What can the public and US citizens do to make us more secure?

1 Answer

Answer :

You can only be so safe before you impair your ability to enjoy life. However as your question is legitimate, I should answer with a legitimate response. I think that not only cutting down on firearm restrictions, but encouraging private possession of firearms will bring about a large drop in violent crime rates.

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Last Answer : answer:Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia. Yes, I really love the Orwell references tonight.

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Last Answer : I’m happy. He was evil.

Description : Is this true? OsaBin down?

Last Answer : Looks like we’ll know soon. Shot in the head by U.S. forces?

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Last Answer : In a religion that quotes from its Holy Scriptures, in this case the Quran, how its ok to beat women… what do you expect? See here and adjacent videos.

Description : How quick would you expect wikipedia to be updated?

Last Answer : answer:Wikipedia is updated by the masses, edited by few. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:FAQ/Overview

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Last Answer : answer:The people who’ve been telling them to do it. To whom does a martyr bring victory? (Or, if ‘victory’ isn’t the right word: who benefits from martyrdom? It certainly isn’t the martyr, corporeally speaking.)

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Last Answer : This issue is complex and from what I’ve read and educated myself on, I side with Palestine most of the time but I completely agree with you that there have been innocent lives lost on both sides and there should be an outcry for Israelis that died as well.

Description : Victim of terrorism, what should I do?

Last Answer : Terrorism? At best this is vandalism with racist harassment. Anyways, call the pigs police.

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Last Answer : answer:Your question is so bias and racist against white people its funny. A German diplomat? They would have laughed. The white man makes a fool of himself again. Profiling? We all know ... international security. It is more important to respect everyone equally then save lives from bombs. :D

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Last Answer : The Unabomber? I don’t think anyone deserves a bomb delivered in the mail just for being a junk mail sender.

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Last Answer : answer:Oh now that is funny as hell. I once said that, if I was a terrorist and was plotting some destruction, I would recruit average white citizens to do the job. I would avoid people who ... true. I doubt that it exists everywhere, in every police district or other authority, but it does exist.

Description : Has terrorism ever succeeded in it's goal to deter a people from their beliefs?

Last Answer : Arguably, terrorism was part of what kept the USSR intact from 1917 until 1989. Arguably terrorism rid Turkey of it's Armenian problem. Arguable Mao Tse Tung imposed a government on the entire, ... with Germany 1n 1943-45. Arguably, terrorism forced the French out of Algeria and French Indo-China.

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Last Answer : Sendero Luminoso is still quite active – they killed a number of people in 2009. That being said, if you stay near the tourist haunts and the cities you will likely be fine.

Description : Can we win the war on terror?

Last Answer : No. It is always something. Like a cold or a virus.

Description : Anyone want to join me in saying "YAY" to the Dutch?

Last Answer : I said before and I will say again—everything you see in the terminal is nonsense, and meant for show only. That’s only the appearance of security, and in no way is it real security. It’s supposed to make you feel good, and apparently it’s working for you.

Description : Why is a terrorist, a terrorist?

Last Answer : In my police department, we profile each traffic violator we stop. this is done for a reason. then why should airplane passengers not be profiled? in this case, profiling for the safety of ... are followers. they are brainwashed into believing a just cause for the benefit of one individual person.

Description : Why did President Obama pardon the mastermind of the USS Cole bombing?

Last Answer : Mr. President… you got esplainin to do.

Description : Which is the most popular, and funny, terrorist organization?

Last Answer : You mean popular, in the high-school cheerleader sense? Definitely Al Qaida. Funny, not so much.

Description : Why did so many Americans, openly financially support the IRA, when they are now so against other forms of TERRORISM.

Last Answer : Can you give an example?