Why do people get sick more often in the winter?

1 Answer

Answer :

Being cold reduces your body’s resistance to germs.

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Description : Kenahora: How many of you made it through the 2012/2013 winter without getting sick?

Last Answer : You are so lucky. I have been in and out of the doctor’s office all winter. I have had the flu, bronchitis, sinus infections, colds, and quite a few bouts of tonsillitis. I think there has only been about a week where I haven’t been ill.

Description : Seems like I get sick every winter why is this?

Last Answer : I’ve read that human respiratory passages get drier during cold weather and therefore become more susceptible to infection.

Description : Is there a correlation between being sick and getting a head rush more easily?

Last Answer : answer:Swine flu strikes again. Just kidding but several people here with swine flu are complaining of head pain, piercing ear pains and similar.

Description : Is it possible to get "more" sick?

Last Answer : answer:You are certainly stacking the odds against yourself. Consider that you might not have the same EXACT virus. Unlikely, but possible. If it were me, I would throw some distance between me and my SO and ... of Chlorox wipes (for doorknobs, phones, faucets, etc ...not the SO ha ha) Good luck.

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Last Answer : Are you an adult?

Description : Are home schooled adults sick more often?

Last Answer : A lot of home-schooled kids are exposed to lots of pathogens. They still play with other kids, all the neighborhood kids have all the school germs and expose the other kids. Homeschooled kids also ... . (I did the homeschooling thing for awhile. There wasn't extra sickness from being in school)

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Last Answer : Because previous employees have lied and cheated the employer by calling in sick when they were not really sick. The employer has a business to run and he can't easily adjust to the whims of people ... sick employee comes to work, he ends up infecting other employees, who in turn get sick. Dumb

Description : Did drinking an energy drink as a kid temporarily make me sick?

Last Answer : Damn. It sounds like you got some Jolt cola. I would never let a kid under 13 even have a sip. Yes, a child that little could have a strong reaction to that type of drink. It sounds like the situation traumatised you. I’m so sorry.

Description : If you don't have a lot of money and are sick -- what do you need?

Last Answer : You don’t need a lot for a cold except to stay warm, rest and ride it out. If sleeping is a real problem at night buy some OTC Nyquil. It’s just a bad cold, no need to spend a lot of money on it.

Description : Is it true that when an alcoholic stops drinking suddenly that he would get sick?

Last Answer : Yes, withdrawal can be deadly. It can cause uncontrolled seizures and all sorts of scary things.

Description : What could make my mom sick so long?

Last Answer : Definitely get a second opinion.

Description : Is this a sunburn fever? Or from being sick?

Last Answer : Could be a combo of both. But if it isn’t going down, it probably has more to do with your illness. Go get it checked out. You may have something more serious than a bug. I’m sure heat exhaustion simply lowered your immune system and viruses are opportunistic little bastards.

Description : Should I take part in a triathlon while sick?

Last Answer : answer:It sounds like no matter what, you can’t get your money back, so the risk here is your health and whether or not you would be able to finish the race. Can you make this call Friday morning?

Description : How sick can someone get because of stress?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, all that. The body is pretty good at manifesting illness in response to emotional or mental stress. That’s why many people look to traumatic childhoods as a factor in heart disease and cancer. So yes, a stressful event can cause a “stress flu”.

Description : Is my dog sick?

Last Answer : We used to clip our sheltie in the summer to keep her comfortable, and her dense coat would grow back again by winter. But when she got very old (17), her coat never really grew back after that ... is caused by new hairs pushing out the old ones, I guess that would stall the shedding process, too.

Description : Anyone know what I could be sick with?

Last Answer : Have you called your doctor’s office with this complaint? This could be an atypical reaction to one of the vaccines you had.

Description : Help me convince my brother that he is still sick? (Please see details)

Last Answer : answer:“the nurse didn’t want him getting anyone sick.” If he doesn’t get that the school sent him home to prevent viral spread, I don’t know what would get through to him. School prefers you’re present to learn. They send you home when you’re unwell or contagious.

Description : I've been sick with something since the 26th. How long does the flu last?

Last Answer : answer:The flu runs a week or more. But since it's been 4 days so, far, if it is still bad tomorrow, go see the Doctor tomorrow. If it is a respiratory infection, you'll be having labored ... you'll probably have pretty strong sinus headache. Plus a fever. Go to the doctor tomorrow, not next Monday.

Description : Will taking Vitamin C help make me feel better? I am sick.

Last Answer : It wont make you feel worse, although to much vitamin C can cause tummy upsets but 2000 I don’t think is to much – Elderberry is quite good for when you are sickly as well – just remember to drink lots of water and eat well, it will pass, just look after your self!

Description : Can I get sick from drinking coffee in which a fly has laid dead for at least an hour?

Last Answer : Anything is possible. But it is highly unlikely (you eat insect parts in your processed food all the time).

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Last Answer : For what it’s worth it does the same to my stomach. I don’t know why. Same old causes of stress?

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Last Answer : Perhaps this will help?

Description : Why can't my sister stop coughing/being sick?

Last Answer : Where do you live?

Description : Why do I always feel weak when I am sick?

Last Answer : Your body is busy doing its best to fight off your illness and using all its energy working toward that goal. Don’t overexert yourself; chill out and watch a movie or something, or better yet, go back to bed.

Description : How sick would someone get if one were to put 3 drops of Visine in a half gallon of orange juice?

Last Answer : Ummm, I have no clue? Why do you ask? Maybe it would be diluted by the orange juice..

Description : Why do our symptoms worsen at night when we are sick?

Last Answer : This may or may not be accurate, but I’ve always been told that your body temperature goes up in the evening and that can make you feel worse, especially if you have a fever.

Description : Is it normal for your ears to pop..... all the time ? Even if you aren't sick... ?

Last Answer : It's a sinus thing. Since it's hayfever season, it's pretty likely that you have more mucus than usual running around in your sinuses. You might live somewhere that leads to sinus issues, or maybe your ... active. But unless you have other sinus issues, there's probably not a whole lot they can do.

Description : I feel I'm getting Sick again, Does anyone have advice for sore throats or colds ?

Last Answer : I had a girlfriend who was a singer and she swore by hot tea with lemon and honey.

Description : Is it healthy to run when you are feeling sick?

Last Answer : You’re probably fine (maybe do some lighter workouts), unless you’ve got chest congestion (running could make it worse) or vomiting/diarrhea (staying hydrated is important for getting better and running will not help) in which case you should get better first.

Description : Why do kids make me sick easier?

Last Answer : Kids are germ vectors. Seriously, it is a coincidence probably. The only thing I can think is kids touch everything and climb all over adults, so their germs are everywhere, but you said even when ... the card playing group caught the cold more often than just simply breathing in the sick air.

Description : Why go to work sick?

Last Answer : I get paid hourly with no sick time, so if I’m not really sick, I go to work.

Description : Best way to regain your energy after being sick?

Last Answer : Come to Philadelphia.~

Description : Dog won't eat but not sick?

Last Answer : Put a little “real” food in his dog food and reduce the amount gradually until its just dog food again.

Description : Why am I sick all the time?

Last Answer : Has any doctor looked into the possibility of psychosomatic disorders?

Description : I'm starting to get sick! What can I do to ward it off?

Last Answer : Rest; Fluids; Chicken broth/soup; Vitamin C; Echinacea; take decongestants and advil; keep your germs to yourself.

Description : Should they add to the CDC warning if you are sick and work in a supermarket stay home?

Last Answer : I'm confused, she was touching the raw meat? She was not wearing gloves? I wouldn't be concerned about the germs, since you're cooking the meat and I doubt they can live on a pork chop. It's the ... have a cold in general, but I don't think you can get sick from her touching the meat like that.

Description : Why do I get sick every time the weather fluctuates?

Last Answer : A good guess, based on what you describe, is sinus issues. The barometric pressure fluctuates with the weather. For some of us, it can mean sinus pressure resulting in headaches, stuffed head, etc. ... use it before dealing with the pressure changes of diving?) Welcome to the collective, by the way.

Description : What to do when sick?

Last Answer : What will he drink? Caffeinated soft drinks make you feel better (clear sinuses etc) and also hydrate you.

Description : Is alcohol bad for you when you are sick?

Last Answer : What kind of sick? I just had surgery two days ago and am treating myself to a glass of Pinot and a vicodin and I feel fine. I think they may interfere with antibiotics, though. I think in most cases a ... not a doctor so I probably have no idea what I am talking about. In fact I know I don't.

Description : How do I know the difference between being sick with a cold and having allergies? How do I treat these two things differently?

Last Answer : You see an ENT doctor.

Description : Will a flu shot make me sick?

Last Answer : Discussed a bit: http://www.fluther.com/disc/22988/flu-shot-help-or-hype/ Note therein that shilolo works professionally with infectious diseases (or something requiring a hazmat suit) and he explains quite a bit.

Description : Does a sauna do anything beneficial when you're sick?

Last Answer : Is your sore throat from allergies or illness? If you have strep you need to go to the Dr. Left untreated, strep can turn into Scarlett Fever and it can damage your heart. If it is just a cold my Dr ... bacteria. I have never tried it but loke I said he swears it will help. Hope you feel better :0)

Description : can going outside with a wet head get you sick?

Last Answer : answer:It’s not a direct link, since colds and flu are caused by viruses, not cold wet hair; but there’s a possibility that going out with cold wet hair makes you more susceptible to those viruses. If this is because of a fight with your mother, give in now.

Description : What is the recommendation for working out while sick?

Last Answer : Doing a hard workout while coming down with something can make you more sick. I would suggest doing something light but static like yoga, followed by a sit in a Sauna.

Description : Exercising while sick: good idea or bad idea?

Last Answer : A bad idea, I think. You need rest to heal up and get well. Exercising probably won’t help too much, you’ll end up feeling worse. This said, if it’s only a mild sore throat, what’s the worst that can happen? (Professional opinion required.)

Description : What do you do when you feel so sick you can't really concentrate let alone sleep?

Last Answer : Take some paracetomol, make yourself a hot chocolate and ride it out. A warm pack on your stomach might help. :)

Description : How soon can I return to working out after being sick?

Last Answer : I would just go with how you feel. Start small and work your way back to your regular ruitine.

Description : Do you often get sick when you are winding down for a holiday?

Last Answer : No. I think you get sick because you exhaust yourself before the holiday. Get more sleep, don’t touch your face, and wash your hands when you touch things other people have touched. Stay away from sick people if you can.

Description : What would cause someone to be sick so often?

Last Answer : Maybe you need to build your immune system. Take some vitamins and try to eat more fruits and veggies.

Description : Give reason: a) Soda bottles are often labelled “store in cool and dry place”. b) Balloons pops out during hot summer more frequently than in winter. c) During winter football filled with air reduces to its original size when taken outdoors.

Last Answer : a) Soda bottles are often labelled store in cool and dry place . The carbon dioxide filled in soda bottles on exposure to heat, expands because the gas inside the bottle expands as temperature ... . When football is taken out, its temperature decreases so the volume to gas filled also decreases.