.

Description : The sun appears red at sunrise and sunset while it appears white at noon, because A. Of refraction B. It is cooler at sunrise and at sunset C. Of diffraction leading to red end of the spectrum reaching the earth. D. Of Scattering of light due to dust particles and air molecules?

Last Answer : C. Of diffraction leading to red end of the spectrum reaching the earth.

Description : Which of the following firms would most likely have a monopoly for its competitive environment? A)Sunset Cablevision B)Montgomery Transport C)Post Office Parcel Services D)Telecom Car Phones E)Dorset Lawn Care

Last Answer : A)Sunset Cablevision

Description : Just before sunset Veena and Zeba were talking to each other standing face-toface. If Veena sees Zeba’s shadow to be exactly towards the right of Zeba, which direction was Veena facing? (1) South (2) North (3) East (4) North-East

Last Answer : (1) South