What do people currently think of Obama?

1 Answer

Answer :

He is disappointing. Not horribly. But disappointing nonetheless.

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Last Answer : answer:After years of G.W. Bush, there were many that wanted change. 9/11 started a war that cost trillions of dollars and many lives. The economy went to hell. (not necessarily W's fault, ... . So, while the Republicans offered more of the same , Obama offered something different; hope and change.

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Last Answer : answer:People who have never been charged with any crime and who have no prospect of being released. This might be stupid, but I don’t know a whole lot about Guantanamo Bay. If they haven’t been convicted of a crime, why are they there?

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Last Answer : “Republic”.

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Last Answer : Next Jan. About the 15th. Check your listings when the time comes.

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Last Answer : Oh yeah. That’s a good way to put it. Puts me in mind of the Man in the Iron Mask.

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Last Answer : “We” have? I thought you were Canadian.

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Last Answer : Many people like the green patina, or verdigris, that copper takes on over time due to oxidation, but didn't we give her a face lift back in 86? I think the plan is to give her a ... -which of course they won't. She will be one hundred years older and probably require more structural replacement.

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Last Answer : answer:All is well on Oahu. Madeline missed this island, and Lester will dump a bunch of rain, but we'll be okay. Thank you for asking. Aloha Friday of a long weekend! Someone needs to start ... pancakes. I have haupia cream sauce and chopped macadamia nuts for them. (Haupia is made from coconuts.)

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Last Answer : No, he’s using doublespeak

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Last Answer : The disaster won’t be the speech. The disaster will be doing the talking.

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Last Answer : That was the sound of her defeating Trump.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm more of an anyone but Hillary guy. I voted for Bernie in the primary. Who knows what Trump will or will not do if elected? But I know for sure that if Trump is elected then ... etc. In the grand scheme my vote for Trump will be meaningless because I live in very liberal Washington State.

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Last Answer : answer:The dude from the Netflix show. Don’t sue the cops unless you are willing to move.

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Last Answer : answer:I’m watching. If you are curious about a empty seat this might explain it.

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Last Answer : answer:Definitions are required especially in politics what does ‘truly’ mean? what does ‘free’ mean? Without agreed-upon measures, how can this be discussed?

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Last Answer : Lawful neutral alignment. Or true neutral.

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Last Answer : answer:According to Google he is a Republican. Military officials generally join up with the GOP if they enter politics, and Petraeus is indeed registered as a Republican. A 2012 run would be unlikely. Anyone ... chief. I can't see myself in any position where I would ever vote for a Republican.